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Investigation of Rock Bolt Anchorages in Quartz Monzonite ...

... Accession Number : AD0855746. Title : Investigation of Rock Bolt Anchorages in Quartz Monzonite Rock. Piledriver Project. Rock Bolt Research. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Thermal Properties of Climax Stock Quartz Monzonite to 523 K and 50-MPa Confining Pressure.

Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity were measured on three samples of Climax stock quartz monzonite at temperatures to 523 K and hydrostatic confining pressures to 50 MPa. Thermal conductivity at room temperature increases slightly with pressure ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effect of gamma Irradiation on the Strength of Climax Stock Quartz Monzonite.

A laboratory study was made of the effects of a massive dose of gamma irradiation upon the mechanical properties of Climax stock quartz monzonite. Twenty-nine cylinders of rocks were tested using the Brazilian method and 26 strain gauged cylinders were te...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


sericite, chalcopyrite, and fluorite mineralization (QSP alteration) ? goethite occur in the quartz monzonite porphyry. This type of alteration is spatially ...

NASA Website

Map Unit Properties Table - Appomattox Court House National Historical Park

... monzonite and quartz diorite. Near the Brookneal shear zone, deformation textures in the granite ... due to potential radon problem. May be susceptible to mass was...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure


Quartz monzonite basement rock in the center of the district is surrounded by a concentric pattern of older to younger Tertiary volcanic rock units goi'.g ...

NASA Website


chalcopyrite, and uorite mineralization (QSP alteration) occur in the quartz monzonite porphyry. This type of alteration is spatially associated with fine ...

NASA Website

Effects of pressure and temperature on the thermal properties of a salt and a quartz monzonite

Measurements have been made of thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and linear expansion as a function of temperature (to 573 K) and hydrostatic pressure (to 50 MPa) on two rocks, Avery Island domal salt and Climax Stock quartz monzonite. For Avery Island salt the thermal properties do not show any pressure dependence and are approximately the same values as ...

DOE Information Bridge

Petrology and Radiogeology of the Stripa Pluton.

Both the quartz monzonite and the metavolcanic leptite which it intruded are strongly fractured. Two stages of fracture filling are evident; an earlier stage encompassing quartz, sericite, feldspar, epidote, and chlorite, and a later stage dominated by ca...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Thermal Properties of Rock Salt and Quartz Monzonite to 573 exp 0 K and 50-MPa Confining Pressure.

Measurements of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal linear expansion have been made on two rock types, a rock salt and a quartz monzonite, at temperatures from 300 to 573 exp 0 K and confining pressures from 10 to 50 MPa. The samples we...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Fracture Permeability Evolution in Desert Peak Quartz Monzonite.

Fracture flow experiments are being conducted on quartz monzonite core from the Desert Peak East EGS site, Churchill County, Nevada. The flow experiments are conducted at temperatures of 167-169 C and 5.5 MPa confining pressure through artificial fracture...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Elastic-wave velocities in quartz monzonite at different levels of water saturation

Laboratory ultrasonic velocity measurements were made on quartz monzonite drill core specimens taken from an abandoned iron ore mine in Sweden. Measurements were taken on oven-dried samples and at various moisture levels up to full saturation. The results show that small increases in moisture content can substantially increase V/sub p/ and V/sub S/.

Energy Citations Database

Mineral resources of the Table Top Mountain Wilderness study Area, Maricopa and Pinal counties, Arizona

The Table Top Mountain Wilderness Study Area is underlain by Proterozoic schist, quartz monzonite, Tertiary basalt, and clastic sedimentary rocks. Alluvium is present adjacent to the mountains. The area does not contain any identified resources. Areas of schist have low mineral resource potential for copper, gold, and silver in veins. The ...

Energy Citations Database

IUGS classification of granitic rocks: A critique

The IUGS international classification of granitic rocks is criticized for broadening the definition of granite and changing the generally accepted meaning of rock names like quartz monzonite and tonalite. This classification apparently sacrificed established or original usage for a more symmetrical classification scheme. Two-feldspar granite is proposed ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Hall (Nevada moly) molybdenum deposit, Nye County, Nevada: Geology, alteration, mineralization and geochemical dispersion

At Hall, each of two molybdenum bearing, quartz monzonite porphyry stocks underwent continuous inward crystallization which was interrupted by the successively deeper release of hydrothermal fluids to form a concentrically zoned stock, three stacked orebodies, and overlapping zones of alteration mineralization. Each pulse progressed in time from albitic to ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Thermal properties of rock salt and quartz monzonite to 573{sup 0}K and 50-MPa confining pressure

Measurements of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal linear expansion have been made on two rock types, a rock salt and a quartz monzonite, at temperatures from 300 to 573{sup 0}K and confining pressures from 10 to 50 MPa. The samples were taken from deep rock formations under consideration as possible sites for a nuclear waste repository ...

Energy Citations Database

Test Completion Plan for Spent Fuel Test - Climax, Nevada Test Site.

The Spent Fuel Test - Climax is being conducted 420 m below surface in the quartz monzonite unit of the Climax granitic stock at the US Department of Energy's Nevada Test Site. This test, which is under the technical direction of the Lawrence Livermore Na...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Summary of the Geology and Physical Properties of the Climax Stock, Nevada Test Site.

The Climax stock is a composite stock of Cretaceous age, composed of quartz monzonite and granodiorite, which intrudes sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic and Precambrian age. Tertiary rocks consisting of tuff, welded tuff, and breccia overlie the stock and se...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Preliminary Study of Uranium Favorability of the Boulder Batholith, Montana.

The Boulder batholith of southwestern Montana is a composite Late Cretaceous intrusive mass, mostly composed of quartz monzonite and granodiorite. This study was not restricted to the plutonic rocks; it also includes younger rocks that overlie the batholi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Laboratory measured material properties of quartz monzonite, Climax Stock, Nevada Test Site

Properties of the Climax Stock quartz monzonite at the Nevada Test Site were measured. Test samples were obtained from the NX core of holes G1 and G2 or cored from larger cores obtained from the general area of the heater tests. Properties tabulated include physical properties, thermal properties, and mechanical properties (e.g. Young`s modulus, dynamic ...

