
U.S. Congressman Bill Posey


The public has a strong interest in government accountability and rightly so. There's always room for more sunshine and transparency in the halls and offices of our government. Whether we're talking about votes in Congress or wasteful government spending, accountability is important to the integrity of our system of self-government. ??

With such a massive debt accumulating on the backs of American taxpayers, out of control spending and the unprecedented growth in the size and scope of government there is greater need now more than ever for transparency and accountability.

Transparency in Congress – The U.S. House of Representatives adopted Rep Posey’s proposal to require at least 72-hours of availability before legislation can be considered in the House. Also adopted was his proposal for timely posting of committee votes so that Members can no longer hide their committee votes from the public.

Accountability for Washington – A full accountability must be given so that government bureaucrats are required to be forthcoming with the public about their decisions. And, costly regulations should be forced to have an up or down vote in the Congress, which will keep regulators accountable to the Congress and the American people. Passage of the REINS Act (H.R. 10) which Rep Posey has cosponsored is a key in bringing this accountability.

Leading by Example – Rep. Posey strongly believes in leading by example. He has cut his own office budget by more than $500,000 over the past 3 years, worked to block Congressional pay raises since coming to Congress in 2009, introduced legislation to end the special death gratuity for Members of Congress, and voted to reform and cut Congressional pensions.

Spending Accountability – One way government can begin to sort out the mess and regain control of government spending is through Activity-Based Total Accountability (ABTA). ABTA is a method of activity based full cost accounting with three primary functions. It serves as an accountability tool, a budgeting tool and a policy-making tool helping to best understand, plan and utilize financial resources. 

To learn more about how ABTA can help bring about accountability, visit the Florida Institute of Technology’s Activity-Based Total Accountability Institute.


Related Documents:

Press Releases - House Passes Posey Legislation to Curb Overregulation 7.26.2012

Press Releases - Posey: Omnibus Bill Falls Short of Curtailing Out-of-Control Spending 12.16.2011

Press Releases - House Passes Legislation to Restore Accountability for High Cost Regulations 12.7.2011

Press Releases - Rep. Posey's Statement on the Balanced Budget Amendment 11.18.2011

Legislation - Eliminating the payment of death gratuities for deceased Members of Congress (H.R.3127) 10.14.2011

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Related Files:

Coburn-McCain Stimulus Spending Report

Letter to the SEC on Climate Change Regulations

Posey Gives Pay Raise to Public Debt Reduction

Fed AIG Transparency Letter