USA NPN National Phenology Network

Taking the Pulse of Our Planet

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The USA National Phenology Network

The USA National Phenology Network

We bring together citizen scientists, government agencies, non-profit groups, educators and students of all ages to monitor the impacts of climate change on plants and animals in the United States. Learn more about the USA-NPN

What is Phenology?

What is Phenology?

Phenology refers to key seasonal changes in plants and animals from year to year – such as flowering, emergence of insects and migration of birds – espeically their timing and relationship with weather and climate.

Learn more about phenology

Phenology and Climate Change

Phenology and Climate Change

The ways in which the world is responding to climate change are not well understood. Phenology is a great indicator of current and future climate impacts on people, plants, animals and our natural areas.

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USA National Phenology Network


Lilac phenology from different angles

December 14, 2012

On the ground observations of cloned lilacs, together with a phenocam at the USGS headquarters in Reston, VA are featured in a US Global Change Research Program story.

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Observers Needed

Join a Nature's Notebook Campaign

This spring you can participate in a growing national program to understand how plants and animals are responding to climate change. We're focusing on lilacs, dogwoods and deciduous trees.

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