Energy Citations Database

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Petrology and radiogeology of the Stripa pluton

Both the quartz monzonite and the metavolcanic leptite which it intruded are strongly fractured. Two stages of fracture filling are evident; an earlier stage encompassing quartz, sericite, feldspar, epidote, and chlorite, and a later stage dominated by carbonate minerals. The Stripa quartz monozite is chemically ...

Energy Citations Database

Composition, age, and petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous intrusive rocks in the central Big Belt Mountains, Broadwater and Meagher counties, Montana

Cretaceous intrusions hosted by the Proterozoic Newland Formation. The northern intrusion, centered on Boulder Baldy, consists of outer, intermediate, and core zones composed of aegirine-augite quartz monzonite, hornblende quartz monzodiorite, and biotite granodiorite, respectively. The southern intrusion, north of Mount Edith, is ...

USGS Publications Warehouse


S>The Tertiary flows and intrusives of the Marysvale, Utah area yield several materials that provide reliable absolute ages by the potassium-argon method. A layered sequence of potassium-bearing mid-Tertiary flows and tuffs of the Bullion Canyon series overlies fossil-bearing Oligocene sedimentary strata of the Wasatch formation. The series is invaded by a quartz ...

Energy Citations Database

SEM studies of stressed and irradiated Climax Stock quartz monzonite

In an effort to find the mechanism by which gamma irradiation weakens the unconfined compressive strength of Climax Stock quartz monzonite (CSQM), sections of rock which had been irradiated and loaded to near failure were studied by scanning electron microscopy and compared to sections of rock which had been loaded but not irradiated. The quantities ...

DOE Information Bridge

Preliminary report on radiation-induced thermoluminescence in Climax Stock quartz monzonite

An examination has been made of the feasibility of using thermoluminescence (TL) for the self-dosimetry of the rock surrounding a canister of nuclear waste. The rock investigated was quartz monzonite from the Climax Stock, a granite intrusive at the Nevada Test Site. Samples of the rock were irradiated by {sup 60}Co to doses of 10{sup 3} to 10{sup 9} rads, ...

Energy Citations Database

Lattice-preferred orientations of late-Variscan granitoids derived from neutron diffraction data: implications for magma emplacement mechanisms

The lattice-preferred orientation (LPOs) of two late-Variscan granitoids, the Meissen monzonite and the Podles� dyke granite, were determined from high-resolution time-of-flight neutron diffraction patterns gained at the diffractometer SKAT in Dubna, Russia. The results demonstrate that the method is suitable for the LPO analysis of polyphase, relatively coarse-grained ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A petrologic comparison of Triassic plutonism in the San Gabriel and Mule Mountains, southern California

Triassic magmatism in the southwest US Cordillera forms a semicontinuous magmatic arc extending from northwestern Nevada to southeastern California. Quartz monzodioritic and quartz monzonitic rocks and associated diorites and granites are widespread in southeastern California, and the authors suggest that these rocks represent exposure ...

Energy Citations Database

A petrologic comparison of Triassic plutonism in the San Gabriel and Mule Mountains, southern California

Traiassic magmatism in the southwest U.S. Cordillera form a semicontinuous magmatic arc extending from northwestern Nevada to southeastern California. Quartz monzodioritic and quartz monzonitic rocks and associated diorites and granites are widespread in southeastern California, and we suggest that these rocks represent exposure of a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sorption and migration of radionuclides in geologic media

The interactions of a quartz monzonite, an argillite, an alluvium, and several tuffs with various radionuclides in selected phreatic waters have been studied. The sorption--desorption hehavior of Sr, Tc(VII), Cs, Ba, Ce, Eu, U(VI), Pu, and Am under ambient and 70{sup 0}C temperature conditions has been measured.

Energy Citations Database

Scientific Core Hole Valles Caldera No. 2B (VC-2B), New Mexico: Drilling and Some Initial Results.

Research core hole was continuously cored to 1.762 km on the western flank of the caldera's resurgent dome in 1988. Bottom hole temperature is about 295degreeC within Precambrian (1.5 Ga) quartz monzonite, deep within the liquid-dominated portions of the ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Preliminary report on the Comet area, Jefferson County, Montana

Several radioactivity anomalies and a few specimens of sooty pitchblende and other uranium minerals have been found on the mine dumps of formerly productive base- and precious-metal mines along the Comet-Gray Eagle shear zone in the Comet area in southwestern Montana. The shear zone is from 50 to 200 feet wide and has been traced for at least 5? miles. It trends N. 80 ? W. across the northern part ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Precambrian from basement well in Mingo County, West Virginia

The Precambrian core from a basement test well in Mingo County, West Virginia, is granodiorite with minor quartz monzonite and tonalite. The potassium-argon method indicates a date of 939 +- 34 m.y. The core shows local shearing; microveins of sericite, orthoclase, and calcite indicate hydrothermal activity. 3 figures.

Energy Citations Database

Physical and Chemical Changes to Rock Near Electrically Heated Boreholes at Spent Fuel Test-Climax.

Sections of Climax Stock quartz monzonite taken from the vicinity of two electrically heated boreholes at Spent Fuel Test-Climax (SFT-C) have been studied by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy for signs of changes in crack structure and i...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Mineralogic and Petrologic Investigation of Pre-Test Core Samples from the Spent Fuel Test-Climax.

Pre-test samples obtained from just inside the perimeter of the canister emplacement holes of the Spent Fuel Test-Climax have been characterized by petrographic and microanalytical techniques. The primary quartz monzonite has undergone various degrees of ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Investigation of the Mineral Potential of the Clipper Gap, Lone Mountain-Weepah, and Pipe Spring Plutons, Nevada.

The Clipper Gap pluton, composed mostly of quartz monzonite with minor granite, granodiorite, and crosscutting alaskite dikes, intrudes Paleozoic western facies strata. A narrow zone of contact metamorphism is present at the intrusive-sediment contact. No...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Heat Content and Specific Heat of Six Rock Types at Temperatures to 1,000 C.

The heat content above 25.0C up to 1,000C was measured for six rock types: St. Cloud Gray Granodiorite, Holston Limestone, Sioux Quartzite, Rockville Quartz Monzonite, Salem Limestone, and the basalt at Dresser, Wis. The calorimetric data were obtained wi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Experimental Permeability Studies at Elevated Temperature and Pressure of Granitic Rocks.

