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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

NEPA Analysis and Treatment of Resource Agency Recommendations

1. Will the scope of the Commission's NEPA analysis be different for a conditioned license as compared to a non-conditioned license?

No. The decision to issue a conditioned versus a non-conditioned license will have no bearing on the scope of Commission staff's NEPA analysis. All pre-filing (of the license application) and post-filing processes will remain the same, including pre-filing consultation; issue and study identification; solicitation of comments, recommendations, terms, conditions, and prescriptions; and NEPA review.

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2. Will the Commission consider agency recommendations submitted pursuant to FPA sections 10(a) and 10(j) differently for a conditioned license as compared to a non-conditioned license?

No. The decision to issue a conditioned versus a non-conditioned license will have no bearing on the consideration of agency recommendations submitted pursuant to section 10(a) or section 10(j) of the FPA.

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Updated: May 30, 2012