Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) - Current and Revised Data

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CFOI data are published annually with a one time revision of the data approximately eight months after the initial release. The revised data may include additional records or corrections in coding of the data based on new information received since the initial closeout.

2010 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2010 file (4/25/2012)
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2010 (PDF 268K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2010 (PDF 274K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2010 (PDF 233K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2010 (PDF 239K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2010 (PDF 155K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2010 (PDF 181K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2010 (PDF 20K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2010 (PDF 64K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2010 (PDF 78K)

Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Charts, 1992-2010 (revised data)

  • All charts, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2010 (PDF 302K)
    • Number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2010
    • Rate of fatal work injuries, 2006-2010
    • Number of fatal work injuries, by State, 2010
    • Manner in which fatal work injuries occurred, 2010
    • Difference in fatal work injury counts, by event, 2009-2010
    • Four most frequent work-related fatal injury events, 1992-2010
    • Work-related fatal falls, by type of fall, 2010
    • Selected fatal work-related transportation events, excluding highway, 1992-2010
    • How workers died in multiple-fatality incidents, 2010
    • Fatal work injuries and hours worked, by gender of worker, 2010
    • Distribution of fatal injury events, by gender of worker, 2010
    • Number of work-related homicides, by gender of decedent, 1997-2010
    • Number of fatal work injuries involving Hispanic or Latino workers, 1997-2010
    • Fatal injuries involving foreign-born workers, by country or region of birth, 2010
    • Fatal work injury rates, by age group, 2010
    • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries, by industry sector, 2010
    • Fatal occupational injuries in the private sector mining industry, 2003-2010
    • Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries, by major civilian occupation group, 2010
    • Occupations with high fatal work injury rates, 2010

2009 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2009 file (5/4/2011)
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2009 (PDF 454K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2009 (PDF 484K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2009 (PDF 415K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2009 (PDF 449K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2009 (PDF 260K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2009 (PDF 318K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2009 (PDF 30K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2009 (PDF 115K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2009 (PDF 144K)

2008 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2008 file (4/22/2010)
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2008 (PDF 486K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2008 (PDF 741K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2008 (PDF 428K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2008 (PDF 472K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2008 (PDF 280K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2008 (PDF 342K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2008 (PDF 30K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2008 (PDF 119K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2008 (PDF 148K)

2007 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2007 file
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2007 (PDF 81K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2007 (PDF 74K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2007 (PDF 65K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2007 (PDF 60K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2007 (PDF 49K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2007 (PDF 49K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2007 (PDF 12K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2007 (PDF 23K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2007 (PDF 55K)

2006 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2006 file
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2006 (PDF 134K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2006 (PDF 126K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2006 (PDF 113K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2006 (PDF 92K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2006 (PDF 81K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2006 (PDF 81K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2006 (PDF 16K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2006 (PDF 32K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2006 (PDF 38K)

2005 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2005 file
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2005 (PDF 131K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2005 (PDF 123K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2005 (PDF 113K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2005 (PDF 147K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2005 (PDF 105K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2005 (PDF 115K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2005 (PDF 12K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2005 (PDF 43K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2005 (PDF 48K)

2004 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Cases added on the revised 2004 file
  • Industry by event or exposure, 2004 (PDF 137K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2004 (PDF 130K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2004 (PDF 119K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2004 (PDF 147K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2004 (PDF 105K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2004 (PDF 115K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2004 (PDF 12K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2004 (PDF 43K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2004 (PDF 48K)

2003 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Industry by event or exposure, 2003 (PDF 130K)
  • Industry by transportation incidents and homicides, 2003 (PDF 122K)
  • Industry by private sector, government workers, and self-employed workers, 2003 (PDF 114K)
  • Primary and secondary source of injury by major private industry division, 2003 (PDF 66K)
  • Occupation by event or exposure, 2003 (PDF 48K)
  • Occupation by transportation incidents and homicides, 2003 (PDF 48K)
  • Worker characteristics by event or exposure, 2003 (PDF 9K)
  • Event or exposure by age, 2003 (PDF 20K)
  • Event or exposure by major private industry division, 2003 (PDF 24K)

1992-2002 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (revised data)

  • Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries All worker profile, 1992-2002 (PDF 233K)

    NOTE: This table was replaced on 1/07/2005. State fatal injury counts in the previous version of this table, posted from 9/23/2004 to 1/07/2005, were based on the Reference State rather than State of Incident, resulting in higher fatal injury counts in some years for some States. Only State counts were affected—all other counts are unchanged.

    This table was replaced on 8/7/2007. There was an error, affecting only this table, in the data for two race categories, posted from 9/23/2004 to 8/5/2007. This affected the race fatal injury counts for the "Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander" and the "Other races or not reported" categories in the data for 1992 through 1998. The current version of this table, made available on 01/31/2008, corrects this error.

Fatal injury rates

  • Hours-based fatal work injury rates
  • Hours-based fatal injury rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2010 (PDF 43K)
  • Hours-based fatal injury rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2009 (PDF 66K)
  • Hours-based fatal injury rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2008 (PDF 78K)
  • Hours-based fatal injury rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2007 (PDF 78K)
  • Hours-based fatal injury rates by industry, occupation, and selected demographic characteristics, 2006 (PDF 78K)
  • Employment-based rates from 1992-2007

Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)

  • Fatal occupational injuries by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 2010 (PDF 35K)
  • Fatal occupational injuries by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 2009 (PDF 56K)
  • Fatal occupational injuries by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 2008 (PDF 73K)
  • Fatal occupational injuries by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 2007 (PDF 35K)
  • Fatal occupational injuries by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 2006 (PDF 21K)
  • Fatal occupational injuries by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), 2005 (PDF 19K)

Miscellaneous CFOI data tables


Last Modified Date: April 25, 2012