UAS Training Systems


Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) (PMA-262)


  • Group IV System (IOC Fiscal Year 2016) Acquisition Catagory -I program
  • Acquisition Milestone B: Milestone C FY13
  • Commander Patrol and Reconnaissance Group (CPRG) family of systems
  • Designators and NEC’s under development
  • Total: Six operator devices
    - Five BAMS MOB Mission Control System (MCS) with embedded Mission System Trainer (MST)
    - One BAMS FRS MST (currently unfunded)
  • Training locations (TBD)
  • NTSP- Full update in work (FY11)

Operator Training

  • Northrop Grumman developed
  • Front End Analysis in work (FY11)
  • Mission Systems Trainer (MST) embedded in Mission Control Station (MCS), Courseware, Curricula, LMS, all on contract with OEM

Maintenance Training

  • Organizational (Organic) to Depot (Hybrid)
  • NEC requirements under review
  • Curricula, courseware, training devices (POM 12)

Fire Scout

FireScout MQ-8B VTUAV (PMA-266)


  • Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tactical UAV
  • Group IV System (IOC FY11)
  • Milestone C FY13
  • H-60 Family of systems - Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)- Anti-surface, Anti-submarine, Mine Warfare missions
  • Parameters: 3,100 lbs GVW; Altitude 20,000 feet, Endurance ~ 8 hours
  • Training Requirements: 72 detachment, 288 Officer, 1,368 Enlisted
  • School house and basing locations (TBD)
  • NTSP- Approved. Update FY12

Operator Training

  • Northrop Grumman/Raytheon developed - Officer- AVO/MC with MH-60R/S experience.
  • Enlisted Mission

Payload Operator (MPO)

  • Front End Analysis in work (FY11)
  • Mission Systems Trainer (MST) embedded in Mission Control Station (MCS), Courseware, Curricula, LMS, all on contract with OEM

Maintenance Training

  • Organizational (Organic) to Depot (Hybrid)
  • NEC requirements under review
  • Curricula, courseware, training devices (POM 12)

Raven B, WASP, T-Hawk (Lagacy System)

  • Used by the USMC, USN, U.S. Army and USCG
  • Parameters: Less thank 20 lbs GVW; Altitude at or below 1,200 feet, Endurance ~ 2 hours
  • Performs over the horizon reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
  • Used by Battalion/Company/EOD level personnel
  • Operator Training - CSS Provided- 10 days through MTT’s


  • Used by the USMC and USN
  • Parameters: 21-55 lbs GVW; Altitude at or below 3,500 feet, Endurance ~ Up to 12 hours
  • Performs Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Target Acquisition (RSTA) thru EO/IR system
  • Operator (MOS 7314, 7315) Training - CSS through MTT’s (first three years and expected to be organic afterwards).
  • Source Selection ongoing. Curriculum will be determined and developed upon
  • Contract Award - Estimate approximately a six week course - formal school
  • Maintenance Training (MOS 6314) - TBD weeks -CSS (same as operator course)


  • Used by the USMC and U.S Army
  • Parameters: Up to 1,320 lbs GVW; Altitude at or below 18,000 feet, Endurance ~ 6 hours
  • Performs RSTA thru EO/IR system
  • Operator (MOS 7314, 7315) Training - U.S Army provided though an InterService
  • Training Review Organization (ITRO) agreement. 12 weeks formal school
  • Maintenance Training (MOS 6314) US Army provided through an ITRO agreement
  • Nine weeks - formal school
  • Three Institutional Mission Simulators (IMS) delivered 3rd Qtr FY10 to VMU’s