DoDEA HQ Office of Communications

4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400

The DoDEA Communications Office initiates and manages DoDEA's communications and outreach efforts worldwide. The office coordinates press relations, internal information programs and communication with students, parents, teachers, school administrators and the public.

The HQ Communications Office:

Issues news releases and media advisories about DoDEA initiatives, employees and programs Produces video and television promotional and informational products marketed worldwide Maintains the DoDEA web site Designs printed promotional and informational material and graphic artwork to accompany publications, promotions and initiatives

DoDEA Celebrates National Teacher Appreciation Week - May 7-11, 2012

For Immediate Release — May 2, 2012 | HQ
: DoDEA Educational Communications Officer | (703) 588-3260   •   : DoDEA Educational Communications Officer | (703) 588-3272


The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is proud to honor teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week, in its schools around the world. This celebration, which runs May 7-11, recognizes the nation's teachers and is sponsored by the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

National Teacher Appreciation Week offers parents, students and communities the opportunity to thank teachers for the hard work they do each day to make schools great for every child.

"Every day teachers and support staff work tirelessly to fulfill DoDEA's promise of delivering a quality education to all military connected students," said DoDEA Director Marilee Fitzgerald. "From my school visits I have witnessed the teaching and learning efforts that are transforming our school system and shaping the future for the children of our military families."

The work teachers do is important and DoDEA teachers take on a special role in children's lives since many students have parents that are deployed - sometimes for more than a year at a time. For children of military families, educators provide a sense of stability and normalcy when other areas of their lives may change because of their parent's service in our nation's military.

"Each of us has our own stories about teachers who helped us get where we are today," said Fitzgerald. "Collectively, those stories create a rich mosaic that portrays the important and often underappreciated role that teachers play in our schools and communities."

Activities and events are planned at many DoDEA schools to honor teachers and celebrate their important contributions. Interested media are encouraged to contact principals for details on school celebrations.

DoDEA plans, directs, coordinates, and manages pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education programs for Department of Defense dependents that would otherwise not have access to a high-quality public education. DoDEA schools are located in Europe, the Pacific, the United States, Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also provides support and resources to Local Education Activities throughout the U.S. that serve children of military families.