Office of Communications

The Office of Communications ensures NTSB's vision and actions are accurately and effectively communicated to congressional stakeholders, victims of transportation accidents and their families, State and local government, the press, and the public. It manages the information flow and coordination with outside individuals and organizations regarding on-going activities and issues concerning the NTSB. The Office provides leadership in how the agency responds and coordinates with Congress, the press, and the public to ensure consistency and accuracy of the strategic positions and issues of the NTSB.

Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Division is responsible for the dissemination of information to the public and is the agency's point of contact for members of the public and the news media.

Government Affairs

The Government Affairs Division responds to oral and written inquiries from Congress and other government entities regarding the NTSB mission.

Safety Advocacy

The Safety Advocacy Division is responsible for developing and implementing advocacy programs to highlight and obtain support for Safety Board recommendations at the State level. This Division also manages Public Hearings and Board Member and staff speeches and presentation activity.

Transportation Disaster Assistance

The Transportation Disaster Assistance Division carries out the Board's statutory responsibilities to coordinate Federal assistance to victims and family members affected by major aviation accidents.

Senior Staff

Thomas Zoeller, Director
Sharon Bryson, Deputy Director
Kelly Nantel, Public Affairs Division Chief
Danielle Roeber, Safety Advocacy Division Chief
Paul Sledzik, Transportation Disaster Assistance Chief


Press Releases
Most Wanted List
Safety Recommendations
Media Resources


National Transportation Safety Board
490 L'Enfant Plaza East, S.W.
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20594
(202) 314-6100 (phone)