
Exterior of Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections LibraryThe Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library holds more than 16 million objects including manuscripts, archival records, rare books, maps, broadsides, photographs, audio and video recordings and more. Collections are particularly strong in American and British literature, the history of Virginia and the southeastern United States, the history and archives of the University of Virginia, sporting books and manuscripts, World War I, bibliography and book arts (including fine press books, pop-up books, and typography).

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  • marionT

    The Marion duPont Scott Sporting Collection

    Marion duPont Scott (1894-1983) was an internationally renowned Virginia horse breeder and owner of Montpelier, James Madison’s Orange County home. A great-granddaughter of the founder of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Mrs. Scott grew up at Montpelier. For a time, she was married to Hollywood actor Randolph Scott. She owned and bred [...]