Today's Military:

Military Glossary

MEPS: Security and Background Check (01:40)

All applicants undergo a background check and fingerprinting at MEPS. In addition, biometric scanning is now used to ensure the security of applicants and their personal information.

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Department of Defense

Every applicant who goes through MEPS is given an FBI-level background check. MEPS staff will also ask applicants a series of questions about their backgrounds, for example, if they have used illegal drugs. It is crucial that applicants answer honestly. Admitting a past offense does not necessarily mean an applicant will be automatically disqualified, but dishonesty does. In some cases, lying at MEPS is a criminal offense.

Applicants are also fingerprinted for their records at MEPS. Additional processing may be required of applicants whose future military job calls for higher security clearance.

Security is of utmost importance at MEPS. A lot of personal information is being submitted, and great care is taken to respect applicants’ privacy and protect their identities. Biometric screening has been implemented at all MEPS to increase efficiency and safety.

See All: MEPSEnlisting

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