Permeability of quartz monzonite from the Los Alamos hot-dry-rock geothermal well GT-2 was experimentally measured as a function of pressure and temperature. Permeability of the GT-2 rocks from depths of 8580 ft and 9522 ft behaves like Westerly granite f...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Bedrock Geology of the Thiel Mountains, Antarctica.

Cordierite-bearing, hyper-sthene-quartz monzonite porphyry, the most widespread rock unit, is intruded by biotite granite and porphyritic biotite granite. Sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks, mainly quartzites and argillites, have been metamorphosed locally to hornfels and have been involved in high-angle faulting. Shear zones are common in the plutonic ...


Analysis of Fracturing in Hole UG-2 Spent Fuel Test-Climax.

Detailed fracture logging and analysis of the UG-2 core from the Climax Stock is reported. This borehole is about 183 m long (600 ft) and slants downward below the Spent Fuel Test workings, thus representing the only sampling of the quartz monzonite at de...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Petrogenesis and Tectonic Evolution of Granitic Rocks in The Northern Margin of North China Plate

The late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic granites in Daqingshan district of the northern margin of north China plate is classified into six types as follows.Aguigou intrusion is consists of gabbro, diorite, quartz diorite, and granodiorite.Its feature is rich in mafic compositions.The formation age is 284.5�2.9Ma or 283.7�3.7Ma for the quartz diorite, and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Elastic moduli, thermal expansion, and inferred permeability of Climax quartz monzonite and Sudbury gabbro to 500/sup 0/C and 55 MPa

Young's modulus (E), bulk modulus (K), and the coefficient of thermal linear expansion (..cap alpha..) have been determined for Climax quartz monzonite to 500/sup 0/C and pressures (P) to 55 MPa and for Sudbury gabbro to 300/sup 0/C and 55 MPa. For each rock, both E and K decreased with T and increased with P in a nonlinear manner. In the ...

Energy Citations Database

Mineralogy, petrography and whole-rock geochemistry of the Tertiary granitic intrusions in the Eastern Pontides, Turkey

Granitic intrusions in Eocene and post-Eocene volcanic rocks outcrop in the Northern and Southern Zones of the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey. Intrusions in the Northern Zone extend NW SE whereas those in the Southern Zone are nearly E W orientated. The contacts of the intrusions with the volcanic rocks are sharp, epidotized and include volcanic xenoliths. The margins of Southern Zone intrusions ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Neogene calc-alkaline extrusive and intrusive rocks of the karalar-yesiller area. Northwest Anatolia, Turkey

The Karalar-Ye?iller area lies on the estern flank of the Kazdabar gi massif in northwestern Anatolia (Asiatic Turkey), and includes about 600 square kilometers, of which approximately 80% is covered by rhyodacite-quartz latite extrusive rocks, and a comagmatic granodiorite-quartz monzonite batholith, and stocks, all of middle Miocene ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mineral associations produced by sodic-calcic hydrothermal alteration in the Buffalo Mountain pluton, north-central Nevada

Sodic-calcic (Na-Ca) hydrothermal alteration is prevalent throughout Mesozoic-age arc igneous rocks in the western US. The middle Jurassic Buffalo Mountain pluton, located in north-central Nevada, contains particularly well developed Na-Ca metasomatism. The Buffalo Mountain pluton is composed of porphyritic syenite, quartz monzonite, small bordering stocks ...

Energy Citations Database


Three of five properties in the Boulder batholith of western Montana that were diamond drilled for uranium during 1954 are sufficiently mineralized to warrant further attention. An ore body, 15 to 30 feet long and extending to a depth of 165 feet, was delineated on the Mooney claim 10 miles west of Butte, Montana. Metaautunite occurs disseminated in altered quartz ...

Energy Citations Database

Zircon typologies and internal structures as petrogenetic indicators in contrasting granitoid types from central Anatolia, Turkey

The external zircon morphology of granitoid rocks is combined with internal structures studied by cathodoluminescence imaging, to test the classic �Pupin method� against geological and geochemical evidence for the origin and evolution of granitic rocks. Granitoids in Central Anatolia display a wide range of petrological characteristics from S-type and I-type to A-type. We studied the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mafic enclaves in the Wilson Ridge pluton, northwestern Arizona: Implications for the generation of a calc-alkaline intermediate pluton in an extensional environment

The Wilson Ridge pluton is an epizonal calc-alkaline pluton that formed about 13.5 Ma during a period of mid-Miocene extension. Faulting and erosional dissection provide a cross section of the pluton. The apex of the pluton, in the Boulder Wash area, Nevada, is composed of hypabyssal quartz monzonite and dacite. The base of the pluton is 20 km to the south ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


The Mojave minlng district is located about 12 miles southwest of Mojave, California. Several areas of anoma lous radioactivity were discovered here by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and published on an anomaly map in the spring of 1954. Two of these anomalies were exposed by surface excavation. Anomaly No. 2, the Dono-Han prospect, was developed by an incline to a depth of ...

Energy Citations Database

Summary of the geology and physical properties of the climax stock, Nevada Test Site

The Climax stock is a composite stock of Cretaceous age, composed of quartz monzonite and granodiorite, which intrudes sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic and Precambrian age. Tertiary rocks consisting of tuff, welded tuff, and breccia overlie the stock and sedimentary rocks. Hydrothermal alteration of the granodiorite and quartz ...

Energy Citations Database

Intrusive rocks northeast of Steamboat Springs, Park Range, Colorado, with a section on geochronology

Major Precambrian and minor Tertiary intrusive rocks northeast of Steamboat Springs in the Park Range between 40?30' and 40?45' N. lat. are described and compared with related rocks elsewhere in Colorado and Wyoming. The Precambrian intrusives were emplaced in a sequence of high-grade interlayered felsic gneisses, amphibolites, and pelitic schists of sedimentary and volcanic origin. These rocks ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Fracture Permeability Evolution in Desert Peak Quartz Monzonite

Fracture flow experiments are being conducted on quartz monzonite core from the Desert Peak East EGS site, Churchill County, Nevada. The flow experiments are conducted at temperatures of 167-169 C and 5.5 MPa confining pressure through artificial fractures. Two injection fluids, a saline solution and a silica-bearing solution, have been used to date. Flow ...

