• Rep. Don Manzullo met with constituents during a business roundtable discussion with members of the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation.

  • Rep. Manzullo was honored to participate in the observance of Veteran’s Day 2011 in Loves Park, IL. In front of hundreds of students, veterans and guests, he presented a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol to Army National Guard Sgt. Matthew Bunt, a Roscoe resident who was honored during the program.

  • Rep. Manzullo awarded Crystal Lake South High School graduate Zachary Isrow the Congressional Gold Award for his 500 hours of volunteer service. Pictured are Rep. Manzullo (right), Zachary Isrow (middle)and Paxton Baker (left), Chairman of the Congressional Award Foundation Board of Directors.

  • Rep. Manzullo joins sculpture artist J. Brett Grill of Missouri at the unveiling of the President Gerald R. Ford statue in the US Capitol. The sculpture was cast by Art Casting of Illinois, an Oregon, IL company owned by Harry and Karly Spell.

  • Rep. Manzullo toured the Thomson Prison with Senator Kirk and Rep. Schilling. There is now bipartisan agreement that the federal government should purchase the facility from the State of IL and use it as a maximum security federal prison without the Gitmo terrorists. Major overcrowding issues could be solved and the cost of buying a facility is half the cost of building a new one. Plus, it would add 1,100 new jobs in northwestern Illinois.

Rep. Manzullo, the Co-Chairman of the House Manufacturing Caucus, spoke in support of the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2012 (HR 5865). This legislation requires the President to submit to Congress a strategy to promote growth, sustainability, and competitiveness in the nation's manufacturing sector.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 8/21/12
Rep. Manzullo joined host Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM to discuss a wide-range of issues and to take questions from callers.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 8/13/12
Rep. Manzullo joined host Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM to discuss the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan as Gov. Mitt Romney's running mate, as well as the looming tax increase if the government fails to act by the end of the year.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 7/12/12
Rep. Manzullo joined host Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM to discuss the vote in the House to repeal the health care law, the President's proposal to raise taxes on small employers and stifle their ability to create jobs, as well as what Congress can do to stimulate job growth.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 7/02/12
Rep. Manzullo joined host Doug McDuff on NTA-FM this morning to discuss the Supreme Court’s recent decision on the challenge to the new health care law.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 6/19/12
Rep. Manzullo joined host Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM this morning to discuss President Obama’s recent immigration order, the European Union’s economic struggles, and the Supreme Court’s pending ruling on the challenge to the new health care law.

WROK Rockford Radio -- 4/19/12
Rep. Manzullo discussed the Postmaster General's visit to the Rockford sorting facility on WROK.

NTA-FM Rockford Radio -- 4/17/12
Rep. Manzullo joined Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM to discuss Tax Day, the fate of the Health Care Reform bill pending before the Supreme Court, plus the status of the Rockford post office sorting facility.

WLS-AM Chicago Radio -- 3/16/12
Rep. Manzullo, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific and a member of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, joined WLS-AM to discuss the situations in Afghanistan and Iran, as well as the rising cost of gasoline and why the Keystone Pipeline is so important for the United States.

NTA-FM Rockford Radio -- 2/21/12
Rep. Manzullo joined Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM to discuss what Congress can do to reduce the rising cost of gasoline, as well as what can be done to cut spending in Washington and bring manufacturing jobs back to America.

WLS Chicago Radio -- 2/15/12
Rep. Manzullo spoke with Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft on WLS-AM about the need for Congress to get serious about cutting spending, as well as the outrageous mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services that violates freedom of speech and religion.

WLS Chicago Radio -- 2/9/12
Rep. Manzullo, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, discussed the role the U.S. should play in Syria and throughout the Middle East with Roe and Roeper on WLS-AM.

WROK Rockford Radio -- 2/8/12
Rep. Manzullo joined WROK’s Riley and Scot to discuss the recent brazen mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services that violates freedom of speech and religion. The letter from Rev. Thomas Doran, Bishop of the Diocese of Rockford, which he referenced, can be found at http://rockforddiocese.org/pdfs/Bishop-Letter-Re-DHHS.pdf

WIND Chicago Radio -- 2/7/12
Rep. Manzullo joined WIND-AM's Big John and Amy in Chicago to discuss the payroll tax extension and the situation in Syria.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 2/2/12
When discussing the $700M Chrysler investment in the Belvidere plant for the production of the new Dodge Dart, Rep. Manzullo declared “this is a great day for northern Illinois” to Mark Mayhew on NTA-FM. He also discusses his fight against taxing direct foreign investment in American businesses, as well as the 9% tax deduction if you manufacture in the U.S. which both helped Chrysler.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 1/26/12
Rep. Manzullo joined Paul Youngblood on NTA-FM in Rockford to discuss the State of the Union address, as well as the importance of American manufacturing.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 1/17/12
Rep. Manzullo joined Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM to discuss the status of the Rockford mail processing facility, the establishment of a veterans court in northern Illinois, as well as what it will take to reduce the federal deficit and several other important issues.

BBC Radio -- 1/13/12
Rep. Manzullo called BBC Radio to discuss Burma’s decision to release 600 political prisoners, as well as what that government needs to do in the future to prove they’re committed to lasting reforms for a free and open society.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 1/5/12
Rep. Manzullo discussed the post office meeting with the U.S. Postal Service, as well as other issues of the day with Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM.

WROK Rockford Radio -- 1/5/12
Rep. Manzullo joined Riley and Scot on WROK-AM to urge residents to attend a meeting to voice their concerns with a proposal by the U.S. Postal Service to shut down sorting operations in Rockford and move all the jobs to Madison, Wisconsin, ending overnight mail service to residents in the eight counties starting with zip codes 610 and 611.

WROK Rockford Radio
Rep. Manzullo talked about his work in Congress, including his manufacturing focus and bipartisan approach, with Michael Koolidge on WROK-AM.

WLS Chicago Radio -- 12/22/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the status of the payroll tax extension with Roe Conn and Richard Roeper on WLS-AM.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 12/20/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the status of the payroll tax extension, the importance of the Keystone pipeline and the conclusion of the Iraq War with Ken DeCoster on NTA-FM.

WLS Chicago Radio -- 12/19/2011
Rep. Manzullo, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, discussed the future of North Korea in the wake of the Kim Jong Il’s death and the status of the payroll tax extension with Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft on WLS-AM.

NTA Rockford Radio -- 11/23/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the Super Committee, the state of manufacturing in America and Thanksgiving traditions with Doug McDuff and Paul Logli on NTA-FM 100.5.

WGN Chicago Radio -- 11/8/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the work of the supercommittee, the relationship between Congress and the White House and the uncertainties in the economy with Bill Moller on WGN-AM Radio.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 10/25/2011
Rep. Manzullo talked with Doug McDuff on WNTA-AM 1330 earlier this morning about the 15 jobs bills passed by the House and stalled in the Senate, as well as what is needed to jumpstart a recovery. They also discussed the situations in Greece, Uganda and Libya, plus other issues.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 10/18/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed how Free Trade Agreements help create jobs in northern Illinois, the efforts to repeal the health care reform, as well as other issues of the day with Ken DeCoster on WNTA-AM.

WWRC Washington Radio -- 09/22/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the national security implications of China’s monopoly of rare earth minerals with Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 09/20/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed Embry-Riddle, the Rockford Post office and his efforts to help employers create jobs with WNTA's Ken DeCoster.

WNIJ DeKalb Radio -- 09/09/2011
On the 10th Anniversary of the attacks on America, Rep. Manzullo recalls the events of that day with WNIJ.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 09/02/2011
Rep. Manzullo talks jobs, taxes, spending and health care with WNTA's Doug McDuff and several listeners.

WROK Rockford Radio -- 08/31/2011
Rep. Manzullo discusses his efforts to help put Americans back to work with WROK's Scot Bertram and Riley O'Neil.

