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Scholarly Editions Awards, July 2011

August 1, 2011 | By Jennifer Untalan

University of South Florida
Project Directors: Roger Ariew and Erik-Jan Bos
Tampa, FL
A New Historico-Critical Edition of Descartes' Correspondence
Preparation of a seven-volume critical edition and English translation of the complete correspondence of René Descartes (1596-1650), French philosopher and writer.

George Washington University
Project Director: Charlene N. Bickford
Washington, DC
The First Federal Congress Project
Preparation for publication of concluding volumes 21 and 22, Correspondence of the Third Session and Addenda, of the Documentary History of the First Federal Congress, 1789-1791.
Project website:

George Washington University
Project Director: Christopher Brick
Washington, DC
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project
Preparation for publication of volumes 3, 4, and 5 of the five-volume edition of the papers of Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), former first lady, author, and public figure.
Project website:

Hofstra University
Project Director: John Bryant
Hempstead, NY
The Melville Electronic Library (MEL): A Digital Critical Edition
Continued development of the MEL website, including transcription, editing, and preparation for publication of Moby Dick, Battle-Pieces, and Billy Budd, key works of American writer Herman Melville (1819-1891).
Project website:

Stony Brook University
Project Directors: Mauro Calcagno and Giuseppe Gerbino
Stony Brook, NY
Online Edition of the Secular Music of Luca Marenzio
Preparation for publication of volumes 4, 8, 13, 19, and 21 of the complete online digital edition of the secular music of Luca Marenzio (1553-1599), noted composer during the European Renaissance.
Project website:

Yale University
Project Director: Ellen R. Cohn
New Haven, CT
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin
Preparation for publication of Volumes 41-45 of the 47-volume edition of the papers of founding father Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), statesman, writer, printer, and scientist.
Project website:

Indiana University
Project Director: Martin A. Coleman
Indianapolis, IN
The Works of George Santayana
Preparation for publication of five works by the well-known philosopher and writer Santayana (1863-1952):
The Life of Reason, Three Philosophical Poets, Winds of Doctrine, Character and Opinion in the United States, and Dialogues in Limbo.
Project website:

American Musicological Society
Project Director: Richard Crawford
Brunswick, ME
MUSA (Music of the United States of America)
Preparation for publication of five volumes in the Music of the United States of America series: Early Jazz
Masters of New Orleans: Sam Morgan; Jazz Arrangements by Mary Lou Williams; Machito and His Afro-Cubans: Transcriptions and Arrangements; George Whitefield Chadwick: The Padrone; and Mexican-American Songs in the Lummis Cylinder Collection.
Project website:

Rice University
Project Director: Lynda L. Crist
Houston, TX
The Papers of Jefferson Davis
Preparation for publication of volumes 13 and 14 of a 15-volume print edition of the papers of Jefferson Davis (1808-1889), American political figure and president of the Confederate States of America.
Project website:

Vassar College
Project Director: Robert DeMaria, Jr.
Poughkeepsie, NY
The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson
Completion and preparation for publication of the concluding two of twenty-three volumes of the works of 18th-century English writer Samuel Johnson, and development of a digital edition.

University of Notre Dame
Project Director: Kent Emery and Timothy Noone
Notre Dame, IN
The Works of John Duns Scotus
Preparation for publication of a critical edition of Books IV-A and IV-B of the Reportationes Parisienses, or the Parisian Commentaries, a series of lectures philosopher-theologian John Duns Scotus delivered at the University of Paris during 1302-1304.

Haverford College
Project Directors: Richard Freedman and Philippe Vendrix
Haverford, PA
Recovering Lost Voices: A Digital Workshop for the Restoration of Renaissance Polyphony
Preparation for online publication of a critical edition of Volumes 5-11 of Nicolas Du Chemin's polyphonic (multi-voiced) song series Chansons nouvelles, published 1549-1568, and reconstruction of the missing voice parts in Volumes 12-16 of the same series.
Project website:

University of Puget Sound
Project Director: Peter H. Greenfield
Tacoma, WA
Records of Early English Drama (REED)
Editing and preparation for publication of the 28th volume in the REED series, Civic London to 1558, to document London dramatic performances in the pre- Shakespeare period.
Project website:

