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U.S. Marshals Service

Fact Sheets  

Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System — JPATS

  • The U.S. Marshals’ Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, sometimes called “Con Air,” moves prisoners between judicial districts, correctional institutions and foreign countries.
  • JPATS is one of the largest transporters of prisoners in the world — handling about 977 requests every day.
  • JPATS transports sentenced prisoners who are in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons to hearings, court appearances and detention facilities.
  • A network of aircraft, cars, vans and buses accomplishes these coordinated movements.
  • Detailed itineraries are required to ensure each prisoner appears in court at a designated time.
  • JPATS operates a fleet of aircraft that moves prisoners over long distances more economically and with higher security than commercial airlines.
  • JPATS is the only government-operated, regularly scheduled passenger airline in the nation.
  • JPATS routinely serves approximately 70 domestic and international cities, plus other major cities in the United States on an as-required basis.
  • Nearly all air movements are done aboard large and small jets that JPATS owns or leases.
  • Military and civilian law enforcement agencies are also able to use JPATS to shuttle their prisoners between different jurisdictions at a fraction of what commercial sources would charge.
  • All scheduling is handled at JPATS headquarters in Kansas City, Mo.
  • The air fleet operations center is in Oklahoma City with a hub in Las Vegas.

JPATS FY 2010 Numbers

  • 356,603 federal prisoner movements
  • 206,358 movements by air
  • 150,245 movements by ground


Office of Public Affairs
U.S. Marshals Service Pub. No. 21-G
revised Feb. 15, 2011 is an official site of the U.S. Federal Government, U.S. Department of Justice