Jefferson Lab > Technology Transfer
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General Procedure for Licensing Jefferson Lab Technology

Jefferson Lab has a number of inventions in various stages of patenting and described at the following web site: These inventions are now available for commercialization through license. Any organization expressing interest in licensing technology developed by Jefferson Lab is required to complete a Jefferson Lab Non-Disclosure Form, after which, more relevant information will be provided. In some cases, Jefferson Lab will host a pre-proposal conference to which interested parties will be invited. If, after reviewing provided information, organizations remain interested, they are invited to submit a License and Commercialization Plan for consideration by the Laboratory. License and Commercialization Plans must include the information detailed in Table 1.

Jefferson Lab will evaluate the merits of submitted License and Commercialization Plans against the following criteria:

  1. Demonstrated corporate commitment and capability to successfully develop, manufacture and sell products under the proposed license.
  2. Advantages to Jefferson Lab of proposed financial terms, extent, and realism of proposed returns to Jefferson Lab.
  3. Jefferson Lab will give a preference to a small business firm when licensing a subject invention if the Lab determines that the small business firm has a plan or proposal for marketing the invention which, if executed, is equally as likely to bring the invention to practical application as any plans or proposals from applicants that are not small business firms; provided, that Jefferson Lab is also satisfied that the small business firm has the capability and resources to carry out its plan or proposal. The decision whether to give a preference to a small business in any specific case will be at the discretion of JSA.
  4. Jefferson Lab will give preference to U.S. Industry based on the following factors:
    1. Whether any resulting design and development will be performed in the United States and whether resulting products, embodying parts, including components thereof, will be substantially manufactured in the United States; or
    2. (a) whether the proposed licensee or assignee has a business unit located in the United States and whether significant economic and technical benefits will flow to the United States as a result of the license or assignment agreement: and

      (b) in licensing any entity subject to the control of a foreign company or government, whether such foreign government permits Untied States agencies, organizations or other persons to enter into cooperative research and development agreements and licensing agreements, and has policies to protect United States Intellectual Property rights.

On the basis of such an evaluation, Jefferson Lab's Technology Review Committee may reject or recommend to the Chief Technology Officer and Lab Management that Jefferson Lab grant an organization an exclusive license(s), or non-exclusive license(s). 

Table 1. Required Technology License and Commercialization Plan Sections.




Executive Summary


Description of the organizations submitting the License and Commercialization Plan.


Name, address and telephone of organization's primary point of contact.


A statement as to the size and type of the organization (e.g., Very Small Business, Small Business, not-for-profit, minority owned).


Financial condition of the company with copies of the latest available full years audited balance and income statement or Annual Report and a copy of a Dun and Bradstreet (or similar) report, and financial reference (i.e., Bank or similar institution).


Previous experience of the company in developing, manufacturing and marketing products similar to those to be produced under the proposed license.


A brief description of the company's commitment and overall plans to successfully develop, manufacture and sell products under the proposed license. Plans should include answers as to where each activity will take place +/- Locally, Virginia, National, or International.


Proposed type (exclusive or non-exclusive) and period of license.)


A detailed explanation of the proposer's product development, marketing and sales plans to include scheduled, measurable milestones which could be included in the license terms and conditions.


A statement of the extent to which the invention is being practiced by private industry, the Government, or both and the extent to which the invention is commercially viable.


A statement of the nature and amount of anticipated resources (e.g., manpower, money and equipment) that would be committed to proposed product development key tasks (e.g., marketing, sales, research and development, manufacturing, human resources, finance, distribution)


An estimate and explanation of the anticipated market for products to be sold under this license to include a statement of the geographic areas intended for manufacturing, use and sales.


Proposed financial terms for the license to include such issues as Up-front fees to be paid upon execution of the license, Royalty plan, and presentation of the extent and realism of expected returns to Jefferson Lab.


Proposed field(s) of use in detail to include rationale justifying why the company should be selected for the proposed field(s) of use.


Resume of key personnel the organization plans to assign to the Commercialization of the product.

Please Note: All the above information shall be held confidential at the request of the submitting organization. An exception to receipt of a full Plan prior to licensing is at the discretion of JSA.

Typical Time Table: