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Trademark Electronic Application System - TEAS Application

Section 7 Request Form
TEAS - Version 5.0 : 10/27/2012

For more information regarding any of the following questions or topics, either go to HELP or click on the underlined word. You may use the following Section 7 Request form only to request:
  • Correction of an immaterial error in a registration that was the fault of the USPTO, or which occurred in good faith through the owner of the registration; or
  • Amendment "for good cause" of a registration.
  • A new registration certificate if a new owner exists.

WARNING: Do not request through this form the correction of a USPTO error that would result in a material change to the registration. See TMEP Section 1609.10(a) for information on correcting a USPTO error that would materially change the registration. Also, if the original filing basis was Section 66(a), you may not attempt to use this form to amend any owner information. You must submit a proposal to change the owner name and/or address directly to the International Bureau.
NOTE: Because original and certified copies of certificates of registration are not required for Section 7 requests, owners may use this electronic form without separate submissions. Since all original and certified copies are scanned into the USPTO database and then discarded, owners are advised not to submit them. See TMEP Sections 1609.01(b) and 1609.10.

Please answer all of the questions below to create a Section 7 Request form showing only sections relevant to you. You must answer each question carefully, since the displayed form will correspond directly to the information provided.

WARNING: A session begins once you create and enter the form via the Form Wizard. If you exceed the 60 minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again; however, you can extend the time limit. You are encouraged to have all information required to complete the form available prior to starting your session.

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

STEP 1: You may only use this form if the USPTO system shows that the mark is registered and the registration is currently "active."

STEP 2: Enter registration number or access saved form:

: (required only if preparing a Section 7 Request for the first time; if you have already saved a form, use the option below)  (required only if completing the form for the first time)
WARNING: Be sure you are entering a registration number and NOT a serial number.

STEP 3: If preparing a new request form, carefully answer each question below to build the appropriate form.

1. Do you want to amend your mark?

NOTE: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted, any material alteration will NOT be permitted and will result in a refusal being issued on that ground. If submitting a new mark image, it must be in the JPG format (whereas other image attachments may be in either the JPG or PDF format).
NOTE: Effective June 21, 2012, where an amendment involves a change in the mark, a new specimen must be provided for each class of goods/services in a multiple class registration.
WARNING: If you are proposing an amendment to your mark, you must also consider whether you should request conforming amendments to any other information in the registration affected by the proposed amendment, by answering Question #2, below, as YES.

2. Do you want to correct or change any additional statement(s) about the mark that appear(s) on the registration certificate, e.g., a disclaimer, translation, or claim of a prior registration? [Click link to view full range of possible statements available within this section.]
NOTE: If you wish for any reason to attach a file within this form, you must do so within the "miscellaneous statement" portion of the additional statement section, which allows for both free-entry of text and/or a jpg/pdf attachment.

NOTE: You may use this form to correct a mistake(s) in a registration due to an error by the USPTO or the owner of the registration that does not result in a change that would require republication; e.g., a correction to add a statement that published correctly, but was then inadvertently omitted from the registration certificate, or correction of a typographical error in a statement printed on the registration. See TMEP Section 1609.10(a) for information on correcting a USPTO error that would materially change the registration.

3. Do you need to correct/change an existing classification number; correct/delete items in the goods and/or services; delete a class entirely; and/or or correct/modify dates of use?

4. Do you need to correct information pertaining to the basis for filing/registration of the mark?

5. Is an attorney filing this form?

NOTE: The USPTO considers powers of attorney to end upon either (1) the date of registration; or (2) the final acceptance or denial of a post-registration filing. Therefore, if you answer YES to this question and file this form, and no other post-registration filing is pending, the USPTO will presume that you are the trademark owner's attorney. This filing will automatically update the "Attorney of Record" and the "Correspondence Address" data fields in the USPTO's TSDR system. After submission of this form, it is not necessary to file a separate Appointment of Attorney form or Change of Correspondence Address form. Once the USPTO recognizes an attorney with respect to the submission of a post-registration filing, such as an affidavit under Section 8, an application for renewal under Section 9, etc., the USPTO will recognize only that attorney for all submissions related to that filing, such as responses to Office actions, petitions, etc., unless and until the owner revokes and appoints a new power of attorney or the filing is completely resolved (e.g., by acceptance, renewal, or abandonment).

STEP 4: If you have confirmed that the answers to the above questions are correct, click on the "Continue" button.

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Sat Feb 16 20:23:48 EST 2013