Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2006-2007



Introduction (PDF)

1-2, 5-6
  • Text table 1. Average annual expenditures of all consumer units and percent changes,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2005–07 (PDF)
  • Text table 2. Component shares of total annual expenditures,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004–07 (PDF)

Data highlights 2006 and 2007 (PDF)

  • Chart 1. Share of total transportation expenditures to transportation subcomponents,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2003–07, in percent (PDF)
  • Chart 2. Share of total housing expenditures for housing subcomponents,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1987, 1997, and 2007, in percent (PDF)

Interpreting the Data (PDF)


Data comparison articles:

Consumer Expenditure Survey Compared with National Health Expenditure Accounts (PDF)

  • Text table 3. Comparison of aggregate expenditures for healthcare: Consumer
    Expenditure Survey and National Health Expenditure Accounts, 2004–07 (PDF)

Measuring the Impact of Income Imputation in the Consumer Expenditure Survey:
A Multi-year Comparison of Income Data with Estimates from the Current Population Survey (PDF)

  • Text table 4. Aggregate pretax income and ratios for Current Population Survey (CPS)
    and for three alternative measures of Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE),
    by total and source of income, 2002–07 (PDF)
  • Text table 5. Aggregate pretax income and percent distribution, total and by
    reported and allocated status, by source of income, Current Population Survey (CPS)
    and three alternative measures of Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE), 2004–07 (PDF)

Consumer Expenditure Survey Compared with the American Community Survey (PDF)

  • Text table 6. Comparison of housing and fuel expenditures: Consumer Expenditure Survey,
    and American Community Survey (ACS), 2006–07 (PDF)

Special topic articles:

Computer Ownership Continues to Rise (PDF 1.6 MB)

  1. Chart 3. Percent of computer ownership, all consumer units,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2003–07
  1. Text table 7. Average number of computers owned, all consumer units
    and computer owners, Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey, 2000–07
  1. Chart 4. Percent of computer ownership by age group, Consumer
    Expenditure Survey, 2000 and 2007

  1. Chart 5. Percent of computer ownership by education level, Consumer
    Expenditure Survey, 2000 and 2007

  1. Text table 8. Average number of computers owned by all consumer units
    and computer owners, classified by age, education level, and race, Consumer
    Expenditure Interview Survey, 2000 and 2007

  1. Chart 6. Percent of computer ownership by race, Consumer
    Expenditure Survey, 2000 and 2007

  1. Chart 7. Percent of computer ownership by income quintile,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004 and 2007

  1. Text table 9. Average number of computers owned by all consumer units
    and computer owners, classified by income quintile, Consumer
    Expenditure Interview Survey, 2004 and 2007


A Comparison of Expenditures by Opposite-sex Unmarried Partners with Opposite-sex
Married Couples, without Children (PDF)

  1. Chart 8. Distribution of age of reference person by couple type,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004–07
  1. Chart 9. Income before taxes and income before taxes per earner by age group
    and couple type, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004–07
  1. Text table 10. Demographic summary statistics by age, income and couple type,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004–07

  1. Text table 11. Expenditure levels by age, income and couple type,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004–07

  1. Text table 12. Expenditure shares by age, income and couple type,
    Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2004–07



    A. Glossary (PDF)
    B. Integration and Survey Methods (PDF)
       Table B-1. Analysis of response in the 2006-2007 Interview Survey
       Table B-2. Analysis of response in the 2006-2007 Diary Survey
    C. Survey source of data for integrated tables (PDF)
    D. Consumer Expenditure Survey resources (PDF)
       Monthly Labor Review articles
       Bulletins and Reports
       Microdata files on CD-ROM
       Online tables via the Internet

Reference tables:

 Selected characteristics and annual expenditures, 2007, by:
  1. Quintiles of income before taxes (PDF)
  2. Income before taxes (PDF)
  3. Higher income before taxes (PDF)
  4. Age of reference person (PDF)
  5. Size of consumer unit (PDF)
  6. Composition of consumer unit (PDF)
  7. Number of earners (PDF)
  8. Housing tenure and type of area (PDF)
  9. Race of reference person (PDF)
  10. Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person (PDF)
  11. Region (PDF)
  12. Occupation (PDF)
  13. Education (PDF)
Selected characteristics and annual expenditures, 2006, by:
  1. Quintiles of income before taxes (PDF)
  2. Income before taxes (PDF)
  3. Higher income before taxes (PDF)
  4. Age of reference person (PDF)
  5. Size of consumer unit (PDF)
  6. Composition of consumer unit (PDF)
  7. Number of earners (PDF)
  8. Housing tenure and type of area (PDF)
  9. Race of reference person (PDF)
  10. Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person (PDF)
  11. Region (PDF)
  12. Occupation (PDF)
  13. Education (PDF)
Selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 2006-2007
  1. Northeast (PDF)
  2. Midwest (PDF)
  3. South (PDF)
  4. West (PDF)
Selected characteristics and annual expenditures, 2006-2007, cross-tabulated by:
 Age of reference person and income before taxes:
  1. Age under 25 (PDF)
  2. Age 25–34 (PDF)
  3. Age 35–44 (PDF)
  4. Age 45–54 (PDF)
  5. Age 55–64 (PDF)
  6. Age 65 and older (PDF)
 Region of residence and income before taxes:
  1. Northeast (PDF)
  2. Midwest (PDF)
  3. South (PDF)
  4. West (PDF)
 Size of consumer unit and income before taxes:
  1. One person (PDF)
  2. Two or more persons (PDF)
  3. Two persons (PDF)
  4. Three persons (PDF)
  5. Four persons (PDF)
  6. Five or more persons (PDF)
Selected characteristics and annual expenditures of single consumer units, 2006-2007, cross-tabulated by:
 Sex and age of reference person:
  1. Single men (PDF)
  2. Single women (PDF)
 Sex and income before taxes:
  1. Single men (PDF)
  2. Single women (PDF)
Shares of average annual expenditures, 2007, by:
  1. Quintiles of income before taxes (PDF)
  2. Income before taxes (PDF)
  3. Higher income before taxes (PDF)
  4. Age of reference person (PDF)
  5. Size of consumer unit (PDF)
  6. Composition of consumer unit (PDF)
  7. Number of earners (PDF)
  8. Housing tenure and type of area (PDF)
  9. Race of reference person (PDF)
  10. Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person (PDF)
  11. Region (PDF)
  12. Occupation (PDF)
  13. Education (PDF)
Aggregate expenditure shares, 2007, by:
  1. Quintiles of income before taxes (PDF)
  2. Income before taxes (PDF)
  3. Higher income before taxes (PDF)
  4. Age of reference person (PDF)
  5. Size of consumer unit (PDF)
  6. Composition of consumer unit (PDF)
  7. Number of earners (PDF)
  8. Housing tenure and type of area (PDF)
  9. Race of reference person (PDF)
  10. Hispanic or Latino origin of reference person (PDF)
  11. Region (PDF)
  12. Occupation (PDF)
  13. Education (PDF)

The full PDF version of the text of Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2006-2007 (PDF 4.0MB)


Last Modified Date: August 16, 2010