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Archive for the ‘Conferences’ Category

Learn How to Use Data to Address Health Disparities in your Community

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Funding is available from Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) for small, non-profit organizations to attend this conference, which is primarily for members of community-based efforts (coalitions, grassroots organizations, etc.) and nonprofit organizations that use data to advance their health equity or health disparities work and are willing to learn and share their experience with others:

Conducting a thorough assessment of a community’s needs, resources and demographics serves as one of the first and most important steps for anti-drug coalition development. Coalitions can then use this qualitative and quantitative demographic data to guide evidence-based initiatives to address their unique local conditions and target audiences challenged by substance abuse. Community-based organizations can learn to better use this data and other sources of knowledge to promote health equity and address health disparities by attending the National Health Equity Data Conference, entitled “Knowledge for Equity: Using Data to Address Health Disparities,” from Nov. 13-14 in Silver Spring, Md.

“Knowledge for Equity: Using Data to Address Health Disparities” will be designed to support community based efforts to access, analyze, and use existing national, state, or local data. In addition to CADCA, conference partners include Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, The Prevention Institute, PolicyLink, the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, and the Community Indicators Consortium. The conference will be held in conjunction with the annual conference of the Community Indicators Consortium (CIC) in College Park, Maryland, on Nov. 15-16.


Webinars for this week

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

Regional Stakeholder Engagement Teleconference with CMS on Health Insurance Marketplace and Expanded Insurance Options

Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Starting today and going through Friday September 14, 2012

Sessions divided by region.  Check the website for the schedule and to register:


Teledentistry: Building Enhanced Dental Teams for Underserved Communities

Sponsored by Arizona Center for Rural Health

Wednesday September 12, 2012     2:00pm CST

For more information and to register:


Nurse Leadership in Measuring and Sustaining Patient Satisfaction

Sponsored by Arizona Center for Rural Health

Wednesday September 12, 2012     3:00pm CST

For more information and to register:


Stage 2 Requirements for the Medicare and Medicaid HER Incentive Programs

Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Thursday September 13, 2012     1:00pm – 2:30pm CST

For more information and to register:


Leadership Tips During a Health IT Implementation

Thursday Sep 14, 2012     1:00pm CST

Sponsored by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

For more information and to register:

Webinar and Resources on Bullying

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly tries to harm someone who is weaker or who they think is weaker. Often people dismiss bullying among kids as a normal part of growing up. But bullying is harmful. It can lead children and teenagers to feel tense and afraid. For some, the effects of bullying last a lifetime.

Healthy People 2020 is providing an educational webinar, “Spotlight on Health: Bullying Among Adolescents,” on September 27 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. EDT that will highlight Healthy People 2020, bullying among adolescents, bullying prevention and systematic policy changes, and populations at risk. Register at

For additional resources on bullying, MedlinePlus has a comprehensive Health Topic page on the topic (, including specific resources for children and teenagers.

Webinars for week of September 10

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

AMHSA: Webinar “Interagency Memorandum of Agreement & Tribal Action Plans”

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST

For more information and to register:


Communities Joined in Action: Webinar. “A Continuous Quality Improvement Approach to Organizational Cultural Competence.

Wednesday September 12, 2012 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT.

For more information and to register:


The Million Hearts: Webinar. “Promising Innovations: Million Hearts and Minority Health.

Thursday, September 13, 2012 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST.

For more information and to register:

National Cancer Institute Bridging Research and Reality Webinar: Practice-Based Evidence and Evidence-Based Practice

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

September 11, 2012, 1:00pm – 2:00pm Eastern Time

The translational gap between research and practice has long been discussed, often as a one-way street – get practitioners to recognize and utilize the research that is being conducted.  While important, equally important is the reverse – integrating practice-based evidence and context into the research conducted.  We need a bridge between the two, not a pipeline.

The National Cancer Institute’s Research to Reality September cyber-seminar will explore the need for, and the advances in, practice-based evidence and discuss the opportunities and future directions for the field.  At the end of the cyber-seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Practice-Based Evidence principles and its importance
  • Discuss recent colorectal cancer screening program, FLU-FIT/FLU-FOBT, and how it might be used in their community
  • Identify ways they might be able to implement evidence-based practice or practice-based research

For more information and to register, click here:

SAMSHA Two-Spirit People Webinar: Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Historical and Contemporary Native America

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

Two-Spirit People Then and Now – Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Historical & Contemporary Native America
September 10, 2012: 11am – 12:30pm (Eastern Time)

In the 21st century, one tradition that was nearly lost is contemporarily known as Two-Spirit: lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identified Native American/American Indian/Alaska Natives.  This webinar will examine the historical perspective to today’s condition and state of the two-spirit community.  This webinar will also show current data, barriers and challenges of this sub-population in seeking and accessing services.  A detailed report for current resources and key recommendations will be discussed.

To register for the Two-Spirit People webinar click here:

Webinars for Week of September 3

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

CMS on Stage 2 Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records

Sponsored by American Hospital Association

Wednesday September 5     1:30 pm  - 3:00 pm CST

For more information and to register:


Going Blind and Going Forward

Sponsored by The National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP):

Wednesday September 5     1:00 pm  - 2:00 pm CST

For more information and to register:


CMS Chicago Health Insurance Marketplace and Expanded Insurance Options Stakeholder Engagement Call

Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Thursday September 6     noon – 2:00 pm CST

For more information and to register:


Regional Stakeholder Engagement Teleconference with CMS on Health Insurance Marketplace & Expanded Insurance Options

Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Starting on Thursday September 6 Noon – 2:00 pm CST

Ongoing webinars offered other days

For more information and to register:

Webinars for week of August 27

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

Center for Mental Health Services National Advisory Council Meeting

Sponsored by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Friday August 24, 2012     10:30 am – 2:30 om CST

For more information and to register:


Health Information Technology Webinar Series, HIT Initiatives: An AAP Chapter View

Sponsored by American Academy of Pediatrics

Tuesday August 28, 2012     12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST

For more information and to register:


Potential Roles for Safety Net Providers in Supporting Continuity across Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchanges

Sponsored by National Academy for State Health Policy

Tuesday August 28, 2012     3:00 pm  - 4:00 pm CST

For more information and to register:


Reducing Inequities in Breast Cancer Part 2: Why Experience Matters

Sponsored by Breast Cancer Action

Webinar is being offered at two different times:

Wednesday August 29, 2012     12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST

Thursday August 30, 2012     5:00 pm – 6:00 pm CST

For more information and to register:

Webinar: When Every Drop Counts, The Public Health Implications of Drought

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

This is the first in a four-part series “Drought: When Every Drop Counts,” co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the American Public Health Association.  This webinar will provide information about the preconditions leading up to the current drought situation, discuss the significant overarching public health issues related to drought, and highlight some of these impacts, focusing on several American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Registration and more information about the webinar are here:

Conference Call: Five New Medicare Preventive Services

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

National Provider Call: Five New Medicare Preventive Services

Sponsored by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Did you know that five new preventive services are now covered by Medicare?

  • Screening and Behavioral Counseling Interventions in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse – Effective 10/14/11
  • Screening for Depression in Adults – Effective 10/14/11
  • Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease – Effective 11/8/11
  • Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and High-Intensity Behavioral Counseling (HIBC) to prevent STIs – Effective 11/8/11
  • Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity – Effective 11/29/11

Wednesday Aug 15, 2012     1:00pm – 2:30pm CST

For more information and to register: