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Gen. Thurman's statement concerning Osan area incident

General James D. Thurman, UNC/CFC/USFK CG Statement, 7 July 2012

I have received reports about an incident outside Osan Air Base on Thursday.  I am very sorry this occurred. I want to express my sincere apology to the individuals and community affected by the incident.

I have directed a thorough investigation. The individuals involved havebeen suspended from their duties pending the outcome of the investigation.  We will continue to cooperate with the ongoing Korean National Police investigation as we conduct our own investigation.

The Korean people are our good friends and the US-ROK Alliance is very important to us. I am confident that the 7th Air Force Commander will conduct this investigation in a deliberate and detailed manner.

I want to emphasize that we respect the Korean people and we will continue to work closely with the community as we look into the facts of this matter.