WNIJ Northern Public Radio -- 08/15/2011
Rep. Manzullo discusses the national debt, the budget battle, and the need to cut federal spending with WNIJ's Victor Yehling.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 08/02/2011
Rep. Manzullo discusses the debt vote with WNTA's Doug McDuff.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 07/19/2011
Rep. Manzullo speaks with WNTA's Ken DeCoster about the federal debt limit and the need for Congress to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to control spending.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 06/27/2011
Rep. Manzullo speaks with WNTA's Doug McDuff about the debt limit, Afghanistan and Libya, and Manzullo's bill requiring Fannie Mae to pay back the billions of dollars it owes taxpayers.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 05/02/2011
Rep. Manzullo speaks with WNTA's Doug McDuff about the death of Osama bin Laden.

WLS Chicago Radio -- 05/02/2011
Rep. Manzullo talks with WLS hosts Don and Roma about the demise of Osama bin Laden.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 04/28/2011
Rep. Manzullo talks with WNTA host Doug McDuff and takes calls from listeners on a variety of issues.

WROK Rockford Radio -- 04/14/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the President's speech, Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan and today's vote on the FY2011 budget on WROK Rockford with hosts Scot & Riley this morning.

WNTA Rockford Radio -- 04/12/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed the economy and high gas prices on WNTA Rockford with host Paul Youngblood this afternoon.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 04/12/2011
Rep. Manzullo discussed spending and the budget, as well as raising the debt ceiling and escalating gas prices on WNTA Rockford with host Doug McDuff this morning.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 03/28/2011
Congressman Manzullo talks with host Doug McDuff about the Libya no-fly zone and the President's upcoming national address, the devastation in Japan and future of nuclear energy in America.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 03/18/2011
Congressman Manzullo talks with host Scot Bertram about the need for Congress to significantly cut spending to improve our economy and put Americans back to work.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 02/22/2011
Congressman Manzullo, leading a trade mission in New Zealand, talks with Mark Mayhew about the devastating earthquake that struck the country this week.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 01/21/2011
Congressman Manzullo discusses the health care repeal vote WIND's John Howell and Amy Jacobson.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 01/20/2011
Congressman Manzullo discussed the health care repeal vote and China trade issues with WROK's Riley O'Neil and Scot Bertram.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 01/18/2011
Congressman Manzullo joined Ken DeCoster to discuss the priorities of the new Congress.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 01/07/2011
Congressman Don Manzullo speaks with WNTA's Doug McDuff about health care, jobs, gas prices, and the major spending cuts that will come with the new session of Congress.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 12/20/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo speaks with WROK's Scot Bertram about Congress' need to cut spending and taxes in order to help employers put Americans back to work.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 12/20/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his distate with the lame duck session and Congress' need to stop spending with WIND's Amy Jacobson and guest host Bill Leff.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 12/06/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his efforts to stop tax hikes and help create jobs with WIND's Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 11/26/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses North Korea's aggression, the GOP transition to power, and health care with WLS's Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 11/23/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the Caledonia tornado, North Korea's attack on South Korea, the TSA's enhanced pat down techniques, and Thanksgiving memories with WNTA's Doug McDuff.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 11/22/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his concerns with the TSA's new enhanced pat down techniques and the need to extend all the tax cuts with WROK's Scot Bertram and Riley O'Neil.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 11/03/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his efforts to help put people back to work on WNTA 1330 AM with host Mark Mayhew.


WXRX 104.9 Rockford Radio -- 11/01/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo visits with Stone and Double T in the studio at WXRX 104.9 FM Rockford.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 10/19/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks jobs, transportation, trade, taxes and immigration with WNTA's Ken DeCoster and listeners who called in with questions.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 09/30/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks jobs, the need to stop a massive tax hike on the American people, and the effort to lure Embry-Riddle University to Rockford with WROK hosts Scot Bertram and Riley O'Neil.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 09/21/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks jobs, immigration, and the effort to lure Embry-Riddle University to Rockford with WNTA host Ken DeCoster.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 08/17/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks jobs, immigration, taxes, and his "America Speaking Out" citizens tour with WNTA host Ken DeCoster and listeners to the Rockford radio show.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 08/12/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo takes calls from listeners and discusses his "America Speaking Out" town hall tour through northern Illinois on WROK Rockford radio.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 08/12/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WROK Rockford radio host Scot Bertram about the increasing unemployment rate and the need for Washington to reverse course, stop passing policies that continue to force job cuts, and start focusing on helping employers put Americans back to work.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 08/12/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WNTA Rockford radio host Doug McDuff about the struggling economy and the need for Congress to start focusing on policies to help put Americans back to work.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 07/20/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his concerns with pending tax increases and wasteful government spending with WNTA Rockford radio host Ken DeCoster.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 06/30/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo congratulates WNTA radio host Doug McDuff on 50 years in broadcasting.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 06/23/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo tells WLS Radio host Cisco Cotto that up to 117 million Americans could lose their employer health coverage under new health care law.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 06/16/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the President's speech on the BP oil spill and new concerns with the government takeover of health care with WROK's Riley O'Neil and Scot Bertram.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 06/15/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the BP oil spill and other issues WNTA host Ken DeCoster.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 05/28/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the importance of Memorial Day with WNTA host Doug McDuff.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 05/27/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses GITMO and other issues with WROK host Scot Bertram.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 05/25/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his support for a federal prison at Thomson without GITMO terrorists on WIND's Big John and Amy Show.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 05/18/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses jobs, immigration and the BP oil spill with WNTA host Ken DeCoster.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 05/12/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses financial reform, immigration and Gitmo with host Michael Koolidge.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 05/03/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses immigration and financial regulatory reform with WLS Radio guest hosts Bruce Wolf and Don Proft.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 05/03/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his visit to Gitmo with WIND radio hosts Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 04/20/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses jobs, health care, energy, and trade with WNTA radio host Ken DeCoster.


WGN Chicago Radio -- 03/24/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses legal questions surrounding the new health care law with WGN Radio host Greg Jarrett.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 03/23/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the health care vote with WROK Radio host Michael Koolidge.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 03/22/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo and WLS radio host Cisco Cotto share their concerns with the health care bill that passed the House.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 03/22/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo joins WNTA's Ken DeCoster for a recap of the vote on health care reform.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 03/22/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the health care care vote with WIND Radio host Big John Howell.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 03/16/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the health care debate with WNTA Radio host Ken DeCoster.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 03/08/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the health care debate with WLS Radio guest hosts Jan Jeffcoat and David Novarro of Fox TV's Good Day Chicago.


WGN Chicago Radio -- 02/18/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses issues before Congress with WGN Radio host Greg Jarrett.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 02/18/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the failed stimulus bill with WIND Radio host Big John Howell.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 02/16/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the lack of bipartisanship in politics and the resulting public anger with WNTA Radio host Ken DeCoster.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 01/28/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his response to the President's State of the Union Address with WROK Radio host Scot Bertram.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 01/19/2010
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WNTA Radio host Ken DeCoster about health care reform and the need for Congress to start focusing on issues to help put Americans back to work.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 12/30/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WLS Radio host Paul Harris about the Christmas Day terror attempt and its impact on the Administration's plan to move Gitmo terrorists to northwest Illinois.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 12/21/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses Gitmo in Thomson and health care reform with WLS Radio hosts Pat Cassidy and John Dempsey.


NPR Diane Rehm Show -- 12/17/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo joins Diane Rehm and others on a panel discussing the President's plan to move Gitmo terrorists to the Thomson Correctional Center in northwest Illinois.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 12/17/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WROK hosts Riley O'Neil and Scot Bertram about the President's plan to move Gitmo terrorists to the Thomson Correctional Center in northwest Illinois.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 12/15/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WLS host Roe Conn about the President's plan to move Gitmo terrorists to the Thomson Correctional Center in northwest Illinois.


WGN Chicago Radio -- 12/15/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WGN host Greg Jarrett about the President's plan to move Gitmo terrorists to the Thomson Correctional Center in northwest Illinois.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 12/15/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WNTA host Ken DeCoster about the President's plan to move Gitmo terrorists to northwest Illinois and the latest on health care reform.


WLS Radio Chicago -- 11/18/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo tells Don and Roma why he doesn't think al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists should be housed in northwest Illinois.


WGN Radio Chicago -- 11/16/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with WGN Radio's Bob Sirott about his concerns with imprisoning Gitmo terrorists in Thomson, IL.


WBBM Newsradio Chicago -- 11/14/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his opposition to the Administration's proposal to bring Gitmo terrorists to northwest Illinois.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 11/12/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert talk to WNTA's Ken DeCoster about health care reform.


WROK Rockford Radio -- 11/09/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo talks health care reform with WROK's Riley O'Neil and Scot Bertram.


WGN Chicago Radio -- 11/09/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the House's weekend vote on health care reform with WGN Radio's Bob Sirott.


WIND Chicago Radio -- 10/27/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses health care reform with WIND Radio's Big John Howell and Cisco Cotto.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 10/20/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses health care reform, other issues with WNTA radio host Ken DeCoster.


WNTA Rockford Radio -- 10/15/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses health care reform with WNTA radio host Doug McDuff.


WLS Chicago Radio -- 10/12/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses health care reform and the War in Afghanistan with WLS AM radio host Kevin Wall.


National Aerospace Day -- AIA Radio
Congressman Don Manzullo talks with Alexis Allen of the Aerospace Industries Association about the importance of preserving America's Defense Industrial Base.


WLS Chicago Radio – 09/21/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his Sept. 20 health reform town hall meeting and opposition to further bailouts with hosts Mancow and Cassidy.


WGN Chicago Radio – 09/18/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses missile defense and national security with WGN Radio Host Greg Jarrett.


WLS Chicago Radio – 09/17/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses health care reform with WLS Radio Host Pat Cassidy.


WNTA Rockford Radio – 09/10/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses President Obama's health care address with WNTA News Director Ken DeCoster.


WNTA Rockford Radio – 08/18/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses health care reform with WNTA News Director Ken DeCoster.


WROK Rockford Radio – 08/03/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his job-creating vehicle voucher bill and health care reform with Riley O'Neil and Scot Bertram on WROK's Straight Talk program.


WIND Chicago Radio – 07/30/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the President's health care proposal with WIND Radio hosts Big John Howell and Cisco Cotto.


WGN Chicago Radio – 07/23/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses the President's health care proposal with WGN Radio host Greg Jarrett.


WROK Rockford Radio – 07/22/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo appears on WROK Radio's Mortgage Talk program to discuss the onerous costs and regulations the cap and trade bill would add to the home selling process.


WNTA Rockford Radio – 07/17/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo speaks with WNTA radio host Ken DeCoster about his concerns with the proposed government-run health care plan and his alternatives that will reduce health care costs while maintaining a strong doctor-patient relationship.


The Neal Asbury Show – 07/15/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo speaks with Neal Asbury about the forced closures of auto dealers, the cap and tax bill, health care reform and alternative policies that will put Americans back to work.


WLS Chicago Radio – 06/12/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo speaks with WLS's Kevin Wall about the government's forced closures of nearly 4,000 GM and Chrysler dealers that could put 150,000 Americans on the unemployment lines.


WNTA Rockford Radio – 06/03/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo speaks with WNTA's Ken DeCoster about the government's mismanagement of the US auto industry and his bill to restart manufacturing and put auto employees back to work.


WROK Rockford Radio – 06/03/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his concerns with the government's ownership of GM and his plan to strengthen the US auto industry with WROK's Steve Bertram.


