Your Search Results

493 items matched your search criteria

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A red star indicates a Recommended resource

  • Provides a quick look at the Individualized Education Program (IEP), including its purpose, who puts it together and when, what's in it, and how students can be involved in developing their IEP.

    • National
  • This guide from Autism Speaks gives parents an overview of the IEP. It explains what parents need to do to request individualized services and special education supports to meet the needs of a child with disabilities. It also explains how the process works and gives helpful tips and resources. This link opens a PDF document.

    • National
  • Search more than 7,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans and other types of student financial aid. You can also filter your search results to find scholarships specifically for students with disabilities. For more information about this tool read the frequently asked questions.

    • National
  • This checklist is for students of all ages who haven't attended college or trade school, and parents of students in elementary and secondary school. It includes a “to do" list, starting with elementary school, to help students prepare academically and financially for education beyond high school. Each section is split into subsections for students and parents, explaining what to do. It also has publications and other websites that might be useful to them. For more resources visit Think College. This information is also in PDF format.

    • National
  • This guide has information about finding the right school,  paying for college, and locating supports relating to your disability while at school. Includes information about things to keep in mind after college and where you can get help finding a job. This link opens a PDF document.

    • National
  •'s guide to preparing for secondary education for people with intellectual disabilities provides tips on expectations, study skills, time management, goal setting, stress management and staying motivated.

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  • Provides answers to common questions related to college and college prep for students with learning disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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  • Before making plans to attend college there are some things to be aware. There a few ways to enter college, either before you leave high school or after you have finished high school. Also, if you are a person with a disability and you anticipate you might need assistance in college, you should know where you can seek out these services.
    • National
  • Provides an overview of the kinds of federal student loans available. Federal student loans usually offer borrowers lower interest rates and have more flexible repayment options than private student loans. This link opens a PDF document.

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  • Practical ideas for parents of children with disabilities to improve their interaction with school staff and become more effective advocates for their child. This link opens a PDF document.
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