Instrument : National Weather Service Upper Air Measurements (NWSUPA)

Instrument Categories
Atmospheric Profiling

General Overview

These data are NWS soundings covering all three ARM sites. Some of these data are high temporal resolution (6 seconds) others are only for mandatory and significant levels. Most of these data sets were provided by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

Output Datastreams

  • 01snwsupaddc : NWS profiles at Dodge City, KS with 1-second resolution
  • 01snwsupaoun : NWS profiles at Oklahoma City, OK with 1-second resolution
  • 01snwsupatop : NWS profiles at Topeka, KS with 1-second resolution
  • 06snwsupabrw : NWS profiles at Barrow, Alaska with 6-second resolution
  • 06snwsupaddc : NWS profiles at Dodge City, KS with 6-second resolution
  • 06snwsupaoun : NWS profiles at Norman, OK with 6-second resolution
  • 06snwsupatop : NWS profiles at Topeka, KS with 6-second resolution

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant.
