Measurement : Soil heat flux

A quantity measured according to the formula B = {lambda}(dT/dz), where {lambda} is the conductivity of the soil that the heat is moving through.

Surface Properties


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems
    • EBBR : Energy Balance Bowen Ratio Station
    • SEBS : Surface Energy Balance System
  • External Instruments
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series
    • NCEPGFS : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • SFCFLUX : Surface Flux
    • TOWERFLUX : Tower Flux Measurements

Value-Added Products

  • BAEBBR : Best-Estimate Fluxes From EBBR Measurements and Bulk Aerodynamics Calculations (Process)
    • 30BAEBBR : EBBR: bulk aerodynamic estimates of sensible & latent heat fluxes, 30-min


  • SEBS : Surface Energy Balance System Datastreams
    • SEBS : Surface Energy Balance System
  • NCEPGFS : National Centers for Environment Prediction Global Forecast System Datastreams
  • EBBR : Energy Balance Bowen Ratio Station Datastreams
    • 30EBBR : Energy Balance Bowen Ratio (EBBR) station: surf. heat flux and related data, 30-min
  • CO2FLX : Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems Datastreams
    • 30CO2FLX4MMET : Eddy Correlation CO2 Flux Data: 4 m samples, meteorological data, 30-min stats
  • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series Datastreams
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS1 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., enhanced surface, params, stations
  • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses Datastreams
    • ECMWFSFC : ECMWF: surface variables and fluxes, entire coverage, 1-hr avg
    • ECMWFSFCML : ECMWF: model multilevel surface fields at 4 levels, entire coverage