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Document Post Request Form

To All CFO Staff,

In an effort to improve the procedures for supporting the CFO Website we have added a "Document Posting Request form" to the features of the site.

Please complete this form and select "submit" to e-mail it to the CFO Webmaster at We will be asking you to coordinate your requests within your organizations and indicate that the Branch or Division Chief has reviewed and approved the request. Your request will be assign a Document Request Control number. Keep track of this number, this is the document number that we will refer to when corresponding about your request.

Be sure to fill in all fields. We need all information to process your request. If you leave any required fields blank, this form will be returned to you for completion.

  • If you are requesting additional link/s to a particular web page, you must include a paragraph leading to the new link and the exact location on the page for the new link/s along with the URL.
  • If you need to add or modify/replace a file on the CFO Website please send an additional e-mail after receiving your Document Control number. The subject line of this e-mail must be the Document Request Control number that you were assign. Be sure that the file is in its final form ready for publication. After completing this e-mail send it to the CFO Web-Master at with the corresponding document attached.
  • File formats accepted are:

    • WordPerfect
    • Text
    • HTM/HTML
    • Quattro Pro
    • Corel Presentation
    • PDF
    • MS PowerPoint
    • MS Word
    • MS Excel
    • Lotus Suite

The CFO Webmaster will return a Document Control number within one business day. Then the Webmaster will correspond with you on such items as clarification of information and to ask for a review of the modification.

Upon the final approval of the division chief the page(s) will be published to the operational site within one business day.

If you need assistance with this, please contact Loly Brandes at 713-1381 x142 and she will be glad to assist.

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Page Author: NWS Internet Services Team
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Page last modified: 07-Sep-2005 9:01 AM
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