
Index of calculators

Use Bankrate's calculators to compare mortgage, home equity and auto loan costs, perfect your budget, pay down debt, and plan for your retirement and investing goals.


Mortgage calculator (includes amortization schedule)
Amortization schedule calculator
Which rate/points combination is right for you?
15-year or 30-year mortgage: Which is right for you?
Fixed- or adjustable-rate mortgage: Which is right for you?
Get a biweekly mortgage payment plan
Interest-only mortgage loan payment calculator
Rent or buy your next home: Which is right for you?
See your FICO score range -- free!
Should you refinance your mortgage?
Compare the cost of living between cities
What happens when your adjustable rate mortgage adjusts?
Adjustable-rate mortgage calculator
Annual percentage rate calculator for ARM loans
ARM or fixed-rate calculator
Balloon mortgage calculator
Biweekly mortgage payment calculator
Blended-rate mortgage calculator
Fixed-rate vs. interest-only mortgage calculator
Interest-only ARM calculator
Interest-only mortgage calculator
Maximum mortgage
Mortgage annual percentage rate calculator
Mortgage debt consolidation calculator
Mortgage loan calculator
Mortgage loan payment calculator
Mortgage payoff calculator
Mortgage points calculator
How much money can I borrow for a mortgage?
Income required for mortgage calculator
Mortgage tax deduction calculator
Option ARM vs. fixed-rate mortgage calculator
Mortgage refinance break-even calculator
Refinance interest savings calculator
How much house can you afford?
How much should you put down?
Opinionated mortgage calculator
How much interest will you pay over the life of a loan?
How much wallpaper do you need?
Remodeling? How much flooring will you need?
How much paint should you buy?
Remodeling? How much tile will you need?
What will your monthly payment be (a simple loan calculator)
How much carpet will you need?

Home equity

Home equity loans vs. lines of credit
Can you borrow from your home equity?
Mortgage calculator: Calculate your payment and more
Which rate/points combination is right for you?
What's the fastest and cheapest way to pay down your debts?
See your FICO score range -- free!
Mortgage calculator (includes amortization schedule)
Amortization schedule calculator
Remodeling? How much tile will you need?
How much paint should you buy?
Remodeling? How much flooring will you need?
How much carpet will you need?
How much wallpaper will you need?
Additional payment calculator
Amortization calculator
Line of credit calculator
Debt consolidation calculator
Loan calculator
Loan payment calculator
Line of credit payoff
Tax deductible loan calculator
Loan repayment calculator
Loan comparison calculator
Loan prequalification calculator
What happens when your adjustable rate mortgage adjusts?


1040 tax calculator
401(k), 457 and 403(b) payroll deductions
Earned income tax credit calculator
Estate tax planning
Hourly paycheck calculator
What is your tax bracket?
Net-to-gross paycheck calculator
Payroll deductions calculator
125 cafeteria plan - Flexible spending accounts
Self-employed tax calculator
1040EZ tax form calculator

CDs & investments

Investment goals calculator
What will it take to reach your investment goal?
How much money can I save in my 401(k) plan?
Should you borrow from your 401(k) plan?
How much will you need to retire?
How long until you become a millionaire?
How do I reach my retirement goal?
CD laddering calculator: How to maximize the return on your CDs
How long will your savings last?
CD interest calculator
How to reach a savings goal -- with scheduled payments
Watch your savings grow with regular deposits
How much do I need to save for my child's college education?
What is your net worth?
Annuity calculator
401(k) and Roth contribution calculator
401(k) spend it or save it calculator
401(k) or Roth IRA calculator
Convert IRA to Roth calculator
Individual 401(k) calculator -- self-employed 401(k)
Pension calculator
Required minimum distribution calculator
Retirement income calculator
Retirement nest egg calculator
Roth IRA calculator
Roth vs. traditional IRA calculator
Self-employed 401(k) calculator -- individual 401(k) contributions
Social Security benefit calculator
Traditional IRA calculator


