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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Volume 2: Attachments (continued)

Attachment 12

I. Appreciative Inquiry Workshop Interview Questions

1. Uncovering Life Giving Forces

One-on-One Interviews:

  1. Tell me about a time in your work when you felt truly inspired. What was the situation? What was the source of your inspiration? Describe how you felt.
  2. What first attracted you to your work and profession? What excited you about this profession?
  3. What do you value most yourself? What do you value most about your work? What do you value most about CERTs and AHRQ's pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?
  4. Thinking back to when you first decided to become involved in the CERTs program and/or pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio, why did you pursue this opportunity? What interested you? What were you most excited about?
  5. What has been the most satisfying aspect of your involvement in the CERTs and the pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?
  6. What do you think is the core life-giving force behind the pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?
  7. What have been the greatest accomplishments of the pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?
  8. What elements or aspects do you hope will never change?

Small Group Debrief and Discussion:

  1. What were the high points shared by your partner during the one-on-one interviews?
  2. What are the common themes across interviews?

2. Identifying and Prioritizing Themes

Large Group Debrief and Exercise:

  1. What were the themes identified in the small groups?
  2. Which of the themes or topics identified in the small groups interest you most and you would like to explore in more detail?

Small Group Theme Discussions (Note: 1. Participants will be asked to select one theme from among those identified in the large group debrief to explore further and encouraged to select a theme where they have some experience and can share informed thoughts and 2. Respondents will be given the below list of question as possible lines of inquiry for each theme, but encouraged to add questions in line with AI principles)

  1. Which partnerships have proven most successful in helping AHRQ, the FDA, and the CERTs program achieve its objectives?
  2. What has been your approach to identifying, managing and working effectively with partners (or as a partner)?
  3. Tell me about a time when you believe research from a particular CERT has benefited from collaboration with an outside group or constituency, such as, patients, providers, government, academia, etc.?
  1. Tell me about a time when the research from one CERT has enhanced the research of another.
  2. In what ways could a center's research be better leveraged in order to better support the portfolio's mission or AHRQ's mission?
  3. What elements of the portfolio's structure, operations, and/or communication have contributed most to collaboration between and among different CERTs and CERTs' researchers?
  4. In what ways does having actual "centers" as opposed to individual researchers contribute to the overall success of the pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?
Coordinating Center
  1. How does the Coordinating Center contribute to the overall success of AHRQ's pharmaceutical outcomes program?
  2. In what ways does it contribute most?
  3. Tell me about a time when the Coordinating Center contributed to the quality of the research generated by a CERTs program? What were the circumstances? What was the Coordinating Center's role?
  4. How does the Coordinating Center enhance the quality and/or dissemination of research?
  5. How does the Coordinating Center contribute to collaboration across different CERTs and between different CERTs and outside partners?
  6. What techniques/tools or methods that the Coordinating Center uses do you think work particularly well in terms of communicating with and across different CERTs?
  1. What CERTs-related research project or study are you most proud of? Why? What factors contributed to its success?
  2. What has been the greatest impact that the CERTs program has had on advancing the use of drugs, medical devices and/or biological products?
  3. Tell me about a time when a CERT's research has led to a measurable positive outcome in terms of increased awareness? What factors contributed to its success?
  4. Tell me about a time when a CERT's research has led to better practice. What factors contributed to its success?
  5. What has been the pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio's greatest impact on public policy? Please be specific about the policy, the method by which the program informed or influenced the policy, etc. Why do you think the impact was so significant in this particular instance?
  6. From your knowledge, has the success (of any of the above research) led to changes in the way research projects or studies are selected, designed, conducted or evaluated? If so, how?
  7. In your opinion, what has been the greatest source of inspiration for new research topics and/or design ideas?
  8. What research either within a CERT or outside, do you think has had the greatest positive impact on the rates of the following?
    • Congestive heart failure.
    • Upper GI bleeding.
    • Inappropriate use of antibiotics.
    • Peptic ulcer disease.
  9. What factors contributed to its impact?
Education and Dissemination:
  1. Tell me about one of CERTs most successful educational initiatives with regard to its pharmaceutical outcomes research. How were the research findings shared? Who was involved? Who or what contributed to its success?
Steering Committee
  1. How has the existence of the steering committee contributed to the success of the CERTs program?
  2. What aspects of the steering committee, e.g., composition, decision-making process, knowledge, role as a liaison to other stakeholders, have contributed the most to the success of the portfolio program?
  3. How has attendance at the Steering Committee meetings enhanced your work?
Other themes (to be identified during the large group debrief):
  1. Keeping with the spirit of Appreciative Inquiry, what questions would you like to ask in regards to these themes?

3. Imaging the Future

Large Group Debrief:

  • For each of the themes identified:
    1. How do they contribute to the overall goals of the pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?

Individual Provocative Propositions:

  1. What would the AHRQ pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio look like if all the various elements or aspects were at their best?
  2. How would you describe the AHRQ pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio in its greatest glory?

4. Creating the Future

  1. To each individual participant: What commitment, offer or request do you want to make in order to realize your vision of the AHRQ pharmaceutical outcomes portfolio?

II. Appreciative Inquiry Questions Used During Stakeholder Interviews

  1. Coordinating Center Role
    • How does the Coordinating Center contribute to the success of the CERTs?
  2. Progress Reporting
    • What do you think of the progress reporting process overall?
    • How does it help the CERTs? Can you provide an example?
  3. CERTs Structure
    • How would you characterize the relationship of the CC and the CERTs network? How does the CC work with the CERTs?
    • How does the CC enhance the CERTs' research (i.e. the quality of research, the dissemination of findings, etc.)?
    • How would you characterize the relationship between the CC and AHRQ (i.e. how do you work with AHRQ)? In what way does AHRQ support your work?
  4. CERTs Communication
    • How does communication happen in the CC? What is the structure? How would you describe the value or usefulness of the communication?
    • How does communication happen between the CC and the CERTs?
    • How does communication happen between the CC and AHRQ?
  5. Goals and Priority Setting
    • What is the role of the Coordinating Center in planning and priority setting? In what ways has the Coordinating Center worked well?
    • What about the Coordinating Center makes it successful?
    • What is the role of the Steering Committee in planning and priority setting? In what ways has the Steering Committee worked well or been successful?
    • What aspects of the Committee contribute to these successes?
  6. Results/Outcomes/Impacts
    • What CERTs' advances have helped patients? Health care providers?
    • How have these advances been disseminated?
    • How has CERTs work informed policies (i.e., government agencies, managed care organizations, employers, etc.)? Example:
    • What do you think have been the greatest successes from across the AHRQ CERTs network? Why?
    • How has research from one CERT enhanced the research of another CERT?

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AHRQ Publication No. 08-M014-EF
Current as of December 2007

Internet Citation:

Evaluation of AHRQ's Pharmaceutical Outcomes Portfolio, Volume 2. Final Report. AHRQ Publication No. 08-M014-EF, December 2007, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.



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