U.S. Department of Justice

Views of Young People in Detention Centres, Queensland, 2009

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Sep. 01, 2009

Library ID

  • 023931

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  • 2009
  • 52 pages.

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  • Views of Young People in Detention Centres, Queensland, 2009

ANNOTATION: Results are presented from a survey capturing "the views and experiences of young people in Queensland's youth detention centres, providing a critical perspective on the effectiveness of the state's youth justice system and youth detention facilities" (p. viii). This report includes these sections: messages from the findings; introduction; background; research design; findings according to respondents' characteristics, intervention for young people at risk of detention, diverting young people from detention; safety of young people in detention, development and wellbeing of young people in detention, accessibility and responsiveness of the legal system, and transition from detention; future directions; and some responses to open-ended questions. While 90% of respondents feel safe in detention, only 50% believe they would be taken seriously if they reported a risk to their safety or wellbeing.

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