DOE Information Bridge

Effect of gamma irradiation on the strength of Climax stock quartz monzonite

A laboratory study was made of the effects of a massive dose of {gamma} irradiation upon the mechanical properties of Climax stock quartz monzonite. Twenty-nine cylinders of rocks were tested using the Brazilian method and 26 strain gauged cylinders were tested to failure in uniaxial compression. One-half the cylinders in each group were subjected to a ...

Energy Citations Database


A laboratory sample splitter was designed in the form of a 60 one over whose surface the entire sample passes. The split is captured by falling through pieshaped slots on the surface of the cone. The splitter sampled an average of 13.5% of a crushed quartz monzonite, of which 80% passes a 140-mesh sieve. The amount of sample captured is ...

Energy Citations Database


An x-ray spectral analysis was nmde of the Zr/Hf ratio in the igneous rocks of Northern Kazakhstan. It was found that in the third intrusion group the ratio Zr/Hf diminishes from the basic rock to acid (for instance in a zircon of melanocratic quartz monzonite the ZrMf ratio is 58 and in more acid microclinic granites it drops to 52). In the ...

Energy Citations Database

Negligible effect of grain boundaries on the thermal conductivity of rocks

The thermal conductivity of marble, gabbro, quartz-monzonite, basalt and of labradorite was measured between 0.3 and 80 K. In all cases, the phonon mean free paths l-bar were found to increase with decreasing temperature, but even at the lowest temperatures, l-bar was far smaller than the average grain sizes. This demonstrates that phonon scattering by grain boundaries has ...

Energy Citations Database

Drilling-induced borehole-wall damage at spent fuel test-climax

Microcracks in a sample of quartz monzonite from the Spent Fuel Test-Climax were measured by means of a scanning electron microscope in order to estimate the background level of damage near the borehole-wall. It appears that the hammer-drilling operation used to create the borehole has caused some microfracturing in a region 10 to 30 mm wide around the ...

Energy Citations Database

Analytical results for 544 water samples collected in the Attean Quartz Monzonite in the vicinity of Jackman, Maine

Water samples were collected in the vicinity of Jackman, Maine as a part of the study of the relationship of dissolved constituents in water to the sediments subjacent to the water. Each sample was analyzed for specific conductance, alkalinity, acidity, pH, fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and silica. Trace elements determined were copper, ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

(Thermally induced chemical migration in carbonate rocks). Progress report

The following studies are summarized briefly: petrology of the Notch Peak contact metamorphic aureole, Utah; mineralogy, petrology, and physical properties of the magma from an inversely zoned granitic stock, Notch Peak, Utah; stable isotope study of Notch Peak granitic stock, Utah; contact metamorphism between quartz monzonite and limestone/argillite; ...

Energy Citations Database

The Ilha Anchieta Quartz Monzonite: the southernmost expression of ca. 500 Ma post-collisional magmatism in the Ribeira Belt.

The Ilha Anchieta Quartz Monzonite (IAQM) occupies most of the homonymous island in the coast of the state of S�o Paulo, and is intrusive into foliated rocks of the ~565 Ma Ubatuba Charnockite. The main petrographic variety is a porphyritic biotite-hornblende quartz monzonite with 2-4 cm tabular microcline ...


Jurassic plutons in the Desolation wilderness, northern Sierra Nevada batholith, California: A new segment in the Jurassic magmatic arc

A 164[+-]7 Ma U-P zircon date establishes a Middle- to Late-Jurassic age for the Pyramid Peak granite and synplutonic dioritoids and hybrid rocks that comprise the Crystal Range suite, located southwest of Lake Tahoe. A Jurassic age is also assigned to the Keiths Dome quartz monzonite and the Desolation Valley and Camper Flat granodiorites ...

Energy Citations Database

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Eagle Mountain Mine- geology of the former Kaiser Steel Operation in Riverside County, California

This investigation of the Eagle Mountain Mine area, though cursory, revealed new structural, alteration, and stratigraphic relations. Eagle Mountain ores were previously an important source of iron to the western U. S. Ore (where fresh) is magnetite-pyrite rock forming two stratabound horizons virtually continuous for 11 km. Gneissic basement rocks are overlain by two sedimentary units, ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Preliminary study of the uranium favorability of granitic and contact-metamorphic rocks of the Owens Valley area, Inyo and Mono Counties, California, and Esmeralda and Mineral Counties, Nevada

Granitic and contact-metamorphic rocks of the Owens Valley area were sampled to determine their favorability for uranium. Uranium deposits associated with these rocks were examined to determine the mode of occurrence. Metamorphic rocks near contacts with intrusive rocks include skarns, schists, quartzites, metaconglomerates, hornfels, gneisses, and metavolcanics. The grade of contact metamorphism ...

Energy Citations Database

The Role of Fractional Crystallization and Magma Mixing/Mingling in the Genesis of Karacaali Magmatic Complex (Central Anatolia, Turkey) Fe, Mo-Cu Mineralizations

This work brings into focus different metal associations (Fe and Mo-Cu) characteristic for the Karacaali Magmatic Complex (KMC), in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Mo-Cu mineralization is widespread hosted in rhyolitic-rhyodacitic/granidoid rocks or is related to N-S striking vertical quartz-calcite veins. The Fe mineralization, on the other hand, is hosted in gabbroic/basaltic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geology of the central Mineral Mountains, Beaver County, Utah

The Mineral Mountains are located in Beaver and Millard Counties, southwestern Utah. The range is a horst located in the transition zone between the Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau geologic provinces. A multiple-phase Tertiary pluton forms most of the range, with Paleozoic rocks exposed on the north and south and Precambrian metamorphic rocks on the west in the Roosevelt Hot Springs KGRA ...

DOE Information Bridge

Timing of Proterozoic regional deformation in the southern Manzano Mountains, central New Mexico

Early Proterozoic supracrustal and plutonic rocks of the Manzano Mtns have sustained a remarkably complex history of ductile deformation, metamorphism, and plutonism. A comparison of field relations and deformational features between the two southernmost plutons suggests that they differ greatly in timing of intrusion with respect to regional deformation. The Monte Largo pluton consists of ...

