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Universit�e de Nice Sophia Antipolis Licence MP 2`eme ann�ee, 1er semestre Ann�ee 2007-08

'une liste de dossier. Quel dossier situ�e sur votre compte fait partie de cet ensemble de dossiers ? c. Testez ce que fait la commande ls -l, puis ls -al. Avec cette derni`ere version, vous voyez tous les script de compilation Faites un script compil qui fonctionnera de la mani`ere suivante : si on tape

E-print Network

Universit�e de Nice - Sophia Antipolis Ann�ee 2007-08 Licence SM 2`eme ann�ee

. V�erifiez qu'il s'agit bien d'une liste de dossiers. Quel dossier situ�e sur votre compte fait partie de cet ensemble de dossiers ? c. Testez ce que fait ls -a. Avec cette option, vous voyez tous les dossier et essayez. 3 - Un script de compilation Faites un script compil qui fonctionnera de la mani

E-print Network


. i. Quelle est la dimension de X ? Quel est le lieu singulier de X ? ii. Soit o le point d'id�eal (x1) Faisant varier , montrer que est un isomorphisme au-dessus de X \\ Xsing . v. Pour V , soit I l'id�eal Im( X) OX et : X - X l'�eclatement de X en cet id�eal. (a) Montrer que -1 (I)OeX est un Oe

E-print Network

Universit�e de Nice Sophia Antipolis Ann�ee 2006-07 Licence SM 2`eme ann�ee, 2`eme semestre

�erifiez qu'il s'agit bien d'une liste de dossier. Quel dossier situ�e sur votre compte fait partie de cet ensemble de dossiers ? c. Testez ce que fait la commande ls -l, puis ls -al. Avec cette derni`ere version � Un script de compilation Faites un script compil qui fonctionnera de la mani`ere suivante : si

E-print Network

Cat'egories triangul'ees sup'erieures Georges MALTSINIOTIS

Cat'egories triangul'ees sup'erieures Georges MALTSINIOTIS F'evrier 2006 Le but de ce texte est de d'ecrire la structure d'efinie sur la cat'egorie d'eriv'ee d'une cat'egorie ab'elienne (ou d'une cat une notion de cat'egorie n�triangul'ee (avec eventuellement n = 1, dans quel cas on dit qu'elle est

E-print Network

Impact des herbicides sur les �cosyst�mes forestiers et aquatiques ...

Jun 16, 2011 ... Title: Impact des herbicides sur les �cosyst�mes forestiers et aquatiques et la faune sauvage: l'exp�rience am�ricaine. ...


Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on Aerospace ...


DTIC Science & Technology

Electronic Transfer of Information and Its Impact on Aerospace ...


DTIC Science & Technology

Education Relative a l'Environnement: Regards, Recherches, Reflexions. Volume 4.

This document takes a critical look at the relationship between environment, culture, and development from the perspective of education relative to the environment. Papers include: (1) "Education a l'environnement ou acculturation?" (Jean-Etienne Bidou); (2) "Environnement et developpement: La culture de la filiere ONU" (Lucie Sauve, Tom Berryman, and Renee Brunelle); (3) "Education pour ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Send Information on Site Manager Changes to Wayne Newcomb wayne ...

Sep 12, 2000... Dr. Eduardo Quel (Project leader) email:; ..... Manhatten , KS 66506-5506,phone: 785-532-6949, Fax: 785-532-6949, ...

NASA Website

An Algorithm to Translate Relational Algebra Queries into ...

... Accession Number : ADA158169. Title : An Algorithm to Translate Relational Algebra Queries into Quel. Descriptive Note : Master's thesis,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Four New Species of Paspalum (Poaceae, Paniceae) from Central Brazil, and Resurrection of an Old One

... 1995, Oliveira et al. 305 (IBGE); Companhia de N�quel Tocantins-CNT, ca. 1 km ap�s a mina de n�quel, descendo no lado esquerdo da estrada, 14�21 � ... Macedo, ca. 1 km abaixo da mina de n�quel, 14�21?29? S...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

The Impact of Changing International Relations on the ...

... Technical Community (Incidence sur la Communaute Scientifique et Technique des Transformations en cours dans les Relations Internationales. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Interacting disturbances: did sudden oak death mortality in Big ...

Jun 16, 2011 ... Title: Interacting disturbances: did sudden oak death mortality in Big Sur worsen the impacts of the 2008 basin complex wildfire? ...


Impact of High Resolution Wind Fields on Coastal Ocean ...

... Sur showed the evolution of mesoscale features associated with an upwelling event. 15. ... 11 Figure 5. Northern Upwelling Location����. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Impact of Advanced Avionics Technology on Ground Attack ...

... GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT NEUILLY- SUR-SEINE (FRANCE). ... at very low altitude over enemy territory to avoid ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Evaluating the Impact of the Number of Satellite Altimeters ...

... These global fields, which we call synthetics, are generated through the use of gridded statistical relationships between SSHA, sea sur- face ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Water and Global Climate Change: Potential Impacts on U.S. Water Resources.

The report is the third in a series examining the potential impacts of climate change on the environment and society. It identifies impacts not only to the quantity, but also to the quality of the water supply. Changes in stream flows, increased storm sur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Impact of Materials Defects on Engine Structures Integrity (L' ...

... Title : Impact of Materials Defects on Engine Structures Integrity (L'Impact des Defauts des Materiaux sur l'Integrite des Structures des Moteurs). ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Effets de la pollution de l�air sur la sant�

R�sum�ObjectifFaire conna�tre aux m�decins de famille les effets de la pollution atmosph�rique sur la sant� et indiquer quels conseils donner aux patients vuln�rables pour qu�ils soient moins expos�s.Sources de l�informationOn a consult� MEDLINE � l�aide des termes relatifs � la pollution atmosph�rique et � ses effets ...

PubMed Central

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Comparing constituency and dependency representations for smt phrase-extraction,� in 15�me Conf�rence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN �08

R�sum�. Nous �valuons le recours � des techniques de traduction � base de segments syntaxiquement motiv�s, seules ou en combinaison avec des techniques � base de segments non motiv�s, et nous comparons les apports respectifs de l�analyse en constituants et de l�analyse en d�pendances dans ce cadre. � partir d�un corpus parall�le Anglais�Fran�ais, nous construisons ...

E-print Network

Impact of Modern Materials on the Development of Rotating Airfoil Equipment Impacts des Materiaux Modernes sur le Developpement des Appareils a Voilures Tournantes.

Improvements in nonmetallic materials used in helicopter construction are presented. The specific uses of these materials for the different components of helicopters are described. Emphasis is given to the applications of modern composites. The financial,...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Impact of Modern Materials on the Development of Helicopters Impacts des Materiaux Modernes sur le Developpement des Appareils a Voilures Tournantes.

The modern materials (plastics, composite materials, etc.) currently used in the construction of helicopters are presented. A review is given of the main objectives sought by the contractor: reduction of mass and costs, and improving performance and opera...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Biomechanics of Spinal and Head Impact: Problems of Mathematical Simulation.

The paper examines the various mathematical models proposed in impact studies in general and those in connection with spinal and head injuries in particular. First, the concept of injury tolerance surface is introduced. When a complete mapping of this sur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Etude de l'Impact d'Une Bille sur Une Plaque Composite a Fibres Longues et a Matrice Organique, (2EME Partie) (Study of the Impact of a Ball Bearing on a Long Fiber Composite Plate with a Carbon Matrix, Part 2).

The behavior of long fiber composite materials on impact is studied. The speeds of impacts are between 100 and 300 meters per second. The main parameters of impact are identified and a two-dimensional analytic model developed. Using this model, the impact...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Applications geodesiques et geophysiques du systeme DORIS Quel - NASA

Frottement atmospherique (orages geomagnetiques). Vendredi 9 juin 2006 ... Troposphere (Snajdrova et al., J. Geod., 2006); Atmosphere (via le frottement) ...

NASA Website

A Random Matrix Theory Approach to National Procurement ...

... techniques peuvent être appliquées à n'importe quel projet pour lequel il ... and comparing the results with expectations from ran- dom matrix theory ...

DTIC Science & Technology


g�ostatistiques des effets de la centrale hydro�lectrique de Gabcikovo sur les ressources en eaux souterraines du greenhouse gas emissions, however, due to their other environmental impacts their construction is often

E-print Network

The Problem of Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) Harassment: At the Breeding Lagoons and During Migration.

Increasing levels of human activity in the habitat of gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, much of it related to 'whalewatching,' have caused the Marine Mammal Commission and other agencies to be concerned about its impact on this endangered species. A sur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Productivity Impacts of Offshoring and Outsourcing: A Review. OECD STI Working Paper 2006/1

Document complet disponible sur OLIS dans son format d'origine Complete document available on OLIS in its original format

E-print Network

Long-term environmental monitoring at Hanford, Washington.

Environmental monitoring has been an ongoing activity on the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site in southeastern Washington for over 45 years. Objectives are to detect and assess potential impacts of Site operations (nuclear and nonnuclear) on air, sur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Impact of Materials Defects on Engine Structures Integrity (L' ...

... ainsi que sur l'exploitation des reacteurs. ... REFERENCES Propulsion Gas Turbine," The First James Clayton Lecture, 1. Mech. E., 1945, vol. 152, pp. ...

DTIC Science & Technology


Purely economic activities, such as the marketing of sur= plus electric power. ..... executed per dollar. The principal trends of interest in the evolution of computer economics are! ..... ORIGINAL PAGE Is nfl. aTATIWU2O ...

NASA Website

Evaluation of two ceramics models in the MESA codes.

We have implemented two ceramics models into the MESA Eulerian finite difference hydrocodes and evaluated them by comparing code predictions of the free surface velocity as a function of time to data for one-dimensional flyer plate impacts and to free sur...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effects of Space Environment on the Lunar Regolith Etude des Effets du Milieu Spatial sur le Regolithe Lunaire.

The effects of the interplanetary medium on lunar dust grains were studied using a computer program for determining the complex movement of these grains in the lunar regolith due to meteoritic impact. This program was adapted to calculate several effects ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Detection des Chocs sur Structures Composites (Detection of Shocks on Composite Structures),

It was the objective of the study to compare different methods of CND, which would make it possible to detect damages attributable to impacts or excessive stress by trying to see if the substructure (integrated rigidity) was equally damaged. The methods t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Department NL-W06 Post Office Box 3168

providers, a Sinti ("Gypsy") sur- vivor, a Jehovah's Witness survivor, and a war crimes trial participant. To ensure that the voices of survivors and witnesses are heard, the Institute creates educational products of Holocaust survivors and other witnesses, we are certain that it will have a positive impact on the entire

E-print Network

Biological Parameters of Impact

... lea plus simples ant Vu Otre dtudi~s. Bien que ceux-ci so soient rdv414s utilos au cours d'experiences r4alis~es sur de petits animaux, uls reposent ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Una Teor?a Problem?tica - Ciencia - Ciencia @ NASA

13 Oct 2010 ... El acero inoxidable es una aleaci?n (mezcla de hierro, n?quel y cromo), as? como lo es la mayor parte de la orfebrer?a (oro y n?quel). ...

NASA Website

Esperienze di E- learning all'interno della Facolt� di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali

Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo. Per quel che riguarda il Corso di Studi in Informatica dell'ambiente di lavoro disponibile in laboratorio. Per quel che riguarda invece Biologia Animale e sistema di autovalutazione orientato agli studenti in Biologia, fruibile via web. L'articolo � organizzato

E-print Network

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Colloque Institut Europ�en d'Histoire et des Cultures de l'Alimentation Informations et pratiques alimentaires / Information and food practices

) Doctors and their patients in the Italian Renaissance : influence, deference, defiance ? Luis Aparicio la Renaissance. H�l�ne Lemesle (Universit� Paris Nord-Paris 13, France) Quels laits pour quels ? Between dietetical dissuasion and conspicuous consumption : The status of truffles in the Renaissance

E-print Network

Essais d'Impacts d'Oiseaux sur Structures en Kevlar 49-Plaques Monolithes, Tirs Normaux (Bird Impact Tests on Kevlar-49 Structures, Monolithic Plates, Normal Firing).

