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International Energy Outlook 2011

Release Date: September 19, 2011   |  Next Scheduled Release Date: April 2013   |  Report Number: DOE/EIA-0484(2011)

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Table 16. Tax incentives for hybrid and electric vehicles in OECD Europe, 2010
Country Tax Incentive
Austria A fuel consumption tax is levied upon the first registration of a passenger car. It is calculated as follows:
• Petrol cars: 2 percent of the purchase price × (fuel consumption in liters - 3 liters)
• Diesel cars: 2 percent of the purchase price x (fuel consumption in liters - 2 liters).Cars emitting less than 120 grams carbon dioxide per kilometer receive a maximum bonus of $430.Alternative-fuel vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles, receive an additional bonus of $715 maximum.The bonus regime is valid from July 1, 2008, until August 31, 2012. Electric vehicles are exempt from the fuel consumption taxa and from the monthly vehicle tax.b. The Austrian automobile club OAMTC publishesthe incentives granted by local authorities on its website (www.oeamtc.at/elektrofahrzeuge).
Belgium Purchasers of electric cars receive a personal income tax reduction of 30 percent of the purchase price (with a maximum of $12,900).
Germany Electric vehicles are exempt from the annual circulation taxc for a period of 5 years from the date of their first registration. Subsequently, they incur a tax amounting to $16.10 (up to 2,000 kilograms), $17.20 (up to3,000 kilograms), or $18.29 (up to 3,500 kilograms), per 200 kilograms of vehicle weight or part thereof.
Spain Various regional governments grant tax incentives for the purchase of alternative-fuel vehicles, includingelectric and hybrid vehicles:
• Aragon, Asturias, Baleares, Madrid, Navarra, Valencia, Castilla la Mancha, Murcia, and Castilla y Leonallow $2,900 for hybrids and $8,600 for electric vehicles
• Andalucia allows up to 70 percent of the investment.
France A premium is granted for the purchase of a new car when its carbon dioxide emissions are 125 grams perkilometer or less. The maximum premium is $7,150 for vehicles emitting 60 grams per kilometer or less.This incentive will remain in place until 2012. For such vehicles, the amount of the incentive cannot exceed 20 percent of the vehicle purchase price, including the value added tax (VAT) and the cost of the battery if it is rented. Hybrid vehicles emitting 135 grams per kilometer or less receive an incentive of $2,860.
Greece Electric and hybrid vehicles are exempt from the registration tax. If their engine capacity is 1,929 cubiccentimeters (cc)or less, they are also exempt from the annual circulation tax. Above 1,929 cc, the exemption is limited to 50 percent.
Denmark Electric vehicles weighing less than 2,000 kilograms are exempt from the registration tax. This exemptiondoes not apply to hybrid vehicles. The registration tax is based on the price of the vehicle. It is calculatedas follows: (105 percent of the vehicle price up to $15,160) + (180 percent of the vehicle price above$15,160).
Netherlands Hybrid vehicles benefit from a reduction of the registration tax by a maximum of $9,160, depending on the efficiency rating of the vehicle. The incentives remained in place until July 1, 2010. The registration tax isbased on price and carbon dioxide emissions.
Portugal Electric vehicles are exempt from the registration tax. Hybrid vehicles benefit from a 50-percent reduction of the registration tax. The registration tax is based on engine capacity and carbon dioxide emissions.
Ireland Electric and hybrid vehicles benefit from a reduction of the registration tax ($3,600 maximum). This benefit was valid from July 1, 2008, to December 31, 2010.
United Kingdom Electric vehicles are exempt from the annual circulation tax, which is based on carbon dioxide emissions.All vehicles with emissions below 100 grams per kilometer are exempt from it. As of April 1, 2010, electric cars receive a 5-year exemption from company car tax,d and electric vans receive a 5-year exemption from the van benefit chargee ($4,800). As of 2011, purchasers of electric vehicles (including plug-inhybrids) will receive a discount of 25 percent of the vehicle’s list price, up to a maximum of $8,000. The government has set aside 230 million British pounds for the incentive program.
aThe fuel consumption tax (or “pollution tax”) is levied on the purchase price or commercial leasing fee of new passenger cars and motorcycles.
bThe monthly vehicle tax, levied on registered vehicles, is calculated on the basis of cylinder capacity for motorcycles and horsepower for all other vehicles.
cAn annual circulation tax is levied on registered automobiles on the basis of carbon dioxide emitted according to engine capacity and vehicle weight.
dThe company car tax is levied on persons when an employer makes a company-owned automobile available for private use to an employee earningmore than $13,500 per year or to a member of that employee’s family or household.
eThe van benefit charge is an annual tax paid when a company has allowed private use of a van by a director or an employee (or an employee’s familymember) earning more than $13,500 per year.
Source: European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, "Overview of Tax Incentives for Electric Vehicles in the EU" (April 20. 2010), website www.acea.be/index.php/news/news_detail/increasing_number_of_incentives_for_buying_electric_vehicles/.