Where to get supplies included in Durable Medical Equipment Competitive Bidding Program when you travel


If you live permanently in…And travel to…You may go to…
An area participating in the programAn area participating in the programA Medicare-contract supplier located in the area you traveled to for items included in the program*
An area participating in the programAn area not participating in the programAny Medicare-approved supplier
An area not participating in the programAn area participating in the programA Medicare-contract supplier located in the area you traveled to for items included in the program*
An area not participating in the programAn area not participating in the programAny Medicare-approved supplier

* If you don't use a Medicare contract supplier, the supplier may ask you to sign an Advance Beneficiary Notice. This notice says Medicare probably won't pay for the item or service. The supplier will probably require you to pay for the full cost of the item.

What you pay for supplies when traveling to a participating area

Your out-of-pocket costs will be the same as when you're at your permanent home. You'll still be responsible for paying the 20% coinsurance after meeting your yearly Part B deductible.

It's important to know that for any equipment or supplies included in the competitive bidding program, the Medicare contract supplier can't charge you more than the 20% coinsurance and any unmet yearly deductible.