CCAP Participates at COP22 in Marrakech

CCAP is participating in the 21st Conference of Parties (COP22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Marrakech, Morocco from November 7 – 18, including co-hosting a side event on supporting climate projects in developing countries. MORE »

Bill Tyndall: Challenges to Leveraging Private-Sector Investments Post-Paris

Now that the Paris climate agreement is binding, CEO  BIll Tyndall previews the COP22 meeting in Marrakesh on E&ETV's OnPoint with Monica Trauzzi, and discusses the key drivers behind optimizing private-sector funding for clean energy projects in developing nations. MORE »

Colombia TOD NAMA: From Concept to Reality

The Colombia Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) NAMA, a concept that was conceived in 2011 and preliminarily selected by the NAMA Facility in 2013, will now officially move to implementation, following  a €14.7 million grant from the NAMA Facility this past August. MORE »

U.S. and China Joining the Paris Agreement Sends a Strong Signal to Developing Countries

The commitments of the U.S. and China—two economic and technological superpowers–send a strong signal to developed and developing countries that implementing the Paris Agreement is not only necessary, but achievable. MORE »

Building Climate and Clean Energy Solutions Post-Paris

While there are still strong challenges, the global investment trends and financial flows are ramping up. Clean energy investments continue to grow. In this blog, CCAP CEO Bill Tyndall reflects on the recent Green Climate Fund Board meeting in Songdo, and on how the GCF can support developing countries to implement effective low-carbon technologies. MORE »

CCAP Participates at COP22 in Marrakech
Bill Tyndall: Challenges to Leveraging Private-Sector Investments Post-Paris
Colombia TOD NAMA: From Concept to Reality
U.S. and China Joining the Paris Agreement Sends a Strong Signal to Developing Countries
Building Climate and Clean Energy Solutions Post-Paris

CCAP’s mission is to significantly advance cost-effective and pragmatic air quality and climate policy through analysis, dialogue and education to reach a broad range of policy-makers and stakeholders worldwide.

Our initiatives include:

  • Multi-stakeholder dialogues
  • Education and outreach
  • Qualitative and quantitative research
  • Technical analysis
  • Policy solutions and recommendations development

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Working with Influential Partners to Create Lasting Change

Through a tax-deductible donation to CCAP, you will join the community of individuals and organizations who support out work. As a donor, you will help achieve our  mission of advancing cost-effective public policies that reduce air pollution that causes climate change.

“Now is the time to act ambitiously on climate change.  I dedicate my time to CCAP because of its focus on transformational clean energy: on-the-ground projects that  provide economic opportunities and healthier lives in communities around the globe.”

-Rob Brenner, Director of the Air Policy Office (Retired) Environmental Protection Agency and CCAP Board Member

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Where We Work

CCAP is a worldwide leader in developing and implementing climate and air quality policy solutions.