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Spectrophotometric Determination of Aluminum in Zirconium and Titanium Powders.

A method is proposed for the determination of aluminum in zirconium and titanium powders. A sample is dissolved in a mixture of hydrofluoric, nitric, and sulfuric acids and the solution is evaporated to fumes of sulfuric acid. Water is added and an aliquo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

SCDAP: A Light Water Reactor Computer Code for Severe Core Damage Analysis.

Development of the first code version (MODO) of the Severe Core Damage Analysis Package (SCDAP) computer code is described, and calculations made with SCDAP/MODO are presented. The objective of this computer code development program is to develop a capabi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

La fionda planetaria e la turbina di Pelton - ISTP - NASA

Il modo con cui un veicolo spaziale aumenta o diminuisce la sua energia cinetica , oscillando attorno a un pianeta in movimento, ? molto simile al modo con ...

NASA Website

Modo-UG, a marsupial nonclassical MHC class I locus

Modo-UG is a class I gene located in the MHC of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica, the gray short-tailed opossum. Modo-UG is expressed as three alternatively spliced mRNA forms, all of which encode a transmembrane form with a short cytoplasmic tail that lacks phosphorylation sites typically found...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Unusual Ancestry of Dehydratases Associated with Quinate Catabolism in Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus.

Catabolism of quinate to protocatechuate requires the consecutive action of quinate dehydrogenase (QuiA), dehyroquinate dehyratase (QuiB), and dehydroshikimate dehyratase (QuiC). Genes for catabolism of protocatechuate are encoded by the pca operon in the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

22. �Qui�nes est�n sujetos a esta subparte?

... 22. �Qui�nes est�n sujetos a esta subparte? Perspectiva general de ... Qui�nes est�n sujetos a esta subparte? Las personas que ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

Pointing Calibration of the MKIVA DSN Antennas Voyager 2

Y 2. 5(_a?,\\. 27$ V-64-m amok-ion modo(G. Page 16. ___? 3. 3. _. _____. '__. _ ___. _ _. _ _. I ____. ______. ___: __. _. ___m___. ______ ...

NASA Website


Progeria, de modo que al igual que los replicantes su tiempo est� limitado. As� pues representa la

E-print Network

Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defenses in ... - GCMD - NASA

Esta enzima contiene metales de transicion en su grupo prostetico ... Del mismo modo la presencia de metales de transicion y/o ...

NASA Website

Natural and Anthropogenic Fire Regimes, Vegetation Effects, and Potential Impacts on the Avifauna of California Oak Woodlands1

= House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus; 20), HOWR = House Wren (Troglodytes aedon; 39), MODO = Mourning Dove

E-print Network

Investigation of doubly-fed machine in variable speed application

A computer controlled speed regulator for the MOD-O wind turbine was implemented. Modifications to the software were necessary, however, the variable speed system is now operational.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ehrungen Dies academicus 2000

Sancta colloquio semper alacriter interfuit interestque; qui Christianus Africanus et Scripturam Sanctam

E-print Network

Testing of a One-Bladed 30-Meter-Diameter Rotor on the DOE/NASA (Department of Energy/National Aeronautics and Space Administration) MOD-O Wind Turbine.

Tests were conducted on the DOE/NASA Mod-O 200-kW horizontal-axis wind turbine in a one-bladed rotor configuration. The objectives of the test were to evaluate the performance, loads, and dynamic characteristics of a one-bladed rotor, and then to compare ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Results of Free Yaw Tests of the MOD-O 100 Kilowatt Wind Turbine.

Tests were conducted on the Mod-O 100 kW experimental wind turbine to provide data on yaw alignment characteristics of a large horizontal axis wind turbine with its yaw restraint removed (i.e., in free yaw). The wind turbine consisted of a downwind horizo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Quiz?s Spirit nunca vuelva a llamar a casa - Ciencia - Ciencia @ NASA

30 Ago 2010 ... Spirit se encuentra probablemente en un modo de "hibernaci?n" de baja potencia. ... En el modo de hibernaci?n, el explorador discontin?a las ...