WGN Chicago Radio – 06/02/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo tells radio host John Williams how his vehicle voucher bill will restart US manufacturing and put Americans back to work.


WGN Chicago Radio – 05/23/2009
Congressman Don Manzullo discusses his concerns with the costly cap and trade energy plan and his alternative that will produce more energy and create jobs for Americans with host Jerry Agar on WGN Radio in Chicago.


WNTA Rockford Radio – 05/13/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses his alternative to the costly cap and trade energy plan with host Mark Mayhew on WNTA Radio.


WLS Chicago Radio – 04/22/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the government's bailout of America's financial sector and the death of Freddie Mac CFO David Kellermann with Don & Roma on WLS Radio.


Michael Koolidge Radio Show – 03/31/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses his recent committee questioning of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and overall concerns with the new Treasury financial plan with WRHL radio host Michael Koolidge.


WMBI Chicago Radio Show – 03/30/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses his vehicle voucher bill and concerns with government intervention into the U.S. auto industry with WMBI radio host Steve Hiller.


WNTA McDuff Radio Show – 03/26/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses his recent committee questioning of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with WNTA radio host Doug McDuff.


WLS Chicago Radio Show – 03/25/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the President's budget and AIG bonuses with WLS radio host Jerry Agar.


WGN Radio Chicago – 03/19/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the outrage surrounding taxpayer-funded bonuses for AIG executives with WGN Radio host John Williams.


The Neal Asbury Show – 02/27/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the President's budget on The Neal Asbury Show.


WNTA Radio Show – 02/24/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the President's Address to Congress with WNTA radio host Ken DeCoster.


WRMN Radio Show – 02/19/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the stimulus bill with WRMN radio host Tom Sandor.


John Williams radio show – 02/17/2009
Congressman Manzullo joins his colleague, Rep. Danny Davis of Chicago, on the John Williams Show on WGN Radio to discuss the stimulus bill.


Manzullo on WIND radio – 02/13/2009
Congressman Manzullo discusses the stimulus bill with hosts Big John Howell and Cisco Cotto on WIND-AM radio in Chicago.


RSS News
  • Rep. Don Manzullo met with constituents during a business roundtable discussion with members of the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation.

  • Rep. Manzullo was honored to participate in the observance of Veteran’s Day 2011 in Loves Park, IL. In front of hundreds of students, veterans and guests, he presented a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol to Army National Guard Sgt. Matthew Bunt, a Roscoe resident who was honored during the program.

  • Rep. Manzullo awarded Crystal Lake South High School graduate Zachary Isrow the Congressional Gold Award for his 500 hours of volunteer service. Pictured are Rep. Manzullo (right), Zachary Isrow (middle)and Paxton Baker (left), Chairman of the Congressional Award Foundation Board of Directors.

  • Rep. Manzullo joins sculpture artist J. Brett Grill of Missouri at the unveiling of the President Gerald R. Ford statue in the US Capitol. The sculpture was cast by Art Casting of Illinois, an Oregon, IL company owned by Harry and Karly Spell.

  • Rep. Manzullo toured the Thomson Prison with Senator Kirk and Rep. Schilling. There is now bipartisan agreement that the federal government should purchase the facility from the State of IL and use it as a maximum security federal prison without the Gitmo terrorists. Major overcrowding issues could be solved and the cost of buying a facility is half the cost of building a new one. Plus, it would add 1,100 new jobs in northwestern Illinois.

Click here for more Photos

Rep. Manzullo Speaks in Support of the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2012 - Rep. Manzullo, the Co-Chairman of the House Manufacturing Caucus, spoke in support of the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2012 (HR 5865). This legislation requires the President to submit to Congress a strategy to promote growth, sustainability, and competitiveness in the nation's manufacturing sector.

Click here for more videos

Rep. Don Manzullo frequently appears on national and local radio and other audio broadcasts.

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Government Shutdown FAQ
Rep. Manzullo's American Jobs Agenda