Good afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you on such a solemn occasion as the five year anniversary of the September 11th attacks.<br/><br/>Today I'd like to spend a few minutes remembering - remembering the events of that day, five years ago - remembering some of the most amazing accounts of heroism anyone has ever seen or heard - and remembering the sacrifices of some three thousand men, women and children of all different ages, races and nationalities. I'd also like to focus on how we've grown and changed as a nation, the advances we've made in the War on Terror, some of the many ways we now pay tribute to the lives lost that day and some of the heroic ways Americans everywhere are answering the Call to Duty to defend this great nation.<br/><br/>It was 8:46 a.m. in New York City - when our otherwise normal morning was quickly transformed into a day that will live in our hearts and minds forever. American Airlines Flight 11 slammed into the first of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Unlike the attack on Pearl Harbor, the images of that day were instantly in the living rooms and on the computer screens of practically every American. At that time, no one could begin to grasp the remaining terror that would reveal itself over the course of that day. Soon to follow, a second aircraft, United Airlines Flight 175, crashed into the second World Trade Center Tower, and we witnessed the collapse of both towers. Shortly thereafter, terrorists used American Airlines Flight 77 as a weapon to attack the Pentagon. Then, United Flight 93, intended for the White House, crashed into a field in the Pennsylvania countryside. Many brave Americans aboard United Flight 93 chose to fight - and potentially saved thousands of lives in the process.<br/><br/>The images of that day will never leave us. But what also stands out is what we discovered about ourselves. In the face of so much terror, so many Americans rose above their fears. Their Call to Duty that day was to risk their own lives, to save others.<br/><br/>Some of the most remarkable heroes of that day include:<br/><br/>Stephen Siller:<br/><br/>Stephen was a New York firefighter who was on his way home from work when he heard the call on his scanner that a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center Towers. Stephen turned his truck aroun

Page last updated Mon September 18th, 2006 at 09:44