Answer to Your Question

What types of telehealth services can I offer?

There are several clinical telehealth services you can offer, including:

  • Live, interactive video consultation: uses videoconferencing technology to facilitate a patient visit with both physician and patient present at the same time.
  • Store-and-forward consultation: captures information at patient site to be analyzed and evaluated by a physician at another site.
  • Hybrid consultation: uses components of live, interactive video consultation and store-and-forward consultations.1

You may also be interested in using telehealth technology for non-clinical telehealth services, such as:

  • Provider training
  • Administrative meetings
  • Continuing medical education
  • Patient education
  • Public health and health administration

For more information on the types of telehealth services you can offer, see the following resources.


  1. Telehealth Resource Centers. ”Types of Telemedicine Specialty Consultation Services.“ External Links Disclaimer

Implementing EHRs – Continuing Quality Improvement

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