NASA Website

Middleware Laboratory Il Modello della Computazione Distribuita

possono non riconoscerne lo stato di guasto Send omission: il processo si ferma prematuramente, o/e omette in modo intermittente di inviare messaggi che doveva inviare Receive omission: il processo si ferma prematuramente, o/e omette in modo intermittente di ricevere messaggi che gli sono stati inviati General omission

E-print Network

11le iDee Era l'estate del 1965. Finite le scuole

il modo in cui una ninfa di Libellula quadrimaculata si trasforma in adulto e il modo in cui si tra nome a una libellula (fosse questa una ninfa acquatica, una semplice exuvia o un adulto alato) non era quello di arrivare a comprendere le affinit� fra le varie specie di libellula (vale a dire, i loro

E-print Network

Transcriptional Organization of Genes for Protocatechuate and Quinate Degradation from Acinetobacter sp. Strain ADP1

Quinate and protocatechuate are both abundant plant products and can serve, along with a large number of other aromatic or hydroaromatic compounds, as growth substrates for Acinetobacter sp. strain ADP1. The respective genes are part of the chromosomal dca-pca-qui-pob-hca cluster encoding these pathways. The adjacent pca and qui gene clusters, which encode ...

PubMed Central

[IGSSTATION-3303]: bhr1, bhr2, qui1, qui2, osn1, osn2 ... - IGS - NASA

Sep 2, 2009 ... Kind regards, Leonard A Weingarth National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Office of GEOINT Sciences, GPS Division GPS Monitor Station ...

NASA Website

[IGSSTATION-3289]: Antenna changes at osn11 osn2, bhr1 bhr2, qui1 qui2

Sep 2, 2009 ... Kind regards, Leonard A Weingarth National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Office of GEOINT Sciences, GPS Division GPS Monitor Station ...

NASA Website


... qui summum in India Batava imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1823�1830 collegit, notis, observationibus et adumbrationibus illustravit ... qui summum in India Batava imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1823�1...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

S'COOL Glossaire

13 juil. 2010 ... un instrument qui mesure la vitesse du vent. A cup anemometer. Image courtesy NASA. A. atmosph?re: le m?lange des gaz qui entoure la Terre ...

NASA Website

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Civilian Control over the Military

In The Republic, Plato posed an essential problem of the state. Having suggested that a guardian class be nominated to protect the polity, the key question was �who will guard the guards?�(Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?). Plato�s proposed solution to the problem was based on inculcating values

E-print Network

Qui Tam: An Abbreviated Look at the False Claims Act and Related Federal Statutes.

Qui tam is the process whereby an individual sues or prosecutes in the name of the government and shares in the proceeds of any successful litigation or settlement. Although frequently punitive, it is generally a civil procedure. Unlike anti-trust, RICO, ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


... r�glementations qui n�cessitent de pr�senter � la FDA un pr�avis relatif aux denr�es alimentaires, y compris les aliments pour animaux, qui sont ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

I Ka Nahele: To Heal A Forest

utilis�ee pour repr�esenter une lettre grecque qui se pronon�cait "puff" mais qui n'�etait pas encore le

E-print Network

Flood Control Project Lac Qui Parle, Emergency Plan.

This plan implements the Corps program to prepare emergency plans for all Corps dams. It provides a guide for actions to identify and mitigate or respond to various types of emergencies which, while rare, could occur in the operation of the Lac qui Parle ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Flood Control Project Lac Qui Parle, Emergency Plan

... Accession Number : ADA269166. Title : Flood Control Project Lac Qui Parle, Emergency Plan. Descriptive Note : Final rept. for period ending Oct 88. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

7. �Qui�nes se Deben Registrar?

Revisi�n General de la Norma Final Provisional de Registro Implementando la Ley de Bioterrorismo - Slide 7. ... 7. �Qui�nes se Deben Registrar? ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

7. Qui doit s'immatriculer?

Aper�u du volet immatriculation de la r�gle finale int�rimaire pour l'application de l'Acte dur le Bioterrorisme - Slide 7. ... 7. Qui doit s'immatriculer? ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

28. �Qui�nes est�n sujetos solamente al acceso al registro ya ...

... 28. �Qui�nes est�n sujetos solamente al acceso al registro ya las disposiciones de actos prohibidos? Perspectiva general de la ...

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)

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Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies

This Commentary highlights two articles in this issue of the American Journal of Pathology, discussing the implications of stromal expression of caveolin-1 in breast cancer.

PubMed Central

Evolution of Regulatory Genes Governing Biodegradation in ...

... Abstract : The Acinetobacter calcoaceticus pca-qui-pob supraoperonic gene cluster encodes bacterial enzymes that metabolize aromatic and ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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