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Two Fact Checks Debunk Dems’ Opposition to Student Loan Bill

May 3, 2012

Two fact checks out this morning from the Washington Post fact checker and FactCheck.org debunk the “war on women” rhetoric used by Democrats and the White House to oppose the House-passed student loan bill. Here are a couple of key excerpts:

  • FACTCHECK.ORG:” Republicans are right: The White House is greatly exaggerating when it says that ‘women, in particular,’ benefit from a prevention fund that the House GOP proposes to repeal. The truth is that the fund in question wasn’t set up specifically for women’s health programs, and we could find no concrete evidence that it has paid anything to gender-specific health programs so far.” (White House Spins Women’s Health,FactCheck.org, 5/2/12)

  • WASHINGTON POST: “From Pelosi’s statement, one could imagine a wholesale ‘assault’ to strip funding for women’s health programs. But in fact, there are virtually no specific programs aimed at women currently in the fund. In the future, the administration hopes to add such programs, but that is not the reality today, as evidenced by the fact the administration never raised this concern last year when the GOP-led House also voted to kill the preventive health care fund.” (A GOP ‘assault’ on women’s health?Washington Post, 5/3/12)

The House-passed bill stops student loan interest rates from doubling by cutting a slush fund the president himself proposed cutting from ObamaCare – a law that’s making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers, including recent college graduates.

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