Kidney Disease

Frequently Asked Questions

12. What kinds of medicines are used for kidney disease?

Are there Medications to Control Kidney Disease? Are there Medications to Control Kidney Disease? - opens in new window
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Two types of blood-pressure medications --angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) -- have been shown to slow down kidney disease and delay kidney failure. These medications have been shown to protect kidney function in people who have either diabetes or high blood pressure, as well as those with various types of kidney disease.

Many people need two or more types of medicines to keep their blood pressure below recommended levels (130/80 mmHg) to keep the kidneys healthy. A diuretic (water pill) also can be important. Your healthcare provider will determine which medication or combination of medications is right for you.

Some older adults with kidney disease may be taking medications for other diseases as well. As kidney disease progresses, it is likely that the doctor will need to adjust the dosages of all medications being taken.