Energy Citations Database

Reconnaissance geochemical exploration of the plutons of quartz monzonite and granite in the Jabal Lababa and Ar Rayth areas, Southern Asir, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Geochemical reconnaissance for rare metals in plutons of albite-muscovite granite and quartz monzonite in the vicinity of Jabal Lababa disclosed positive geochemical anomalies for beryllium, tantalum, thorium, lanthanum, niobium, tin, yttrium, and zirconium. The low anomalous values for the rare metals in rocks and the short mechanical dispersion trains, ...

Energy Citations Database

Background information to accompany folio of geologic, mineral resource, geochemical, aeromagnetic, and gravity maps of the Hillsboro and San Lorenzo quadrangles, Sierra and Grant Counties, New Mexico; with sections on geochemistry and geophysics

The Hillsboro and San Lorenzo 15-minute quadrangles of southwestern New Mexico have been mapped at a 1:48,000 scale and selected mineralized areas within these quadrangles have been mapped in greater detail. This area of about 550 mi2 (1,424 km2) is within the southern part of the Black Range and includes much of the Mimbres Mountains and parts of the adjoining Black Range Primitive area. The ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Uranium occurrences in the northern Darby Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Information circular

In 1980, the Bureau of Mines investigated the northern Darby Mountains on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, for radioactive mineral deposits. Uranium is concentrated in silicified shear zones in biotite quartz monzonite of the Darby pluton. Similar geochemical and radiometric anomalies over disclosed altered zones and geochemical anomalies in sediments ...

Energy Citations Database

Uranium evaluation of the Seward--Selawik area, Alaska

The evaluation was based on a combination of geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, and aerial and ground radiometric surveying. In addition to specific occurrences of U minerals, large areas of coincident geochemical, geological, and radioactive indications of U and Th rich environments were found at other localities in the Hogatza plutonic trend and in less well identified parts of the Darby ...

Energy Citations Database

The effect of gamma irradiation on the strength and elasticity of climax stock and westerly granites

The authors performed compression tests on Climax Stock quartz monzonite (CSQM), half of which had received a gamma ray dose of 9 +- MGy (0.9 Grad) and half of which had not. They performed similar tests on Westerly granite. The experiment on CSQM was capable of detecting a 7% change in the unconfined strength level of 200 MPa. The experiment showed no ...

Energy Citations Database

Rubidium--Strontium ages of basement rocks recovered from DVDP hole 6, southern Victoria Land. [/sup 87/Rb, /sup 86/Sr, /sup 87/Sr

Data presented are part of the Dry Valley Drilling Project investigation of the geologic history of southern Victoria Land. Maps are presented to show geologic formations of the area. Procedures are described for analysis of crystalline basement rocks and a table is presented to show rubidium and strontium concentrations and /sup 87/Sr//sup 86/Sr and /sup 87/Rb//sup 86/Sr ratios in gneiss and ...

Energy Citations Database

Review of DOE waste package program. Subtask 1.1: National waste package program, April-September 1984. Volume 7; Thermal expansion and inferred permeability of climax quartz monzonite to 300{sup 0}C and 27.6 MPa

The present effort is part of an ongoing task to review the national high-level waste package effort. It includes evaluations of reference waste form, container, and packing material components with respect to determining how they may contribute to the containment and controlled release of radionuclides after waste packages have been emplaced in salt, basalt, tuff, and granite repositories. In the ...

Energy Citations Database

Physical and chemical changes to rock near electrically heated boreholes at Spent Fuel Test-Climax

Sections of Climax Stock quartz monzonite taken from the vicinity of two electrically heated boreholes at Spent Fuel Test-Climax (SFT-C) have been studied by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy for signs of changes in crack structure and in mineralogy resulting from operations at SFT-C. The crack structure, as measured by density of cracks ...

DOE Information Bridge

Pennsylvanian pluton stitching of Wrangellia and the Alexander terrane, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska

A quartz monzonite-syenite-alkali granite plutonic complex in eastern Alaska crosscuts the contact of the Alexander terrane and Wrangellia and intrudes the basement rocks of both terranes. Zircon U-Pb data indicate an intrusion age of 309 {plus minus} 5 Ma (Middle Pennsylvanian) for the pluton, and {sup 40}K-{sup 40}Ar age for hornblende separates indicate ...

Energy Citations Database

Mineralogic and petrologic investigation of pre-test core samples from the spent fuel test-climax

Pre-test samples obtained from just inside the perimeter of the canister emplacement holes of the Spent Fuel Test-Climax have been characterized by petrographic and microanalytical techniques. The primary quartz monzonite has undergone various degrees of hydrothermal alteration as a result of natural processes. Alteration is most apparent on primary ...

Energy Citations Database

Hydraulic and mechanical properties of natural fractures in low-permeability rock

The results of a comprehensive laboratory study of the mechanical displacement, permeability, and void geometry of single rock fractures in a quartz monzonite are summarized and analyzed. A metal-injection technique was developed that provided quantitative data on the precise geometry of the void spaces between the fracture surfaces and the areas of ...

Energy Citations Database

Geology of the Twinridge pluton area, Nevada Test Site, Nevada

The Twinridge pluton is evaluated as a potential site for nuclear waste storage in crystalline rocks. The Twinridge pluton is quartz monzonite that crops out over an area of approximately 76 m{sup 2} in the Halfpint Range, northeastern Nevada Test Site. It intrudes the Johnnie Formation and Stirling Quartzite of Precambrian age, and is overlain by Tertiary ...

Energy Citations Database

Geology of the Desert Hot Springs-Upper Coachella Valley Area, California (with a selected bibliography of the Coachella Valley, Salton Sea, and vicinity)

The Desert Hot Springs area is in the upper Coachella Valley at the junction of three natural geomorphic provinces of California--the Transverse Ranges, the Peninsular Ranges, and the Colorado Desert. The mapped area is about 100 miles east of Los Angeles and lies principally in north central Riverside County. The oldest rocks in the area are Precambrian(?) amphibolitic and migmatized paragneisses ...

DOE Information Bridge

Evaluation of radon sources and phosphate slag in Butte, Montana

In July, 1980, the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (DHES) contracted with the EPA to further investigate the potential sources of radon in Butte. Under the agreement with EPA, surface geological constitutes, air, water and natural gas supplies, and building materials were investigated as potential radon sources. Following the investigation of potential radon sources in ...

Energy Citations Database


The uranium and thorium contents of 199 igneous rocks from a variety of petrographic provinces are here summarized. Data are given for the Mesozoic calcalkalic batholiths of the western United States; volcanic and hypabyssal rocks of the tholeiitic magma type from Hawaii and Virginia; and effusive calc- alkalic, alkalic, and subsilic-alkalic rocks from the western United States and ...

Energy Citations Database

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Mineralogy of metasomatic rocks and geochronology of the Olhovka porphyry-copper deposit, Chukotka, Russia

The Olkhovka porphyry-copper deposit located on the border of foreland of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt (OCVB) and a ledge composed of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Uda-Murgal arc (J3-K1) rocks is hosted by monzonite stock attributed to the Upper Cretaceous Kavralyan complex - K2) We estimated age of the Olkhovka monzonite by Rb-Sr and U-Pb ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Hydrothermal evolution of the Sar-Cheshmeh porphyry Cu Mo deposit, Iran: Evidence from fluid inclusions

The Sar-Cheshmeh porphyry Cu Mo deposit is located in Southwestern Iran (�65 km southwest of Kerman City) and is associated with a composite Miocene stock, ranging in composition from diorite through granodiorite to quartz-monzonite. Field observations and petrographic studies demonstrate that the emplacement of the Sar-Cheshmeh stock took place in several pulses, each with ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mars Exploration Rover: Mars for Students: Schoolhouse Rocks!

monzonite, muscovite-biotite_granit. Monzonite, Muscovite-biotite granite. nepheline_syenite, norite. Nepheline syenite, Norite. obsidian, oil_shale ...

NASA Website

Petrochemistry and petrology of I-type granitoids in an arc setting: the composite Torul pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey

The Upper Cretaceous Torul pluton, located in the Eastern Pontides, is of sub-alkaline affinity and displays features typical of volcanic arc granitoids. It is a composite pluton consisting of granodiorite, biotite hornblende monzogranite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite and hornblende biotite monzogranite. The oldest ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Copper deposition by fluid cooling in intrusion-centered systems: New insights from the Bingham porphyry ore deposit, Utah

Quartz veins in porphyry copper deposits record the physiochemical evolution of fluids in subvolcanic magmatic-hydrothermal systems. We have combined cathodoluminescence (CL) petrography with fluid-inclusion microthermometry to unravel the growth history of individual quartz veins and to link this history to copper ore formation at Bingham, Utah. Early ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

U-Pb zircon dates of morin anorthosite suite rocks, Grenville Province, Quebec

U-Pb zircon ages of samples of anorthosite, pyroxene monzodiorite (jotunite), and pyroxene quartz monzonite (quartz mangerite) of the Morin anorthosite complex, Grenville Province, Quebec, are 1155 {plus minus} 3, 1146 {plus minus} 4 and 1135 {plus minus} 3 Ma, respectively. These dates are very similar to available dates for ...

Energy Citations Database

Reinterpretation of structural geology of northern Animas Mountains, Hidalgo County, New Mexico

The Animas Mountains are a north-south-trending range in south-central Hidalgo County, New Mexico. Previous publication on the geology of the northern Animas Mountains includes a reconnaissance map by Zeller and more detailed geologic mapping by Soule. Nearly 1000 m of Paleozoic marine and several thousand meters of Cretaceous clastic sedimentary rocks are exposed in the northern Animas Mountains. ...

Energy Citations Database

Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of climax stock quartz monzonite at high pressure and temperature

Measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity have been made on two samples of Climax Stock quartz monzonite at pressures between 3 and 50 MPa and temperatures between 300 and 523{sup 0}K. Following those measurements the apparatus was calibrated with respect to the thermal conductivity measurement using a reference standard of fused silica. ...

DOE Information Bridge

Simulating Injectate/Rock Chemical Interaction In Fractured Desert Peak Quartz Monzonite

Simulations of the interactions of injected fluids with minerals within an engineered fracture in a sample of Desert Peak quartz monzonite were compared with experimental observations of fluid chemistry and fracture permeability. The observed decrease in permeability and effective hydraulic aperture was much more rapid ({approx}1.0 {micro}m/day) for a core ...

Energy Citations Database

Post-Late Jurassic, pre-late Eocene strike-slip faulting in west-central Utah

Two events of strike-slip faulting interpreted to be of Late Mesozoic-Early Tertiary age are recorded in the northern Deep Creek Mountains. These fault systems display principal detachment zones that strike N50W and N84E. Both fault systems are manifested as fault mosaics, locally anastomosing with local duplex formation. They are interpreted to represent first-order structures that operated ...

Energy Citations Database

Multiple mafic and felsic magma interaction as exhibited in the Dartmouth Pluton, Avalon zone, southeastern Massachusetts

Dioritic to quartz monzonitic rocks of the Dartmouth Pluton exhibit excellently preserved, diverse features produced by mingling and mixing of mafic and felsic magma during multiple events. The related mafic and hybridized intermediate composition rocks occur both as discrete outcrop-sized masses or as enclaves within quartz ...

Energy Citations Database

Melting and remobilization of felsic protoliths through mafic recharge: evidence from basalt-trachyte mingling in Mumbai, Deccan Traps

Contrasting, mingled magmas are widespread, and often erupt at volcanoes, or form intrusive bodies. Field evidence, petrography, mineral chemistry, and whole-rock major, trace and Pb isotope chemistry of trachytes and their mafic enclaves from the Manori-Gorai area of Mumbai, in the Deccan Traps flood basalt province, are used here to assess the petrogenetic processes that operated to produce ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geology of the Gold Meadows stock, Nevada Test Site

The Gold Meadows stock crops out in an elongate pattern about 1 mile (1.6 km) north of Rainier Mesa in the Nevada Test Site, Nevada. The long axis trends N. 35/sup 0/E. Core and cuttings from three drill holes in the stock were analyzed chemically and petrographically. Modally the rock ranges from granodiorite to calc-alkaline granite, and three of five modes indicate that the rock is ...

