CIO/G-6 RSS feed

About RSS

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a XML file format designed to display news from particular Web sites without having to visit the site. You can receive news from any RSS-enabled Web site by subscribing to their RSS feed.

Typically, the feeds are displayed as a series of headlines and brief summaries with links to the source of the full text. Many Web sites offer several RSS feeds for specific sections or channels of their site.

Learn About RSS

RSS on Wikipedia

Podcasts on Wikipedia

RSS/Podcast Readers

Browsers that have RSS Support

How to Subscribe to an RSS Feed

  • 1. Download and set up a RSS reader.
  • 2. Click on the feed link (usually an orange rectangle with the text "RSS" or "XML" in it).
  • 3. Copy the URL of the RSS file and paste the URL into your newsreader.
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