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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Information for Newly-Registered Investment Advisers

Prepared by the Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management and Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations1

This information sheet contains general information about certain provisions of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (also called the “Advisers Act”) and selected rules under the Advisers Act. It is intended to assist newly-registered investment advisers in understanding their compliance obligations with respect to these provisions. This information sheet also provides information about the resources available to investment advisers from the SEC to help advisers understand and comply with these laws and rules.

As an adviser registered with the SEC, you have an obligation to comply with all of the applicable provisions of the Advisers Act and the rules that have been adopted by the SEC. This information sheet does not provide a complete description of all of the obligations of SEC-registered advisers under the law. To access the Advisers Act and rules and other information, visit the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov (the Advisers Act and rules are available at http://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment.shtml).2

Investment Advisers Are Fiduciaries

As an investment adviser, you are a “fiduciary” to your advisory clients. This means that you have a fundamental obligation to act in the best interests of your clients and to provide investment advice in your clients’ best interests. You owe your clients a duty of undivided loyalty and utmost good faith. You should not engage in any activity in conflict with the interest of any client, and you should take steps reasonably necessary to fulfill your obligations. You must employ reasonable care to avoid misleading clients and you must provide full and fair disclosure of all material facts to your clients and prospective clients. Generally, facts are “material” if a reasonable investor would consider them to be important. You must eliminate, or at least disclose, all conflicts of interest that might incline you — consciously or unconsciously — to render advice that is not disinterested. If you do not avoid a conflict of interest that could impact the impartiality of your advice, you must make full and frank disclosure of the conflict. You cannot use your clients’ assets for your own benefit or the benefit of other clients, at least without client consent. Departure from this fiduciary standard may constitute “fraud” upon your clients (under Section 206 of the Advisers Act).

Investment Advisers Must Have Compliance Programs

As a registered investment adviser, you are required to adopt and implement written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent violations of the Advisers Act. The Commission has said that it expects that these policies and procedures would be designed to prevent, detect, and correct violations of the Advisers Act. You must review those policies and procedures at least annually for their adequacy and the effectiveness of their implementation, and designate a chief compliance officer (“CCO”) to be responsible for administering your policies and procedures (under the “Compliance Rule” — Rule 206(4)-7).

We note that your policies and procedures are not required to contain specific elements. Rather, you should analyze your individual operations and identify conflicts and other compliance factors that create risks for your firm and then design policies and procedures that address those risks. The Commission has stated that it expects your policies and procedures, at a minimum, to address the following issues to the extent that they are relevant to your business:

  • Portfolio management processes, including allocation of investment opportunities among clients and consistency of portfolios with clients’ investment objectives, your disclosures to clients, and applicable regulatory restrictions;
  • The accuracy of disclosures made to investors, clients, and regulators, including account statements and advertisements;
  • Proprietary trading by you and the personal trading activities of your supervised persons;
  • Safeguarding of client assets from conversion or inappropriate use by your personnel;
  • The accurate creation of required records and their maintenance in a manner that secures them from unauthorized alteration or use and protects them from untimely destruction;
  • Safeguards for the privacy protection of client records and information;
  • Trading practices, including procedures by which you satisfy your best execution obligation, use client brokerage to obtain research and other services (referred to as “soft dollar arrangements”), and allocate aggregated trades among clients;
  • Marketing advisory services, including the use of solicitors;
  • Processes to value client holdings and assess fees based on those valuations; and
  • Business continuity plans.

Investment Advisers Are Required to Prepare Certain Reports and to File Certain Reports with the SEC

As a registered investment adviser, you are required to file an annual update of Part 1A of your registration form (Form ADV) through the Investment Advisers Registration Depository (IARD). You must file an annual updating amendment to your Form ADV within 90 days after the end of your fiscal year. In addition to making annual filings, you must promptly file an amendment to your Form ADV whenever certain information contained in your Form ADV becomes inaccurate (the Form ADV filing requirements are contained in Rule 204-1 of the Advisers Act, and in the instructions to the Form).

  • Make sure your Form ADV is complete and current. Inaccurate, misleading, or omitted Form ADV disclosure is the most frequently cited finding from our examinations of investment advisers.
  • Please keep the e-mail address of your contact person current (Form ADV, Part 1A, Item 1J). We use this e-mail address to keep you apprised of important developments (including when it’s time to file an amendment to your Form ADV).
  • Accurately report the amount of assets that you have under management (Form ADV, Part 1A, Item 5F(2)). Advisers who have less than $25 million of assets under management, who are not otherwise eligible to maintain their registration with the SEC, or who stop doing business as an investment adviser, should file a Form ADV-W through IARD to withdraw their registration.

With respect to Part 2A of your Form ADV, you are required to file it electronically through IARD. As with Part 1A, you must update Part 2 annually within 90 days of the end of your fiscal year and whenever it becomes materially inaccurate. Part 2B brochure supplements, are not required to be uploaded to IARD.

You may also be subject to other reporting obligations. For example, an adviser that exercises investment discretion (or that shares investment discretion with others) over certain equity securities (including convertible debt and options), which have a fair market value in the aggregate of $100 million or more, must file a Form 13F each quarter that discloses these holdings. “Discretionary authority” means that you have the authority to decide which securities to purchase, sell, and/or retain for your clients.

You should also be aware that it is unlawful to make any untrue statement or omit any material facts in an application or a report filed with the SEC (under Section 207 of the Advisers Act), including in Form ADV and Form ADV-W.

Investment Advisers Must Provide Clients and Prospective Clients with a Written Disclosure Statement

Registered investment advisers are required to provide their advisory clients and prospective clients with a written disclosure document (these requirements, and a few exceptions, are set forth in Rule 204-3 under the Advisers Act). As a registered adviser, you comply with this requirement by providing advisory clients and prospective clients with Part 2 of your Form ADV. This written disclosure document should be delivered to your prospective clients before or at the time of entering into an advisory contract (under certain conditions, you may comply with the delivery requirements through electronic media).

Each year, you also need to deliver Part 2 or summary of material changes to each client, without charge. You are required to maintain a copy of each disclosure document and each amendment or revision to it that was given or sent to clients or prospective clients, along with a record reflecting the dates on which such disclosure was given or offered to be given to any client or prospective client who subsequently became a client (under Rule 204-2(a)(14)).

Investment Advisers Must Have a Code of Ethics Governing Their Employees and Enforce Certain Insider Trading Procedures

As a registered investment adviser, you are required to adopt a code of ethics (under the “Code of Ethics Rule” — Rule 204A-1 under the Advisers Act). Your code of ethics should set forth the standards of business conduct expected of your “supervised persons” (i.e., your employees, officers, directors and other people that you are required to supervise), and it must address personal securities trading by these people.

We note that you are not required to adopt a particular standard of business ethics. Rather, the standard that you choose should reflect your fiduciary obligations to your advisory clients and the fiduciary obligations of the people you supervise, and require compliance with the federal securities laws. In adopting a code of ethics, investment advisers may set higher ethical standards than the requirements under the law.

In order to prevent unlawful trading and promote ethical conduct by advisory employees, advisers’ codes of ethics should include certain provisions relating to personal securities trading by advisory personnel. Your code of ethics must include the following requirements:

  • Your “access persons” must report their personal securities transactions to your CCO or to another designated person each quarter. “Access persons” are any of your supervised persons who have access to non-public information regarding client transactions or holdings, make securities recommendations to clients or have access to such recommendations, and, for most advisers, all officers, directors and partners.
  • Your access persons must submit a complete report of the securities that they hold at the time they first become an access person, and then at least once each year after that.3 Your code of ethics must also require that your access persons obtain your approval prior to investing in initial public offerings or private placements or other limited offerings, including pooled investment vehicles (except if your firm has only one access person).
  • Your CCO or another person you designate in addition to your CCO must review these personal securities transaction reports.
  • Your supervised persons must promptly report violations of your code of ethics (i.e., including the federal securities laws) to the CCO or to another person you designate (provided your CCO also receives a report on such issues). You must also maintain a record of these breaches.

Also, as a registered investment adviser, you are required to establish, maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent the misuse of material non-public information (under Section 204A of the Advisers Act). These policies and procedures must encompass your activities and those of your supervised persons. Advisers often include this prohibition on insider trading in their code of ethics.

