Monthly Statistical Snapshot, July 2012

(released August 2012)
  • Table 1. Number of people receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, or both, July 2012
  • Table 2. Social Security benefits, July 2012
  • Table 3. Supplemental Security Income recipients, July 2012

For detailed annual and time series program data, see our Annual Statistical Supplement.
For more detailed monthly OASDI information, visit the Actuary's website for Beneficiary Data.
For more detailed monthly SSI information, see SSI Monthly Statistics.

Table 1. Number of people receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, or both, July 2012
(in thousands)
Type of beneficiary Total Social Security only SSI only Both Social Security
and SSI
All beneficiaries 61,639 53,413 5,450 2,776
Aged 65 or older 40,025 37,955 906 1,164
Disabled, under age 65 a 13,981 7,826 4,544 1,611
Other b 7,633 7,633 . . . . . .
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data. Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are for the end of the specified month. Only Social Security beneficiaries in current-payment status are included.
. . . = not applicable.
a. Includes children receiving SSI on the basis of their own disability.
b. Social Security beneficiaries who are neither aged nor disabled (for example, early retirees, young survivors).
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 2. Social Security benefits, July 2012
Type of beneficiary Beneficiaries Total monthly
(millions of dollars)
Average monthly
benefit (dollars)
All beneficiaries 56,189 100.0 63,474 1,129.65
Old-Age Insurance
Retired workers 36,313 64.6 44,841 1,234.84
Spouses 2,285 4.1 1,396 611.13
Children 592 1.1 358 604.16
Survivors Insurance
Widow(er)s and parents a 4,217 7.5 4,897 1,161.39
Widowed mothers and fathers b 153 0.3 136 886.42
Children 1,859 3.3 1,458 784.29
Disability Insurance
Disabled workers 8,754 15.6 9,729 1,111.44
Spouses 165 0.3 49 299.22
Children 1,851 3.3 609 329.10
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are for the end of the specified month. Only beneficiaries in current-payment status are included.
Some Social Security beneficiaries are entitled to more than one type of benefit. In most cases, they are dually entitled to a worker benefit and a higher spouse or widow(er) benefit. If both benefits are financed from the same trust fund, the beneficiary is usually counted only once in the statistics, as a retired-worker or a disabled-worker beneficiary, and the benefit amount recorded is the larger amount associated with the auxiliary benefit. If the benefits are paid from different trust funds the beneficiary is counted twice, and the respective benefit amounts are recorded for each type of benefit.
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s aged 60 or older, disabled widow(er)s aged 50 or older, and dependent parents of deceased workers aged 62 or older.
b. A widow(er) or surviving divorced parent caring for the entitled child of a deceased worker who is under age 16 or is disabled.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 3. Supplemental Security Income recipients, July 2012
Age Recipients Total payments a
(millions of dollars)
Average monthly
payment b (dollars)
Number (thousands) Percent
All recipients 8,226 100.0 4,554 516.90
Under 18 1,305 15.9 852 619.70
18–64 4,850 59.0 2,840 532.80
65 or older 2,070 25.2 862 414.80
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Data are for the end of the specified month.
a. Includes retroactive payments.
b. Excludes retroactive payments.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or