NHLBI Workshop

Data Needs for Cardiovascular Events, Management, and Outcomes

National Emergency Medical Services Information System - Dr. Greg Mears

National EMS Information System  

National EMS Information System

What is NEMSIS? The National Association of State EMS Directors is working with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Trauma/EMS Systems program of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to develop a national EMS database. The uses of such a database include:

  • Developing nationwide EMS training curricula.
  • Evaluating patient and EMS system outcomes.
  • Facilitating research efforts.
  • Determining national fee schedules and reimbursement rates.
  • Addressing resources for disaster and domestic preparedness.
  • Providing valuable information on other issues or areas of need related to EMS care.

The NEMSIS Project. The NEMSIS grant is an ongoing project with the following tasks:

  • Promote the NHTSA Uniform Pre-Hospital Dataset.
  • Promote the National EMS Information System Dataset.
  • Promote the National EMS Information System Business Implementation Model.
  • Design and implement a Pilot National EMS Database with web reporting capabilities as a proof of concept.
  • Support and promote state EMS data initiatives directed at implementing NEMSIS.

Participating States. 48 States NASEMSD states and 3 territory members have formally agreed to promote and support all EMS data initiatives within their states to conform to the NHTSA Version 2 dataset. These states will call upon vendors of EMS information system software to assist in implementing the National EMS Information System.

Components of NEMSIS

  • The NHTSA Uniform Pre-Hospital EMS Dataset, Version 2.
    • A comprehensive dataset which serves as a reference to local and state EMS systems as they develop and implement EMS data systems.
    • Captures the following components of EMS service and patient care delivery:
      • Dispatch Data
      • Incident Data
      • Patient Data
          - Demographics
          - Medical History
          - Assessment
          - Medical Device Data
          - Treatments/Medications
          - Procedures
          - Disposition
      • Injury/Trauma Data
      • Cardiac Arrest Data
      • Financial Data
      • EMS System Demographic Data
      • EMS Personnel Demographic Data
      • Quality Management Indicators
      • Outcome Indicators
      • Domestic Terrorism Data
      • Linkage Data
  • National EMS Dataset
    • A small subset of the NHTSA Uniform Pre-Hospital dataset consisting of 68 key data elements.
    • This is the minimal dataset each state is recommended to collect and submit.
    • Each state may choose to collect any amount of data between the full NHTSA Uniform Pre-Hospital Dataset and the National EMS Dataset.
    • Used to establish the National EMS Database.
  • National EMS Database
    • The "warehouse" which will store the data collected from each state based on their chosen dataset.
    • Web-based reporting capability to better define and describe EMS systems, personnel, and services across the country.
  • XML standard
    • Allows new and existing EMS datasets to import or export data based on the version 2 NHTSA dataset standards.
  • Business Model
    • Used for the deployment of the National EMS Information System at the local, state, and national levels.

Completed Components

  • NHTSA Version 2 Uniform Pre-Hospital Dataset
  • NHTSA Version 2 XML Data Standard
  • National EMS Database Dataset (66 data-element subset of the NHTSA Version 2 Dataset)
  • NEMSIS Business Model and Implementation Plan

Organizational Participation

  • Professional
    • American Ambulance Association (AAA)
    • American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
    • American College of Surgeons: Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT)
    • American Heart Association (AHA)
    • Emergency Medical Research Outcomes Project (EMSOP)
    • International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
    • International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
    • National Academy of Emergency Medical Dispatch (NAEMD)
    • National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP)
    • National Association of EMS Quality Professionals (NAEMSQP)
    • National Association of State EMS Directors (NASEMSD)
    • National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
  • Federal
    • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
    • EMSC National Resource Center (NRC)
    • Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
    • HRSA's Emergency Medical Services for Children Program (EMSC)
    • HRSA's Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP)
    • HRSA's Trauma/EMS Systems Program
    • National EMSC Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC)
    • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Funding: This contract is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Trauma/EMS Systems Program and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Contact Information

Greg Mears, MD, FACEP
Principal Investigator
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Phone: (919) 843-0201
E-mail: gdm@med.unc.edu

N. Clay Mann, PhD, MS
University of Utah School of Medicine
Intermountain Injury Control Research Center
Phone: (801) 581-6410
E-mail: Clay.Mann@hsc.utah.edu

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