U.S. Department of Justice

The State of Multnomah County Juvenile Justice System: A Report to Policymakers and Citizens of Multnomah County

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jul. 14, 2008

Library ID

  • 023118


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  • 2008
  • 103 pages.

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  • The State of Multnomah County Juvenile Justice System: A Report to Policymakers and Citizens of Multnomah County

ANNOTATION: The claim that Multnomah County Juvenile Services has “greatly reduced juvenile crime while reducing the need for the use of secure detention and commitments to juvenile correctional facilities” is examined (p. 4). Seven parts follow an executive summary: the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI); Multnomah Juvenile Services -- JDAI in practice; JDAI on the streets -- the police perspective; JDAI on the inside -- the custody staff perspective; Davonte Lightfoot -- the cost of JDAI; conclusions; and recommendations. Appendixes include: Risk Assessment Instrument (RAI) Version 4; sanctions grid, probation violations; and CEOJJC (Central and Eastern Oregon Juvenile Justice Consortium) and Casey.

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