Provide each of the people that you supervise with a copy of your code of ethics (and any amendments that you subsequently make to it), and also obtain a written acknowledgement from the supervised person that he/she has received it. In addition, you must describe your code of ethics in your Form ADV, Part 2, Item 11 and provide a copy to your advisory clients, if they request it.

Investment Advisers are Required to Maintain Certain Books and Records

As a registered adviser, you must make and keep true, accurate and current certain books and records relating to your investment advisory business (under “the Books and Records Rule” — Rule 204-2). The books and records that you must make and keep are quite specific, and are described below in part:

  • Advisory business financial and accounting records, including: cash receipts and disbursements journals; income and expense account ledgers; checkbooks; bank account statements; advisory business bills; and financial statements.
  • Records that pertain to providing investment advice and transactions in client accounts with respect to such advice, including: orders to trade in client accounts (referred to as “order memoranda”); trade confirmation statements received from broker-dealers; documentation of proxy vote decisions; written requests for withdrawals or documentation of deposits received from clients; and written correspondence you sent to or received from clients or potential clients discussing your recommendations or suggestions.
  • Records that document your authority to conduct business in client accounts, including: a list of accounts in which you have discretionary authority; documentation granting you discretionary authority; and written agreements with clients, such as advisory contracts.
  • Advertising and performance records, including: newsletters; articles; and computational worksheets demonstrating performance returns.
  • Records related to the Code of Ethics Rule, including those addressing personal securities transaction reporting by access persons.
  • Records regarding the maintenance and delivery of your written disclosure document and disclosure documents provided by certain solicitors who seek clients on your behalf.
  • Policies and procedures adopted and implemented under the Compliance Rule, including any documentation prepared in the course of your annual review.

Some advisers are required to maintain additional records. For example, advisers that have custody and possession of clients’ funds and/or securities must make and keep additional records that are described in the Books and Records Rule (Rule 204-2, paragraph (b)), and advisers who provide investment supervisory or management services to any client must also make and keep specific additional records (which are described in Rule 204-2, paragraph (c)).

You must keep these records for specified periods of time. Generally, most books and records must be kept for five years from the last day of the fiscal year in which the last entry was made on the document or the document was disseminated. You may be required to keep certain records for longer periods, such as records that support performance calculations used in advertisements (as described in Rule 204-2, paragraph (e)).

You are required to keep your records in an easily accessible location. In addition, for the first two of these years, you must keep your records in your office(s). If you maintain some of your original books and records somewhere other than your principal office and place of business, you must note this practice and identify the alternative location on your Form ADV (in Section 1K of Schedule D). Many advisers store duplicate copies of their advisory records in a location separate from their principal office in order to ensure the continuity of their business in the case of a disaster.

You may store your original books and records by using either micrographic media or electronic media. These media generally include microfilm or digital formats (e.g., electronic text, digital images, proprietary and off-the-shelf software, and email). If you use email or instant messaging to make and keep the records that are required under the Advisers Act, you should keep the email, including all attachments that are required records, as examiners may request a copy of the complete record. In dealing with electronic records, you must also take precautions to ensure that they are secure from unauthorized access and theft or unintended destruction (similar safeguarding provisions regarding client information obtained by you is required by Regulation S-P under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act). In general, you should be able to promptly (generally within 24 hours) produce required electronic records that may be requested by the SEC staff, including email. In order to do so, the Advisers Act requires that you arrange and index required electronic records in a way that permits easy location, access, and retrieval of any particular electronic record.

Investment Advisers Must Seek to Obtain the Best Price and Execution for Their Clients’ Securities Transactions

As a fiduciary, you are required to act in the best interests of your advisory clients, and to seek to obtain the best price and execution for their securities transactions. The term “best execution” means seeking the best price for a security in the marketplace as well as ensuring that, in executing client transactions, clients do not incur unnecessary brokerage costs and charges. You are not obligated to get the lowest possible commission cost, but rather, you should determine whether the transaction represents the best qualitative execution for your clients. In addition, whenever trading may create a conflicting interest between you and your clients, you have an obligation, before engaging in the activity, to obtain the informed consent from your clients after providing full and fair disclosure of all material facts. The Commission has described the requirement for advisers to seek best execution in various situations.

