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Earth Day Survey Shows Eco-conscious Companies are Growing on Job Seekers

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In celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd, TheLadders released a new survey revealing that job seekers go for the green when making a decision about their future employer. In fact, when offered two equal job opportunities, 72 percent of candidates would choose the more eco-conscious company versus 10 percent who said that they would not. Less than a fifth (18 percent) said it would not influence their decision. TheLadders surveyed more than 100 professionals in the following industries: construction, education, engineering, finance, human resources, law, marketing, medical/science, operations, real estate, sales and technology.

TheLadders Earth Day survey also revealed other key learnings:

  • Less than half (48 percent ) of the respondents consider their most recent company to be green, 35 percent said they work for a company that is not green, and 17 percent are not sure.

  • Working for a green company is important to 87 percent of respondents in varying degrees — extremely important (28 percent), very important (30 percent), moderately important (22 percent) and slightly important (7 percent) — whereas only 13 percent find it not important.

  • Workers are willing to go green for a change. Most employees (75 percent) are willing to change their daily routine if their recent company provided them with small incentives to be green. Only a quarter (25 percent) was resistant.

Source: TheLadders; www.theladders.com.

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