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As an adjunct to the P-8A, the BAMS UAS will provide combat information to operational and tactical users such as the Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG), Carrier Strike Group (CSG) and the Joint Forces Maritime Component Commander (JFMCC). BAMS UAS will provide intelligence preparation of the environment by providing a more continuous source of information to maintain the Common Operational and Tactical Picture (COTP) of the maritime battle space. Additionally, BAMS UAS-collected data posted to the Global Information Grid (GIG) will support a variety of intelligence activities and nodes. In a secondary role, the BAMS UAS will also be used alone or in conjunction with other assets to respond to theater-level operational or national strategic tasking.

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BAMS-D conducts flight test at Pax River in spring 2009

Naval Air Systems Command’s (NAVAIR) Navy & Marine Corps Unmanned Air Systems (PMA-263) originally acquired the Global Hawk Maritime Demonstration (GHMD) program for the development of Navy doctrine and concepts of operations for large persistent unmanned air vehicles. Currently, the system is sustained by the Persistent Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems (PMA-262) program office and has been renamed the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance—Demonstrator (BAMS-D). To date, the BAMS-D team has utilized the RQ-4A long endurance air vehicle to refine tactics, techniques and procedures for use in a maritime environment.

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