In selecting a broker-dealer, you should consider the full range and quality of the services offered by the broker-dealer, including the value of the research provided, the execution capability, the commission rate charged, the broker-dealer’s financial responsibility, and its responsiveness to you. To seek to ensure that you are obtaining the best execution for your clients’ securities trades, you must periodically evaluate the execution performance of the broker-dealers you use to execute clients’ transactions.

You may determine that it is reasonable for your clients to pay commission rates that are higher than the lowest commission rate available in order to obtain certain products or services from a broker-dealer (i.e., soft dollar arrangement). To qualify for a “safe harbor” from possible charges that you have breached your fiduciary duty by causing your clients to pay more than the lowest commission rate, you must use clients’ brokerage commissions to pay for certain defined “brokerage or research” products and services, use such products and services in making investment decisions, make a good faith determination that the commissions that clients will pay are reasonable in relation to the value of the products and services received, and disclose these arrangements.

The SEC staff has stated that, in directing orders for the purchase or sale of securities, you may aggregate or “bunch” orders on behalf of two or more client accounts, so long as the bunching is done for the purpose of achieving best execution, and no client is systematically advantaged or disadvantaged by the bunching. The SEC staff has also said that, if you decide not to aggregate orders for client accounts, you should disclose to your clients that you will not aggregate and the potential consequences of not aggregating orders.

If your clients impose limitations on how you will execute securities transactions on their behalf, such as by directing you to exclusively use a specific broker-dealer to execute their securities transactions, you have an obligation to fully disclose the effects of these limitations to the client. For example, if you negotiate volume commission discounts on bunched orders, a client that has directed you to use a specific broker should be informed that he/she will forego any benefit from savings on execution costs that you might obtain for your other clients through this practice.

You should also seek to obtain the best price and execution when you enter into transactions for clients on a “principal” or “agency cross” basis. If you have acted as a principal for your own account by buying securities from, or selling securities to, a client, you must disclose the arrangement and the conflicts of interest in this practice (in writing) and also obtain the client’s consent for each transaction prior to the time that the trade settles. There are also explicit conditions under which you may cross your advisory clients’ transactions in securities with securities transactions of others on an agency basis (under Rule 206(3)-2). For example, you must obtain advance written authorization from the client to execute such transactions, and also provide clients with specific written disclosures. Compliance with Rule 206(3)-2 is generally not required for transactions internally crossed or effected between two or more clients you advise and for which you receive no additional compensation (i.e., commissions or transaction-based compensation); however, full disclosure regarding this practice should be made to your clients.

Requirements for Investment Advisers’ Contracts with Clients

As a registered investment adviser, your contracts with your advisory clients must include some specific provisions (which are set forth in Section 205 of the Advisers Act). Your advisory contracts (whether oral or written) must convey that the advisory services that you provide to the client may not be assigned by you to any other person without the prior consent of the client. With limited exceptions, contracts cannot include provisions providing for your compensation to be based on the performance of the client’s account. In addition, the SEC staff has stated that an adviser should not enter into contracts with clients, except with certain sophisticated clients, that contain terms or clauses commonly referred to as a “hedge clause” because such clauses or provisions are likely to lead other clients to believe that they have waived their rights of legal action, whether under the federal securities laws or common law.

Investment Advisers May be Examined by the SEC Staff

As a registered investment adviser, your books and records are subject to compliance examinations by the SEC staff (under Section 204 of the Advisers Act). The purpose of SEC examinations is to protect investors by determining whether registered firms are complying with the law, adhering to the disclosures that they have provided to their clients, and maintaining appropriate compliance programs to ensure compliance with the law. If you are examined, you are required to provide examiners with access to all requested advisory records that you maintain (under certain conditions, documents may remain private under the attorney-client privilege).

More information about examinations by the SEC and the examination process is provided in the brochure, “Examination Information for Broker-Dealers, Transfer Agents, Clearing Agencies, Investment Advisers and Investment Companies,” which is available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov/info/cco/ccons2006exambrochure.pdf.

Requirements for Investment Advisers that Vote Proxies of Clients’ Securities

As a registered investment adviser, if you have voting authority over proxies for clients’ securities, you must adopt policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that you: vote proxies in the best interests of clients; disclose information to clients about those policies and procedures; and describe to clients how they may obtain information about how you have voted their proxies (these requirements are in Rule 206(4)-6 under the Advisers Act).

