Economic Working Papers by CE Staff and Others Using CE Data

The BLS Economic Working Paper Series is a collection of research papers authored by senior economists within various offices of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This series is maintained by the Office of Employment Research and Program Development, the Compensation Research and Program Development Group, and the Division of Price and Index Number Research. The purpose of the BLS Working Paper Series is to circulate research findings to interested readers within and outside the BLS as a means of encouraging discussion prior to publication in academic journals.

Hard copies of those working papers which are not available in electronic format can be obtained by contacting Anna Sanders at 202-691-6589 or , or via mail at US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of Price and Index Number Research, Room 3105, 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, D.C. 20212.

  • Note on Standard Errors and Other Relevant Statistics of Experimental Poverty Thresholds Produced at the Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2006 to 2008 (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I Garner
    • 2010
  • Setting and Updating Modern Poverty Thresholds (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I Garner and David Betson
    • 2010
  • Reconciling User Costs and Rental Equivalence: Evidence from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Randal Verbrugge and Thesia I. Garner
    • 2009
  • Creating a Consistent Poverty Measure over Time Using NAS Procedures: 1996-2005 (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner and Kathleen S. Short
    • 2008
  • The Puzzling Divergence of U.S. Rents and User Costs, 1980-2004: Summary and Extensions (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner and Randal Verbrugge
    • 2007
  • Income Imputation and the Analysis of Expenditure Data in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Jonathan Fisher
    • 2006
  • Economic Well-Being Based on Income, Consumer Expenditures and Personal Assessments of Minimal Needs (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner and Kathleen Short
    • 2005
  • Developing a New Poverty Line for the USA: Are There Lessons for India? (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner and Kathleen Short
    • 2005
  • Experimental Poverty Measures Under Alternative Treatments of Medical Out-of-Pocket Expenditures: An Application of the Consumer Expenditure Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner and Kathleen Short
    • 2002
  • The Influence of Demographics and Household Specific Price Indices on Consumption Based Inequality and Welfare: A Comparison of Spain and the United States (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Thesia I. Garner, Javier Ruiz-Castillo, and Mercedes Sastre
    • 2002
  • Constructing Household Specific Consumer Price Indexes: An Analysis of Different Techniques and Methods (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Robert A. Cage, Thesia I. Garner, and Javier Ruiz-Castillo
    • 2002
  • Developing Poverty Thresholds Using Expenditure Data
    • by David Johnson, Thesia I. Garner, and Stephanie Shipp
    • 1998
  • Health Insurance Coverage For Families With Children: Findings From The Consumer Expenditure Survey (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Elizabeth M. Dietz
    • 1995
  • Trends In Inequality Using Consumer Expenditures: 1960 To 1993 (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by David Johnson and Stephanie Shipp
    • 1995
  • An Examination Of Spending Patterns Of Families Receiving Forms Of Public Assistance (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by William D. Passero
    • 1995
  • Distributions and Transformations for Family Expenditures (Abstract) (PDF)
    • by Stuart Scott and Daniel J. Rope
    • 1993
  • Experimental Poverty Measurement for the 1990s
    • by Thesia Garner, Geoffrey Paulin, Stephanie S. Shipp, Kathleen Short and Chuck Nelson
    • 1998
  • Do Expenditures Explain Income? A Study of Variables for Income Imputation
    • by Geoffrey D. Paulin and David L. Ferraro
    • 1996
  • The Changing Food at Home Budget: 1980 and 1992 Compared
    • by Geoffrey D. Paulin
    • 1995
  • Household Income Reporting: An Analysis of US Consumer Expenditure Survey Data
    • by Thesia I. Garner and Laura A. Blanciforti
    • 1994
  • A Comparison of Consumer Expenditures by Housing Tenure: Homeowners, Renters, and Condominium Owners
    • by Geoffrey D. Paulin
    • 1993
  • Consumer Expenditures and Inequality: An Analysis Using the Gini Coefficient
    • by Thesia I. Garner
    • 1993


Last Modified Date: May 6, 2011