Author Archives: kwinters

How Would You Improve Federal Websites?

How would you like to see federal websites improved? Share your ideas. Vote on others. Join the National Dialogue on Improving Federal Websites. The discussion is Sept 19-30. It grows out of President Obama’s Campaign to Cut Waste and is … Continue reading

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Winning the Future: Advanced Research Projects Agency for Education

President Obama will talk about “Winning the Future Through Education” this afternoon at 3:15 pm ET. Watch the speech live. One topic will be the proposal in his 2012 budget to create an Advanced Research Projects Agency for Education (ARPA-ED). … Continue reading

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Teaching Fellows Ask: What’s the Best Professional Development?

During our teaching careers, most of us have experienced worthwhile, meaningful professional development. But we’ve also wasted our time sitting in a workshop that has no relevance to our practice and that robs us of precious time to plan, grade … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Teachers | Tagged | 47 Comments

Duncan Testifies on 2012 Budget Proposal (Mar 1 webcast)

Secretary Arne Duncan will testify before the Senate Budget Committee about the Department of Education’s fiscal year 2012 request tomorrow, March 1, at 10 a.m. Duncan’s testimony will highlight the critical importance of continued investment in education as well as … Continue reading

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Community College Summit in Philadelphia

ED is holding a regional community college summit in Philadelphia on February 28. Secretary Duncan and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will participate in the summit, which is the first of four regional meetings being held as follow-up events to the … Continue reading

Posted in College Completion, Community Colleges, Headlines | 4 Comments

Where Engineering Is the Most Popular Discipline

Last week President Obama visited a school in Baltimore County, MD, where engineering is the most popular discipline. At Parkville Middle School, teacher Susan Yoder explains… “Our students don’t just learn about STEM concepts; they apply them by designing their … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, Science and Math (STEM), Success Stories, Teachers | 1 Comment

Empowering Youth, Meeting the Challenge

Cross-posted from the Treasury Notes Blog. As an English teacher in an inner-city Los Angeles community for seven years, I have seen the importance of empowering young people with the skills they need to build a foundation for long-term financial … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Literacy | Comments Off

Leaders from 40 States Expected at Conference on Labor-Management Collaboration

Leaders from 40 states representing more than 1 million African American students are expected to participate in the conference on labor-management collaboration Feb. 15-16 in Denver. On Feb. 16, Secretary Duncan and national education leaders will discuss the future of … Continue reading

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The Promise of Communities of Practice

A great part of the answer to how we dramatically improve education in our country lies not only in the types of strategies we pursue, but also in how education researchers and practitioners share information with each other. Recognizing the … Continue reading

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President Discusses Budget

At 12:30 pm ET today, Secretary Duncan and other ED officials will brief stakeholders on the President’s 2012 budget for the Department of Education. Watch it live. This morning President Obama visited a school in Baltimore County, Maryland, where he … Continue reading

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Economic Prosperity and National Security Through the DREAM Act

Passing the DREAM Act will “strengthen our military, bolster our global economic competitiveness and increase our educational standing in the world,” Secretary Duncan writes in The Hill. Continue reading

Posted in College Completion, Headlines | 9 Comments

Teacher to Teacher: Teacher Effectiveness and ESEA

Should teacher effectiveness be based in significant part on student growth? What other measures should be taken into account? Continue reading

Posted in Join the Conversation, Teachers | Tagged | 37 Comments