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EGCI: Timor Leste (East)

Timor Leste (East) MapA U.S. interagency assessment team comprising Department of State, Department of Treasury and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) officials visited Dili on June 21-22, 2010 in order to conduct a needs assessment for the Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative (EGCI). EGCI is a Department of State-led effort to provide a range of capacity-building technical support to the governments and institutions of selected countries that are expected to become oil and gas producing countries during the next decade. While in Dili, the U.S. delegation met with a range of current and former high-level Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) officials and energy company representatives. Meetings were held with Secretary of State of Natural Resources Alfredo Pires, Presidente of Autoridade Nacional do Petroleum (ANP) Gualdino da Silva, Vice Timor Leste FlagMinister of Finance Rui Hanjam, and the National Parliament’s Jose Texeira. The delegation also met with the Woodside General Manager Brendan Augustin, La’o Hamutuk Director Charles Scheiner, Ministry of Finance consultants and World Bank officials. The visit provided considerable insight into the GoTL’s current efforts to build technical capacity, particularly in the ANP, and to chart a long-term roadmap for the country’s energy sector. The visit also helped to identify areas in which EGCI assistance potentially could provide value through reinforcing or filling gaps in other donor assistance efforts.

 BOEMRE Partners


Secretary of State of Natural Resources


Autoridade Nacional do Petroleum (ANP)

Activities to Date/Planned


June 2011 – Plan workshop entitled, U.S. Experience in Managing the Offshore Oil & Gas Sector. This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the responsibilities and activities of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) in the United States. This course will involve a detailed discussion of how issues relevant to Timor Leste’s offshore oil and gas sector are handled in the United States. Topics will include: tendering; geologic and economic modeling; reviewing, authorizing, and inspecting exploration and production infrastructure; environmental review and compliance, and revenue management. This workshop will lay the foundation for a range of other specialized workshops and possible in-country technical assistance on a range of specific subjects (e.g., prospect valuation, reservoir management, unitization, petroleum economics, petroleum contract analysis, hydrocarbon database management, offshore platform safety & inspections, oil spill response planning, environmental analysis for the offshore environment, accident investigation, platform decommissioning, etc…). Topics covered would depend on the Timor Leste’s interests, EGCI partner commitments and program funding availability.


Overview of BOEMRE Workshop (2012)

Countries in the EGCI

Guyana Liberia Papua New Guinea Seychelles
Sierra Leone Suriname Timor Leste (East) Uganda