Rutgers University
Project Director: Paul B. Israel
New Brunswick, NJ
The Papers of Thomas A. Edison
Preparation for publication of volumes 8 and 9 of the planned 15-volume edition, covering the years 1885-1889 in the life of American inventor, scientist, and businessman Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931).
Project website:

University of Wisconsin
Project Director: John Kaminski
Madison, WI
The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution and the Adoption of the Bill of Rights
Completion of work on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th volumes and ongoing work on the 25th and 26th volumes of the planned 28-volume edition documenting the Constitutional debate and commentary durng 1787-1791.
Project website:

Project Director: Philip Kelley
Winfield, KS
The Brownings' Correspondence
Completion of editorial work on volumes 22-24 of the planned 40-volume print edition of the letters of Robert Browning (1812-1889) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), poets of the Victorian era.

Kentucky Historical Society Foundation
Project Director: R. Darrell Meadows
Frankfort, KY
Civil War Governors of Kentucky Digital Documentary Edition
Preparation for digital publication of an edition of the papers of the five Civil War governors of Kentucky, both Union and Confederate.
To be online at

New-York Historical Society
Project Director: Melanie Randolph Miller
New York, NY
Gouverneur Morris Papers
Preparation for publication of the second volume of the diaries of founding father, statesman, and New York politician Gouverneur Morris, covering the years 1799 to his death in 1816.

Baylor University
Project Director: Sarah-Jane Murray
Waco, TX
The Ovide Moralisé
Preparation for print publication and a supplementary website on the first English translation of the 14th-century Old French version of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Emory University
Project Director: Lois More Overbeck
Atlanta, GA
The Letters of Samuel Beckett
Completion of editing of Volume III and IV of a four-volume critical edition and preparation of a one-volume edition for a general audience of the professional correspondence of Irish writer Samuel Beckett (1906-1989).
Project website:

University of Mary Washington
Project Director: Daniel F. Preston
Fredericksburg, VA
The Papers of James Monroe
Preparation for publication of volumes 5 and 6 of an 8-volume edition of the papers of James Monroe (1758-1831), fifth president and the last founding father to hold that office.
Project website:

University of Washington
Project Director: Richard G. Salomon
Seattle, WA
Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project
Preparation for publication of transcriptions, translations, and annotations of birchbark texts from the first century B.C. to the third century A.D., written in Gandhari, the ancient language of the region comprising eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, and documenting the early history of Buddhism.
Project website:

University of Virginia
Project Director: John C. A. Stagg
Charlottesville, VA
The Papers of James Madison
Preparation for publication of volume 10 in the Secretary of State Series; volume 8 in the Presidential Series; and volumes 2 and 3 in the Retirement Series of the edition of the papers of James Madison (1751-1836), founding father and fourth president.
Project website:

East Carolina University
Project Director: Gary Stringer
Greenville, NC
John Donne's Songs and Sonnets
Completion of volume 4 of the 8-volume variorum edition of the poetry of the English metaphysical poet John Donne (1572-1631) and continued development of the electronic archive, DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum.
Project website:

Massachusetts Historical Society
Project Director: C. James Taylor
Boston, MA
Adams Papers Documentary Editing Project
Preparation for publication of the papers of one of America’s founding families, volumes 17 and 18 of the Papers of John Adams, and volumes 11 and 12 of the Adams Family Correspondence.
Project website:

Columbia University
Project Director: Robert A. F. Thurman
New York City, NY
The Guhyasamaja Tantra: A Foundational Buddhist Tantra in the Context of the Pradipoddyotana
Completion of the first annotated English translations of the late first millennium Buddhist religious text Guhyasamaja Tantra and its commentary the Pradipoddyotana, and critical editions of the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts on which the translations are based.

University of California
Project Director: Elizabeth H. Witherell
Santa Barbara, CA
The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
Completion of editorial work and preparation for publication of Correspondence, three volumes of letters dated 1834 through 1861, of American author and philosopher Henry D. Thoreau.
Project website:

Indiana University
Project Director: Rega Wood
Bloomington, IN
Richard Rufus Project
Preparation for online and print publication of two influential Aristotelian commentaries by the 13th-century English philosopher-theologian Richard Rufus, Scriptum in Metaphysicam Aristotelis and Memoriale in Metaphysicam Aristotelis.
Project website: