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NRTLs use the following marks to certify products for purposes of OSHA product-approval requirements. However, the presence of the mark on a product does not necessarily mean that it meets OSHA requirements, since NRTLs sometimes use these same or similar marks for non-OSHA purposes. OSHA accepts only those products that contain the NRTL's mark and that the NRTL has certified within its scope of recognition, which includes the test standards and testing sites that OSHA has recognized for the NRTL. See the OSHA web page for information on each NRTL's scope of recognition, or contact OSHA or the NRTL for additional information.

Applied Research Laboratories, Inc. (ARL) (recognition terminated effective 1/28/08) The abbreviation "NRTL" must
appear below the ARL mark.

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Marks below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Marks below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
CSA mark
CSA mark
CSA mark
CSA mark
  Mark below used for gas-fueled products meeting U.S. standards (see note2)  
CSA mark
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)(mark formerly used by the American Gas Association (AGA), exclusively licensed to CSA until June 30, 2001)
AGA mark

Communication Certification Laboratory, Inc. (CCL)
CCL mark

Curtis-Straus LLC (CSL) Marks below used for products meeting only U.S. standards (see note3) Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards (see note3)
CSL US mark
CSL US & Canada mark
Original mark (use allowed until May 1, 2010)
CSL mark

Electrical Reliability Services, Inc. (ERS)
(also known as eti Conformity Services and formerly Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI)) (recognition terminated effective 6/23/08)

Entela, Inc.
(Voluntary termination effective 1/28/08 - acquired by the parent company of ITSNA)
Entela marks are now being used by ITSNA. See ITSNA marks below.

FM Global Technologies LLC (FM) (also known as FM Approvals and formerly Factory Mutual Research Corporation) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
FM mark
FM mark

Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. (ITSNA) (formerly ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc.) Marks below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Marks below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
ETL mark
ETL mark
ETL mark
WHI mark
WHI mark
WHI mark
(Note: In 2004, Entela, Inc., was acquired by the parent company of ITSNA.)
ENT mark
ENT mark

MET Laboratories, Inc. (MET) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Commenced use - January 2006) Marks below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards (Commenced use - January 2006)
MET mark
MET mark
MET mark
    Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards (original MET mark)
MET mark

NSF International (NSF) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards
Use to expire 12/31/2012
Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
Use to expire 12/31/2012
NSF US mark
NSF C & US mark
  Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards (see note4) Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
NSF US mark
NSF C & US mark

National Technical Systems, Inc. (NTS)
(recognition expired effective
NTS mark

(See supplemental information)

QPS Evaluation Services Inc (QPS) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
QPS Evaluation Services Inc (QPS)
QPS Evaluation Services Inc (QPS)

SGS U. S. Testing Company, Inc. (SGSUS) (formerly U.S. Testing Company, Inc.)
SGSUS mark

Southwest Research Institute (SWRI)
SWRI mark

TÜV SÜD America, Inc. (TUVAM) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
2008 TUV mark
TUVAM mark
  Use to commence in early 2008 (see note5)  

TÜV SÜD Product Services GmbH (TUVPSG) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Mark below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
2008 TUV mark
  Use to commence in early 2008 (see note5  

TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. (TUV) Note: two TUV marks temporarily removed from this page.
  Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Marks below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
TUV mark
TUV mark
  Use to expire December 31, 2012.  Use to expire December 31, 2012.
2008 TUV mark
    Use to commence in February 2010
TUV mark
  NRTL previously used mark above but ceased authorizing on or about January 2000.  

TUV Rheinland PTL, LLC (TUVPTL) Mark below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Marks below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
TUV mark
TUV mark
2008 TUV mark

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)    
  Marks below used for products meeting only U.S. standards Marks below used for products meeting both U.S. and Canadian standards
Basic marks
UL mark
UL mark
Equivalent to above
UL mark
UL mark
"Used on products which UL has evaluated for specific properties, a limited range of hazards, or suitability for use under limited or special conditions. Typically, products Classified by UL fall into the general categories of building materials and industrial equipment." Examples: fire doors, protective gear for fire fighters, industrial trucks.
UL mark
UL mark

Wyle Laboratories (WL)
(recognition terminated effective
WL mark

(See supplemental information)

1 Certification marks registered by the NRTL with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Some NRTLs may have additional marks; however, the core logo of the additional marks should be the same as represented here. If you have questions about the authenticity of any mark, contact the NRTL.
2 OSHA requirements for testing and certification of gas operated equipment is limited to equipment using "liquefied petroleum gas" ("LPG" or "LP-Gas").
3CSL Note: Notice of Allowance issued on 11-21-06
4NSF Note: Version of mark previously shown on OSHA web page - never placed in use
NSF original mark

5TUVAM and TUVPSG note: Notice of Allowance issued on 10-9-07.