Highlights from the United Nations 66th General Assembly

Assistant Secretary Brimmer: "I welcome today’s opportunity to outline the Administration’s goals and priorities for this year’s United Nations General Assembly as an opportunity to reemphasize the U.S. commitment to constructive engagement across the UN system. ... Broadly speaking, we’ll be working to help the UN improve its tools to counter threats to international peace and security, to promote human rights and democracy and good governance, and to address global health, particularly non-communicable diseases, and to strengthen UN institutions to better take on these and other challenges of the 21st century." Full Text»


Remarks by Senior Administration Officials
09/23/2011 Remarks by Secretary Clinton At UN High-Level Meeting on Somalia
09/23/2011 Background Briefing: Preview of High-Level Meeting on Somalia
09/23/2011 Background Briefing: Meeting of the Group of Central American Friends
09/23/2011 Remarks by Secretary Clinton on Middle East Peace
09/23/2011 Background Briefing on Middle East Peace
09/23/2011 Background Briefing: Senior State Department Official Previews the Meeting of the Group of Central American Friends
09/23/2011 Background Briefing on Preview of High-Level Meeting on Somalia
09/22/2011 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Tunisian Foreign Minister Mouldi Kefi At Signing Ceremony
09/22/2011 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting Conversation During the Closing Plenary
09/22/2011 Remarks by Secretary Clinton At New Silk Road Ministerial Meeting
09/22/2011 Background Briefing on U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council Meeting
09/22/2011 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton’s Meetings with Peruvian Foreign Minister Santiago Roncagliolo, Qatari Amir Hamid bin Khalifa Al Thani, and Tunisian Foreign Minister Naima Kefi
09/22/2011 Secretary Clinton Remarks at Launch of Global Counterterrorism Forum
09/22/2011 Remarks by Secretary Clinton at High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety
09/21/2011 Remarks by President Obama in Address to the United Nations General Assembly
09/21/2011 Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Before Their Meeting
09/21/2011 Background Briefing: Preview of the Global Counterterrorism Forum
09/21/2011 Background Briefing: Notification to Congress on the Sale of Arms to Taiwan
09/21/2011 Background Briefing: Preview of High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety
09/20/2011 Remarks at the High-Level Meeting on Nutrition, Secretary Clinton
09/20/2011 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal
09/20/2011 Remarks by President Barack Obama at a High-Level Meeting on Libya
09/20/2011 Background Briefing on the Secretary's Meeting With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov And Broader Israeli-Palestinian Issues
09/19/2011 Background Briefing on the Subject of Taiwan
09/19/2011 Background Briefing on a Preview of the Open Government Partnership
09/19/2011 Remarks on Women's Political Participation at UN Women Event, Secretary Clinton
09/19/2011 Women and Agriculture: A Conversation on Improving Global Food Security, Secretary Clinton
09/19/2011 Background Briefing on the Secretary's Meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba
09/19/2011 Background Briefing on the Subject of Taiwan
09/19/2011 Remarks by Secretary Clinton Before Her Meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba
09/18/2011 Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar
09/18/2011 Preview of the Haiti Ministerial Meeting and the Panel Discussion on Women and Agriculture: Improving Global Food Security
09/15/2011 A Misguided Assault: Why the United Nations Matters, Assistant Secretary Brimmer
09/15/2011 Multilateral Diplomacy and U.S. Global Leadership, Assistant Secretary Brimmer
09/15/2011 Remarks on the United Nations General Assembly, Assistant Secretary Brimmer
09/07/2011 Sustaining America's Global Leadership: U.S. Priorities at the United Nations, Assistant Secretary Brimmer

Press Releases and Fact Sheets
09/22/2011 Joint Statement on the U.S.-Tunisia Joint Political and Economic Partnership
09/22/2011 Joint Statement of the Co-Chairs of the Ministerial Meeting on the New Silk Road
09/22/2011 Fact Sheet: New Silk Road Ministerial
09/21/2011 Secretary Clinton Co-chairs a Ministerial on the New Silk Road on September 22
09/20/2011 Advancing U.S. Interests at the United Nations
09/19/2011 Joint Declaration: On Advancing Women’s Political Participation
09/19/2011 U.S. Government and World Health Organization Sign Agreement to Help Developing Countries Strengthen Their Capabilities to Meet International Health Regulations
09/19/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Noncommunicable Diseases [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Cancer [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Chronic Lung Disease [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Diabetes [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Environmental Risk Factors [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Health Systems [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Addressing the Challenges of Non-communicable Diseases: Women & Children's Health [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version ]
09/16/2011 Secretary Clinton's Remarks to the APEC Women and the Economy Summit

DipNote Blog Entries
09/23/2011 Secretary Clinton Co-Chairs the New Silk Road Ministerial Meeting
09/23/2011 U.S. Engagement at the UN: A Smart Investment
09/23/2011 Middle East Quartet Convenes in New York
09/23/2011 Secretary Clinton Addresses UN High-Level Meeting on Somalia
09/22/2011 President Obama at the UN General Assembly
09/22/2011 Secretary Clinton Addresses High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety
09/22/2011 Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the Launch of the Global Counterterrorism Forum
09/21/2011 Non-Communicable Diseases Take Center Stage at the UN General Assembly
09/19/2011 UN General Assembly Convenes High-Level Meetings of 66th Session in New York

Related Information
General Assembly of the United Nations
Highlights from the United Nations 65th General Assembly


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