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September 2012

September 11-13, 2012
Ninth Annual USEPA Drinking Water Workshop Small Drinking Water Systems: Compliance Strategies
Millennium Hotel Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

EPA in cooperation with the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) will be holding the 9th annual workshop on drinking water compliance challenges. The workshop is primarily for state personnel responsible for the compliance of drinking water regulations and the permitting of treatment technology. Past workshops have attracted over 200 participants with as many as 80 state personnel representing over 40 state drinking water programs. Workshop topics will include arsenic, nitrate, ammonia, corrosion control, microbial control, UV technology, POU/POE, water treatment fundamentals and other small system information. The workshop will have a work group and poster component.

Ninth Annual USEPA Drinking Water Workshop Small Drinking Water Systems: Compliance Strategies website

September 24-26, 2012
Fifty Years of Watershed Modeling - Past, Present and Future
Boulder, Colorado, USA

EPA co-sponsored conference to bring experts and students together to discuss and explore the evolution and future developments of watershed modeling.

Engineering Conferences International Fifty Years of Watershed Modeling - Past, Present and Future website Exit EPA Disclaimer

Visit EPA Exhibit BoothSeptember 29-October 3 2012
85th WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference)
New Orleans, AL

WEFTEC is the largest annual event for water quality professionals. Thousands of water and wastewater professionals attend to learn, network, find out about new products and services, and earn continuing education credit and PDH hours. Cutting-edge technical sessions and workshops address topics including collection systems; membrane technologies; plant operations, treatment, and management; regulations and research; residuals and biosolids; water recycling, and more.

WEFTEC website Exit EPA Disclaimer

Visit EPA Exhibit BoothSeptember 30-October 5, 2012
EcoSummit 2012
Columbus, OH

EcoSummit 2012 will bring together the world's most respected minds in ecological science to discuss restoring the planet's ecosystems. Ecosystems such as streams, rivers, inland and coastal wetlands, grasslands, and forests provide numerous services that fundamentally support human health and well-being. This international conference will explore innovative science-based strategies that are socially and culturally acceptable to create, manage, and restore these ecosystems, ensuring that society has access to all these ecosystem services. Our aim is to provide a high-profile platform for discussion among researchers, planners and decision-makers to develop a better understanding of the complex nature of ecological systems and the means to protect and enhance their services.

EcoSummit 2012 website Exit EPA Disclaimer

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October 2012

Visit EPA Exhibit BoothSeptember 29-October 3 2012
85th WEF
TEC (Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference)
New Orleans, AL

WEFTEC is the largest annual event for water quality professionals. Thousands of water and wastewater professionals attend to learn, network, find out about new products and services, and earn continuing education credit and PDH hours. Cutting-edge technical sessions and workshops includie collection systems; membrane technologies; plant operations, treatment, and management; regulations and research; residuals and biosolids; water recycling, and more.

WEFTEC web site Exit EPA Disclaimer

Visit EPA Exhibit BoothSeptember 30-October 5, 2012
EcoSummit 2012
Columbus, OH

EcoSummit 2012 will bring together the world's most respected minds in ecological science to discuss restoring the planet's ecosystems. Ecosystems such as streams, rivers, inland and coastal wetlands, grasslands, and forests provide numerous services that fundamentally support human health and well-being. This international conference will explore innovative science-based strategies that are socially and culturally acceptable to create, manage, and restore these ecosystems, ensuring that society has access to all these ecosystem services. Our aim is to provide a high-profile platform for discussion among researchers, planners and decision-makers to develop a better understanding of the complex nature of ecological systems and the means to protect and enhance their services.

EcoSummit 2012 web site Exit EPA Disclaimer

October 15 through 18, 2012
Sustainable Electronics Forum
The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread, 333 East Four Mile Road, Racine, Wisconsin

Sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Green Electronics Council and The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, in cooperation with The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread and the Green Electronics Council, is convening a Sustainable Electronics Forum to address major research challenges, policy issues and opportunities facing the management of electronic products. The Forum will bring together a small, focused group of recognized leaders in electronics design, materials, manufacturing and recycling to develop a shared vision and technology roadmap for sustainable electronics.

Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Jennifer McCulley of The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc., at 301‑670-4990 or jmcculley@scgcorp.com.

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Risk Management Research: Air and Climate Change Research | Water Research | Ecosystems Restoration Research | Land Research | Technology: Sustainable Technologies Research, Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV), and Technology Assessments

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