If you vote proxies on behalf of your clients, you must also retain certain records. You must keep: your proxy voting policies and procedures; the proxy statements you received regarding your client’s securities (the Rule provides some alternative arrangements); records of the votes you cast on behalf of your clients; records of client requests for proxy voting information; and any documents that you prepared that were material to making a decision as to how to vote or that memorialized the basis for your decision (these requirements are described in Advisers Act Rule 204-2(c)(2)).

Requirements for Investment Advisers that Advertise their Services

To protect investors, the SEC prohibits certain types of advertising practices by advisers. An “advertisement” includes any communication addressed to more than one person that offers any investment advisory service with regard to securities (under “the Advertising Rule” — Rule 206(4)-1). An advertisement could include both a written publication (such as a website, newsletter or marketing brochure) as well as oral communications (such as an announcement made on radio or television).

Advertising must not be false or misleading and must not contain any untrue statement of a material fact. Advertising, like all statements made to advisory clients and prospective clients, is subject to the general prohibition on fraud (Section 206 as well as other anti-fraud provisions under the federal securities laws). Specifically prohibited are: testimonials; the use of past specific recommendations that were profitable, unless the adviser includes a list of all recommendations made during the past year; a representation that any graph, chart, or formula can in and of itself be used to determine which securities to buy or sell; and advertisements stating that any report, analysis, or service is free, unless it really is free.

The SEC staff has said that, if you advertise your past investment performance record, you should disclose all material facts necessary to avoid any unwarranted inference. For example, SEC staff has indicated that it may view performance data to be misleading if it:

  • does not disclose prominently that the results portrayed relate only to a select group of the adviser’s clients, the basis on which the selection was made, and the effect of this practice on the results portrayed, if material;
  • does not disclose the effect of material market or economic conditions on the results portrayed (e.g., an advertisement stating that the accounts of the adviser’s clients appreciated in value 25% without disclosing that the market generally appreciated 40% during the same period);
  • does not reflect the deduction of advisory fees, brokerage or other commissions, and any other expenses that accounts would have or actually paid;
  • does not disclose whether and to what extent the results portrayed reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings;
  • suggests or makes claims about the potential for profit without also disclosing the possibility of loss;
  • compares model or actual results to an index without disclosing all material facts relevant to the comparison (e.g., an advertisement that compares model results to an index without disclosing that the volatility of the index is materially different from that of the model portfolio); and
  • does not disclose any material conditions, objectives, or investment strategies used to obtain the results portrayed (e.g., the model portfolio contains equity stocks that are managed with a view towards capital appreciation).

In addition, as a registered adviser, you may not imply that the SEC or another agency has sponsored, recommended or approved you, based upon your registration (under Section 208 of the Advisers Act). You should not use the term “registered investment adviser” unless you are registered, and you should not use this term to imply that as a registered adviser, you have a level of professional competence, education or special training. For example, the SEC staff has stated that advisers should not use the term “RIA” after a person’s name because using initials after a name usually indicates a degree or a licensed professional position for which there are certain qualifications; however, there are no federal qualifications for becoming an SEC-registered adviser.

Requirements for Investment Advisers that Pay Others to Solicit New Clients

Registered investment advisers may pay cash compensation to others to seek out new clients on their behalf, commonly called “solicitors” or “finders,” if they meet certain conditions (under Rule 206(4)-3 of the Advisers Act):

  • The solicitor is not subject to certain disciplinary actions.
  • The fee is paid pursuant to a written agreement to which you are a party and (with limited exceptions) the agreement must: describe the solicitor’s activities and compensation arrangement; require that the solicitor perform the duties you assign and in compliance with the Advisers Act; require the solicitor to provide clients with a current copy of your disclosure document; and, if seeking clients for personalized advisory services, require the solicitor to provide clients with a separate written disclosure document containing specific information.
  • You receive from the solicited client, prior to or at the time you enter into an agreement, a signed and dated notice confirming that he/she was provided with your disclosure document and, if required, the solicitor’s disclosure document.
  • You have a reasonable basis for believing that the solicitor has complied with the terms of your agreement.