Auto loan calculator (includes amortization schedule)
Negative equity auto loan calculator
Buy or lease your next car: Which is right for you?
Your next car, new or used: Which is right for you?
Is a hybrid car right for you?
See your FICO score range -- free!
Compare low interest rate and rebate
How much should you put down?
Which is better -- a rebate or special dealer financing?
Will driving to a cheaper gas station save you money?
How much will the auto lease really cost?
Car loan rate comparison calculator
Car early pay off calculator
Car rebate vs. low-interest calculator
Car loan home equity calculator
Buy or lease a car
Low interest auto financing calculator
How much interest will you pay over the life of a loan?
What will your monthly payment be (a simple loan calculator)

Debt management  

Calculate the real cost of your debt
Loan calculator (includes amortization schedule)
Find the best credit card for you
Debt pay-down calculator: What's the fastest and cheapest way to pay down your debts?
See your FICO score range -- free!
What will it take to pay off your credit card?
The true cost of paying the minimum
Calculate: your savings vs. national average
Should I borrow from my 401(k)?
Negative equity auto loan calculator

Personal finance

Calculate your payment on any loan (includes amortization schedule)
How much money can you save in your 401(k) plan?
Budgeting 101: A tool to start your budgeting process
Holiday spending work sheet
Should my spouse work, too?
Spouse income calculator
What is the cost of raising a child?
What will it take to save for a college education?
What will it take to save for a goal?
How much interest will you pay over the life of a loan?
What will your monthly payment be (a simple loan calculator)
Currency converter
How do you compare with movie stars?
How do you compare with top golfers?
How does your salary compare with NBA stars?
How do you compare with baseball players?
How do you compare with top athletes?
How do you compare with NASCAR drivers?
Compare the cost of living between cities
Calculate: your savings vs. national average
Credit risk assessment calculator
Home budget calculator
Net worth calculator
Student budget calculator
How much wallpaper do you need?
Will driving to a cheaper gas station save you money?
See your FICO score range -- free!
Remodeling? How much flooring will you need?
How much paint should you buy?
Remodeling? How much tile will you need?
How much carpet will you need?


401(k) calculator
401(k) or Roth IRA calculator
401(k) savings calculator
401(k) savings with profit sharing
401(k) contribution calculator
401(k) and Roth contribution calculator
403(b) savings calculator
457 savings calculator
72(t) calculator: Early withdrawals from retirement accounts
72(t) distributions: Impact on retirement fund balances
Beneficiary required minimum distribution
Convert IRA to Roth calculator
How much life insurance do I need?
How much money can I save in my 401(k) plan?
IRA required minimum distribution
IRA minimum withdrawal calculator
IRA savings calculator
Retirement income calculator
Retirement planner
Retirement pension planner
Retirement shortfall calculator
Roth vs Traditional IRA calculator
Self employed 401k calculator
Social security benefit calculator
Social security income calculator
Individual 401(k) savings calculator
Asset allocation calculator
Life expectancy calculator
Stock retirement plan
Investment fees calculator
Return on investment calculator
Investment goals calculator
Tax equivalent yield calculator
Traditional IRA calculator
Mutual fund fees calculator
Tax advantaged investment calculator
How do I reach my retirement goal?
Annuity calculator
Should I borrow from my 401(k)?


How much life insurance do I need?
What type of life insurance do I need?
Annuity calculator


Calculate: your savings vs. national average
Interactive IRA picker
How much do you need to retire?
Spending calculator -- benefit of spending less
CD calculator
CD ladder calculator
College savings calculator
Compare savings rates
Compound interest calculator
Save a million dollars calculator
Credit union certificate calculator
Don't delay your savings!
Emergency savings calculator
Lunch savings calculator
Compound savings calculator
Savings withdrawal calculator
Savings goal calculator
Inflation calculator
How much interest will you pay over the life of a loan?
How much income can I earn from my savings?
Budgeting 101: A tool to start your budgeting process
Holiday spending work sheet
Should my spouse work, too?
What will your monthly payment be (a simple loan calculator)
What is the cost of raising a child?

Credit cards

Debt payoff calculator
Loan consolidation calculator
Credit card minimum payment calculator
Credit card balance transfer calculator
Home equity consolidation calculator
Credit card debt calculator
Personal debt consolidation
Reduce credit card debt calculator
Student loan debt calculator
Find the best credit card for you
See your FICO score range -- free!

Small business

Calculate your payment on any loan (includes amortization schedule)
Current ratio calculator
Quick ratio calculator
Debt-to-assets ratio calculator
Return on assets calculator
Gross profit margin calculator
Operating profit percentage calculator

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