The report deals with bird impact tests made on flat monolithic structures made of Kevlar 49 (normal impacts). The tests made it possible to determine the perforation energy limits and to demonstrate: the improved resistance of satin 8 compared with satin...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Essais d'Impacts d'Oiseaux sur Structure Kevlar 49. Plaques Monolithes, Tirs Obliques (Testing the Impact of Birds on a Kevlar 49 Structure, Monolithic Plates, Oblique Targeting).

The report presents the results of bird-impact tests of four pounds in oblique targeting on square or rectangular monolithic Kevlar 49 plates. In spite of the improvements made on gliding of the winged flier by painting the impacted surface with an airpla...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Interventions en groupe et interactions. Actes du 3eme colloque d'orthophonie/logopedie (Neuchatel, 29-30 septembre, 1994) (Group Interventions and Interactions. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Speech Therapy (3rd, Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 29-30, 1994).

Conference papers on group methods of speech therapy include: "Donnees nouvelles sur les competences du jeune enfant. Proposition de nouveaux concepts" (New Data on the Competences of the Young Child. Proposition of New Concepts) (Hubert Montagner); "Interactions sociales et apprentissages: quels savoirs en jeu" (Social Interactions and Teaching: What ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Etude des effets d'irradiation sur la microstructure du zircaloy 4 (Impact sur la susceptibilite a l'Interaction Pastille-Gaine dans les Reacteurs a Eau sous Pression). (Study of radiation effects on zircaloy 4 microstructure (Impact on susceptibility to fuel pellet-cladding interaction in PWR)).

In PWR the fast neutron flux is an important parameter for fuel can aging by modification of zircaloy-4 microstructure: amorphisation and dissolution of intermetallic precipitates. These phenomena are both analysed and their influence on fuel-cladding int...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Impact of Disease-causing SUR1 Mutations on the KATP Channel Subunit Interface Probed with a Rhodamine Protection Assay*

The function of the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel relies on the proper coupling between its two subunits: the pore-forming Kir6.2 and the regulator SUR. The conformation of the interface between these two subunits can be monitored using a rhodamine 123 (Rho) protection assay because Rho blocks Kir6.2 with an efficiency that depends on the ...

PubMed Central

The Stabilised Retinal Image

A beam of light reflected from a mirror attached to a contact lens, worn by the subject, produces a test object whose image does not move across the retina in response to eye-movements. This is called the stabilised retinal image. In this paper, conditions for accurate stabilisation are discussedE It is shown that a small defect of stabilisation is important and that normal vision may be restored ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

L��valuation du risque cardiaque avant l�utilisation de stimulants chez les enfants et les adolescents

Les d�cisions en mati�re de r�glementation et les documents scientifiques au sujet de la prise en charge du trouble de d�ficit de l�attention avec hyperactivit� (TDAH) soul�vent des questions quant � l�innocuit� des m�dicaments et � l��valuation convenable � effectuer avant le traitement afin de d�terminer la pertinence d�une pharmacoth�rapie. Ce constat est ...

PubMed Central

Developpement d'algorithmes de reconstruction statistique appliques en tomographie rayons-X assistee par ordinateur

La tomodensitometrie (TDM) permet d'obtenir, et ce de facon non invasive, une image tridimensionnelle de l'anatomie interne d'un sujet. Elle constitue l'evolution logique de la radiographie et permet l'observation d'un volume sous differents plans (sagittal, coronal, axial ou n'importe quel autre plan). La TDM peut avantageusement completer la tomographie d'emission par ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Big Sur Ornithology Lab weather station

... minutes year-round at the Big Sur Ornithology Lab in Andrew Molera State Park, Big Sur, to ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

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