Requirements for Investment Advisers that have Custody or Possession of Clients' Funds or Securities

Registered investment advisers that have “custody” or “possession” of client assets must take specific measures to protect client assets from loss or theft (under “the Custody Rule” — Rule 206(4)-2 under the Advisers Act).

The first step is to determine whether you have custody or possession of client assets. “Custody” is defined as “holding, directly or indirectly, client funds or securities, or having any authority to obtain possession of them.” This includes situations in which you:

  • have physical possession of client funds or securities, even temporarily;
  • enter into arrangements (including a general power of attorney) authorizing you to withdraw funds or securities from the client’s account (note that if you are authorized to deduct your advisory fees or other expenses directly from clients’ accounts, you have custody); and
  • serve in a capacity that gives you or a supervised person legal ownership or access to client funds or securities (note that if you are a general partner to a privately-offered pooled investment vehicle, you have custody).
  • If you are a trustee, you may have custody.

If you have custody, with limited exceptions, you must maintain these client funds and securities at a “qualified custodian.” Generally, qualified custodians include most banks and insured savings associations, SEC-registered broker-dealers, Commodity Exchange Act-registered futures commission merchants, and certain foreign financial institutions. With a limited exception, for client accounts over which you have custody, you must have a reasonable basis, after due inquiry, for believing that the client (or a designated representative) receives periodic reports directly from the custodian that contain specific information with respect to the funds and securities in custody. With respect to pooled investment vehicles over which you have custody, the qualified custodian must send account statements for the pooled vehicle directly to each investor.

If you have custody of client funds or securities that are held at an unrelated, independent qualified custodian, then you must have a "surprise verification" by an independent public accountant. The independent public accountant must verify the funds and securities in your custody or possession at least once each calendar year, and must then promptly file a “certificate of accounting” with Form ADV-E electronically through IARD.4

If you have custody of client funds or securities that you or a related person maintains as a qualified custodian, then you must also have an internal control report completed by an independent public accountant registered with, and subject to regular inspection by, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

Staff answers to frequently asked questions regarding the custody rule may be found at http://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/custody_faq_030510.htm.

Requirements for Investment Advisers to Disclose Certain Financial and Disciplinary Information

Registered investment advisers may be required to disclose certain financial and disciplinary information (under Rule 206(4)-4 under the Advisers Act). These requirements are described below.

Registered advisers that have custody or discretionary authority over client funds or securities, or that require prepayment six months or more in advance of more than $1,200 in advisory fees, must promptly disclose to clients and any prospective clients any financial conditions that are reasonably likely to impair their ability to meet their contractual commitments to their clients.

All registered advisers must also promptly disclose any legal or disciplinary events that would be material to a client’s or a prospective client’s evaluation of the adviser’s integrity or its ability to meet its commitments to clients (regardless of whether the adviser has custody or requires prepayment of fees). The types of legal and disciplinary events that may be material include:

  • Criminal or civil actions, where the adviser or a management person of the adviser was convicted, pleaded guilty or “no contest,” or was subject to certain disciplinary actions with respect to conduct involving investment-related businesses, statutes, regulations, or activities; fraud, false statements, or omissions; wrongful taking of property; or bribery, forgery, counterfeiting, or extortion.
  • Administrative proceedings before the SEC, other federal regulatory agencies, or any state agency where the adviser’s or a management person’s activities were found to have caused an investment-related business to lose its authorization to do business or where such person was involved in a violation of an investment-related statute or regulation and was the subject of specific disciplinary actions taken by the agency.
  • Self-regulatory organization (SRO) proceedings in which the adviser or a management person was found to have caused an investment-related business to lose its authorization to do business; or was found to have been involved in a violation of the SRO’s rules and was the subject of specific disciplinary actions taken by the organization.

Informational Resources Available From the SEC

The SEC provides a great deal of helpful information about the compliance obligations of investment advisers on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment.shtml. This information includes links to relevant laws and rules, staff guidance and studies, enforcement cases, and staff no-action and interpretive letters (generally from 2001 — present). In addition, the SEC’s website contains a list of the source materials that were used in preparing this information sheet.

To assist chief compliance officers of investment advisers and investment companies in meeting their compliance responsibilities and to help enhance compliance in the securities industry, the SEC has established the “CCOutreach Program.” This program includes regional and national seminars on compliance issues of concern to CCOs. Information about CCOutreach and any scheduled events is available at http://www.sec.gov/info/ccoutreach.htm.

Finally, the SEC staff regularly receive calls and correspondence concerning the application of the federal securities laws, and advisers and other registrants are encouraged to communicate any questions or issues to SEC staff. To ensure that you reach the right person at the SEC, the SEC’s website lists the names and contact information for SEC staff in the Division of Investment Management who are responsible for responding to communication from the public about specific topics (http://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/imcontact.htm). With respect to issues or questions that arise in the context of a compliance examination by the SEC, advisers are encouraged to raise any questions or issues directly with the SEC examination team, or with examination supervisors in their local SEC office (contact information for senior examination staff is available at http://www.sec.gov/about/offices/ocie/ocie_org.htm).

Additional Information: Reference Materials

The following informational sources may be helpful.

Investment Advisers Are Fiduciaries

Investment Advisers Must Have Compliance Programs

Investment Advisers Are Required to Prepare Certain Reports and to File Certain Reports with the SEC

Investment Advisers Must Provide Clients and Prospective Clients with a Written Disclosure Statement

  • Rule 204-3 under the Advisers Act.
  • Use Of Electronic Media By Broker-Dealers, Transfer Agents, and Investment Advisers for Delivery of Information; Additional Examples Under The Securities Act Of 1933, Securities Exchange Act Of 1934, And Investment Company Act, Advisers Act Release No. 1562 (May 9, 1996), available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov/rules/interp/33-7288.txt.

Investment Advisers Must Have a Code of Ethics Governing Their Employees and Enforce Certain Insider Trading Procedures

Investment Advisers are Required to Maintain Certain Books and Records

  • Rule 204-2 under the Advisers Act and Regulation S-P, privacy rules promulgated under Section 504 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
  • Privacy of Consumer Financial Information (Regulation S-P), Advisers Act Release No. 1883 (June 22, 2000), which is available on the SEC's website at http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-42974.htm.
  • Electronic Recordkeeping by Investment Companies and Investment Advisers, Advisers Act Release No. 1945 (May 24, 2001), which is available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/ic-24991.htm.

Investment Advisers Must Seek to Obtain the Best Price and Execution for Their Clients’ Securities Transactions

Requirements for Investment Advisers’ Contracts with Clients

Investment Advisers May be Examined by the SEC Staff

Requirements for Investment Advisers that Vote Proxies of Clients’ Securities

Requirements for Investment Advisers that Advertise their Services

Requirements for Investment Advisers that Pay Others Cash to Solicit New Clients

Requirements for Investment Advisers that have Custody or Possession of Clients' Funds or Securities

Requirements for Investment Advisers to Disclose Certain Financial and Disciplinary Information

1 The Securities and Exchange Commission, as a matter of policy, disclaims responsibility for any publication or statement by any of its employees. The views expressed herein are those of the staff and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or the other staff members of the SEC.

2 This information sheet contains descriptions of the Advisers Act, rules, Commission releases, court decisions, Commission orders and opinions, which impose or explain legal obligations. It also contains staff interpretations and no-action letters that have been issued by the Division of Investment Management. Staff interpretations and no-action letters provide informal interpretative and advisory assistance and represent the views of persons who are continuously working with the provisions of the Advisers Act. Opinions expressed by the staff, however, are not an official expression of the Commission’s views and they do not have the force of law. You may wish to speak with an attorney or a compliance professional about specific provisions and how they apply to your firm. This information is current as of June 2007.

3 A complete report contains: the title and type of security; the exchange ticker symbol or CUSIP number; the number of shares, and principal amount of the security; the name of any broker, dealer or bank where the access person has an account that holds securities for the access person's direct or indirect benefit; and the date the access person submits the report.

4 There are exceptions to this requirement. For example, an adviser is not required to provide regular account statements with respect to a registered investment company or a limited partnership (or another type of pooled investment vehicle) that is subject to an audit at least annually and that distributes its audited financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to all investors, generally within 120 days of the end of its fiscal year (under Rule 206(4)-2).



Modified: 11/23/2010