BLS Statistical Survey Papers by CE Staff and Others Using CE Data

  • Latent Class Analysis in Consumer Expenditure Reports (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Brian Meekins, Clyde Tucker and Paul Biemer
    • 2010
  • Assessing Contact History Data Quality and Consistency Across Several Federal Surveys (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Nancy Bates, James M. Dahlhamer, Polly Phipps, Adam Safir and Lucilla Tan
    • 2010
  • Source Selection: Selecting and Evaluating America's Expenditures (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Barry Steinberg, Brett Creech, Mary Lynn Schmidt and Patrick Falwell
    • 2010
  • Modeling the Difference in Interview Characteristics for Different Respondents (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by John Dixon
    • 2009
  • Assessing Nonresponse Bias in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Susan L. King, Boriana Chopova, Jennifer Edgar, Jeffrey M. Gonzalez, Dave E. McGrath and Lucilla Tan
    • 2009
  • Using Contact Attempt History Data to Determine the Optimal Number of Contact Attempts (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Adam Safir and Lucilla Tan
    • 2009
  • Correlates of Data Quality in the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Jennifer Edgar and Jeffrey M. Gonzalez
    • 2009
  • The Effects of Incentives on the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Karen L. Goldenberg, David McGrath, and Lucilla Tan
    • 2009
  • Mode Effects in a Survey of Consumer Expenditures (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Adam Safir and Karen Goldenberg
    • 2008
  • The Use of Paradata for Evaluating Interviewer Training and Performance (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by William P. Mockovak and Randall Powers
    • 2008
  • Adaptive Matrix Sampling for the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Jeffrey M. Gonzalez and John L. Eltinge
    • 2008
  • A Microlevel Latent Class Model for Measurement Error in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Clyde Tucker, Brian Meekins and Paul Biemer
    • 2008
  • Reduction of Sample Areas in the Consumer Price Index and Consumer Expenditure Survey Designs (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Lawrence Ernst, William H. Johnson and William E. Larson
    • 2007
  • Multiple Matrix Sampling: A Review (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Jeffrey Gonzalez and John L. Eltinge
    • 2007
  • Is a User-Friendly Diary More Effective? Measuring the Effects on Data Collection (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Nhien To and Lucilla Tan
    • 2006
  • Effect of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Moon Jung Cho and Carolyn Pickering
    • 2006
  • Analysis of Recall Effect on the Reporting of Expenditures for the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Barry Steinberg, Boriana Chopova, Lucilla Tan, Jared Ogden, Pierre Bahizi, and Geoffrey Paulin
    • 2006
  • Effects of Incentives in the U.S. Consumer Expenditures Quarterly Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by David McGrath
    • 2006
  • Estimating the Level of Underreporting of Expenditures among Expenditure Reporters: A Micro-level Latent Class Analysis (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Clyde Tucker, Brian Meekins, and Paul Biemer
    • 2005
  • Optimal Pairing for Stratum Collapse Methods with Interviewer-Level Measurement Error Shared Across Strata (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Moon Jung Cho and John Eltinge
    • 2005
  • Developing Poverty Thresholds (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner
    • 2005
  • Comparison of Item Nonresponse and Unit Nonresponse in Household Surveys (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by John S. Dixon
    • 2005
  • Modeling of Survey Response Rates and Reporting Rates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Moon J. Cho and John L. Eltinge
    • 2004
  • Estimating the Level of Underreporting of Expenditures among Expenditure Reporters: A Microlevel Latent Class Analysis (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Clyde Tucker, Paul P. Biemer, Brian J. Meekins, and Jennifer Shields
    • 2004
  • Temporal Patterns of Survey Response Rates and Reporting Rates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview and Other Panel Surveys (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Moon J. Cho, John L. Eltinge, and Barry P. Steinberg
    • 2004
  • Temporal Patterns of Survey Response Rates and Reporting Rates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Interview and Other Panel Surveys (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Moon Jung Cho and John L. Eltinge
    • 2004
  • Inferential Methods to Identify Possible Interviewer Fraud Using Leading Digit Preference Patterns and Design Effect Matrices. Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, 2003, American Statistical Association (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Moon Jung Cho, John L. Eltinge, and David Swanson
    • 2003
  • Detecting Possibly Fraudulent or Error-Prone Survey Data Using Benford's Law. Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, 2003, American Statistical Association (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by David Swanson, Moon Jung Cho, and John L. Eltinge
    • 2003
  • Is a User-Friendly Diary More Effective? Findings from a Field Test. Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, 2003, American Statistical Association (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Eric Figueroa, Jeanette Davis, Sally E. Reyes-Morales, Nhien To, and Lucilla Tan
    • 2003
  • Economic Well-Being Based on Consumer Expenditures and Personal Assessments of Minimum Income and Minimum Spending. Proceedings of the Section on Social Statistics, 2003, American Statistical Association (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia Garner
    • 2003
  • Conceptual and Practical Issues in the Statistical Design and Analysis of Usability Tests (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by John Bosley, John Eltinge, Jean Fox, and Scott Fricker
    • 2003
  • Determining Within-PSU Sample Sizes for the Consumer Expenditure Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Sylvia Johnson-Herring, Sharon Krieger, and David Swanson
    • 2002
  • An Application Of Regression And Calibration Estimation To Post-Stratification In A Household Survey, Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Bodhini Jayasuriya and Richard Valliant
    • 1995
  • An Examination Of Spending Patterns Of Families Receiving Forms Of Public Assistance (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by William D. Passero
    • 1995
  • Distributions and Transformations for Family Expenditures (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Stuart Scott and Daniel J. Rope
    • 1993
  • Consumer Expenditures and Inequality: An Analysis Using the Gini Coefficient
    • by Thesia I. Garner
    • 1993


Last Modified Date: May 6, 2011