Energy Citations Database

Early Cretaceous U-Pb zircon ages for the Copiap� plutonic complex and implications for the IOCG mineralization at Candelaria, Atacama Region, Chile

Four of the major plutons in the vicinity of the Candelaria mine (470 Mt at 0.95% Cu, 0.22 g/t Au, 3.1 g/t Ag) and a dike-sill system exposed in the Candelaria open pit have been dated with the U-Pb zircon method. The new geochronological data indicate that dacite magmatism around 123 Ma preceded the crystallization of hornblende diorite (Khd) at 118 � 1 Ma, quartz-monzonite ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sultan Mountain mine, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: A fluid inclusion and stable isotope study

The Sultan Mountain (SM) mine, in the western San Juan Mountains of Colorado, has produced Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au ores from the mid-1870s until the 1950s. Production was from veins filling faults and fissures along the southern margin of the Silverton caldera. The principal host rock to the veins is a quartz monzonite stock. Five periods of hypogene mineralization ...

Energy Citations Database

Mineralogy of Copper-Gold Deposit, Masjid Daghi Area, Jolfa, IRAN

The Copper-Gold deposit of Masjid Daghi area is located in the Jolfa quadrangle (scale 1:100,000), East Azerbaijan Province, north-west Iran. The deposit, hosting by sub-volcanic bodies comprise of quartz monzonite composition whose intruded the Tertiary volcanic and volcanic-sedimentary rocks and turbidities. The Tertiary volcanic rocks consist of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The geology and genesis of the Tarcoola gold deposits, South Australia

The Tarcoola goldfield is located in the Gawler Craton in northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. The gold deposits are hosted in the Middle Proterozoic Tarcoola Formation, comprised of the fluviatile Peela Coglomerate Member, the shallow marine Fabian Quartzite Member, and the marine Sullivan Shale Member. Mineralization in the goldfield consists of north-northeast to north-northwest ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Preliminary results on the geology, petrography and geochemistry of the Karaabalar Magmatic rocks in the Istranca Region, NW TURKEY

In this study, the Karaabalar magmatik rocks exposed between the town of Karaabalar and the town of Caglay?k (K?rklareli) was investigated to determine its petrological and geochemical characteristics. In the study area, the basement lithologies are represented by the Paleozoic Korukoy formation that mainly consists of granitic gneisses, granite with diabase dayks. The Triassic Kocabay?r formation ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mineral resources and mineral resource potential of the Panamint Dunes Wilderness Study Area, Inyo County, California

This report presents the results of a mineral survey of the Panamint Dunes Wilderness Study Area (CDCA-127), California Desert Conservation Area, Inyo County, California. The Panamint Dunes Wilderness Study Area has an identified volcanic cinder resource and few areas with mineral resource potential. Hydrothermal deposits of lead-zinc-silver occur in veins and small replacement bodies along and ...

Energy Citations Database

Geochemical, zircon U-Pb dating and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic constraints on the age and petrogenesis of an Early Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive complex at Xiangshan, Southeast China

The Late Mesozoic geology of Southeast China is characterized by extensive Jurassic to Cretaceous magmatism consisting predominantly of granites and rhyolites and subordinate mafic rocks, forming a belt of volcanic-intrusive complexes. The Xiangshan volcanic-intrusive complex is located in the NW region of the belt and mainly contains the following lithologies: rhyodacite and rhyodacitic porphyry, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The formation of basal-type uranium deposits in south central British Columbia

The basal-type uranium deposits in south central British Columbia occur within unconsolidated, late Miocene fluvial paleochannel sediments that overlie major fault zones within the Okanagan Highlands Intrusive Complex. Five uranium deposits have been outlined to date, of which the Blizzard (4,020 metric tons U) and Tyee (650 metric tons U) are the largest. The basement intrusive complex underlying ...

Energy Citations Database

Proterozoic massif anorthosites and related rocks in Labrador: the anorthosite-charnockite connection

Massif anorthosites of Labrador are closely associated in space and time with voluminous, felsic, fayalite- and ferrous pyroxene-bearing igneous rocks. These include charnockites, monzonites, biotite-hornblende granites, and locally syenites. Igneous charnockites form major parts of some of the granitic complexes. In Mistastin batholith for example, charnockitic assemblages ...

Energy Citations Database

National uranium resource evaluation: Silver City Quadrangle, New Mexico and Arizona

Reconnaissance and detailed geologic, geochemical, and radiometric studies were conducted throughout the Silver City Quadrangle, New Mexico and Arizona, to identify environments and delineate areas favorable for the occurrence of uranium deposits using National Uranium Resource Evaluation criteria. Surface and limited subsurface studies were augmented by aerial radiometric and hydrogeochemical and ...

Energy Citations Database

Garnetization as a ground preparation process for copper mineralization: evidence from the Mazraeh skarn deposit, Iran

The Mazraeh Cu-Fe skarn deposit, NW Iran is the result of the intrusion of an Oligocene-Miocene granitic pluton into Cretaceous calcareous rocks. The pluton ranges in composition from monzonite to quartz monzonite, monzogranite, tonalite and granodiorite with I-type, calc-alkaline, and weakly peraluminous characteristics. The Mazraeh ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Uranium favorability of tertiary sedimentary rocks of the lower Spokane River Valley and of northern Spokane County, Washington. [Measurement and sampling of surface sections, collection of samples from isolated outcrops, chemical and mineralogical analyses of samples, and examination of available water well lithologic logs

Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the lower Spokane River valley and in northern Spokane County, northeastern Washington, were investigated to determine the favorability for potential uranium resources. This project involved measurement and sampling of surface sections, collection of samples from isolated outcrops, chemical and mineralogical analyses of samples, and examination of available water well ...

Energy Citations Database

The use of the scanning electron microscope in the determination of the mineral composition of Ballachulish slate

Slate is a fine-grained, low-grade metamorphic rock derived from argillaceous sediments or occasionally volcanic ash. Although most slates contain mainly quartz, chlorite and white mica, they vary considerably in their durability, some lasting centuries while others fail after a few years of service. A detailed characterisation of their mineralogy is required for the ...

Energy Citations Database

Test completion plan for Spent Fuel Test - Climax, Nevada Test Site

The Spent Fuel Test - Climax is being conducted 420 m below surface in the quartz monzonite unit of the Climax granitic stock at the US Department of Energy`s Nevada Test Site. This test, which is under the technical direction of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, was initiated in June 1978. Eleven spent-fuel assemblies from an operating ...

Energy Citations Database

Study of well logs from Cove Fort-Sulphurdale KGRA, Millard and Beaver Counties, Utah

Union Oil Company drilled four geothermal test wells in the Cove Fort-Sulphurdale KGRA between 1975 and 1979. A fairly complete suite of well logs were recorded for the three deeper holes, and these data are presented as composite well log plots in this report. The composite well log plots have facilitated the interpretation of limestone, dolomite, sandstone, quartz-monzonite, ...

Energy Citations Database

Rapid technique for counting cracks in granitic rocks

Using a scanning electron microscope and an image analyzer, we have developed a technique for counting and measuring cracks in rocks which is more efficient than traditional techniques in which an operator performs all image analysis functions. The key aspect of the technique is that black-on-white tracings of fresh cracks, which can be made rather quickly by an operator, are fed to an image ...

DOE Information Bridge

Raft River Geothermal Exploratory Hole No. 3

Raft River Geothermal Exploratory Hole No. 3 (RRGE-3) is an exploratory hole with three directional legs, drilled to depths ranging from approximately 5,500 to 6,000 feet into intruded quartz monzonite basement rock of the Raft River valley of southeastern Idaho. The goal of the Raft River Geothermal R and D program is to determine the feasibility of ...

Energy Citations Database

National uranium resource evaluation: Newark Quadrangle, Pennsylvania and New Jersey

The Newark Quadrangle, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, was evaluated to a depth of 1500 m to identify geologic environments and delineate areas favorable for uranium deposits. Criteria used were those developed for the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program. Results of the investigation indicate that the Precambrian Reading Prong contains environments favorable for anatectic and allogenic ...

Energy Citations Database

National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Reno Quadrangle: Nevada and California

The Reno Quadrangle, Nevada and California, was evaluated using National Uranium Resource Evaluation criteria to identify and delineate areas favorable for the occurrence of uranium deposits. Investigations included reconnaissance and detailed surface geologic and radiometric studies, geochemical sampling and evaluation, analysis and ground-truth followup of aerial radiometric data, and subsurface ...

Energy Citations Database


The Marysvale area lies in south-central Utah, 175 miles south of Salt Lake City. Uranium deposits of the area are in volcanic and plutonic rocks of Tertiary age. Direct current resistivity methods were tested in two localities in the Marysvale area. In the Bullion Monarch mine area, an altered rhyolite dike was successfully traced by this method, and the information was used in ...

Energy Citations Database

Mineralogic and petrologic investigation of post-test core samples from the Spent Fuel Test - Climax

We have characterized a suite of samples taken subsequent to the end of the Spent Fuel Test - Climax by petrographic and microanalytical techniques and determined their mineral assemblage, modal properties, and mineral chemistry. The samples were obtained immediately adjacent to the canister borehole at a variety of depths and positions within the canister drift, as well as radially outward from ...

Energy Citations Database

Geohydrologic setting of Mirror Lake, West Thornton, New Hampshire

The drainage basin of Mirror Lake, New Hampshire is characterized by high knobs and ridges and steep land slopes. The lake is situated in the lower part of the basin, largely within glacial drift. Drift in most of the Mirror Lake drainage basin is till, which is as much as 50 meters thick, Crystalline bedrock underlying the drift is composed of schist, slate, and quartz ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Geochronology of hydrothermal uranium deposits and associated igneous rocks in the eastern source area of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, Marysvale, Utah

Radiometric ages of igneous rocks and hydrothermal uranium-fluorine veins in the eastern source area of the Mount Belknap Volcanics near Marysvale, Utah, show that igneous activity occurred over a time interval of about 9 million years and that hydrothermal uranium deposits were formed about midway through the interval. Intrusive igneous activity in the central mining area began about 23 m.y. ago ...

Energy Citations Database

Analysis of fracturing in hole UG-2 Spent Fuel Test-Climax

Detailed fracture logging and analysis of the UG-2 core from the Climax Stock is reported. This borehole is about 183 m long (600 ft) and slants downward below the Spent Fuel Test workings, thus representing the only sampling of the quartz monzonite at depth. An effective means of orienting the core sections relative to a certain joint set of known ...

Energy Citations Database

Acord 1-26 hot, dry well, Roosevelt Hot Springs hot dry rock prospect, Utah

The Acord 1-26 well is a hot, dry well peripheral to the Roosevelt Hot Springs known geothermal resource area (KGRA) in southwestern Utah. The bottom-hole temperature in this 3854-m-deep well is 230/sup 0/C, and the thermal gradient is 54/sup 0/C/km. The basal 685 m, comprised of biotite monzonite and quartz schist and gneiss, is a likely hot, dry rock ...

DOE Information Bridge

Test well DO-CE 88 at Cambridge, Dorchester County, Maryland

Test well DO-CE 88 at Cambridge, Maryland, penetrated 3,299 feet of unconsolidated Quaternary, Tertiary and Cretaceous sediments and bottomed in quartz-monzonite gneiss. The well was drilled to provide data for a study of the aquifer system of the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. Twenty-one core samples were collected. Six sand zones were tested for aquifer properties and ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Multiple S Isotopic Study of the Eagle Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic Deposit, Northern Michigan, USA

The Eagle Ni-Cu-PGE deposit occurs in melagabbro, melatroctolite, and feldspathic peridotite that are part of the Marquette-Baraga dyke swarm. The units were emplaced during the early stage of development of the ~1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift and represent the remnants of a magma conduit. Mineralization is composed of massive, semi-massive, and disseminated sulfide ores containing pyrrhotite, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Control of Precambrian basement deformation zones on emplacement of the Laramide Boulder batholith and Butte mining district, Montana, United States

What are the roles of deep Precambrian basement deformation zones in the localization of subsequent shallow-crustal deformation zones and magmas? The Paleoproterozoic Great Falls tectonic zone and its included Boulder batholith (Montana, United States) provide an opportunity to examine the importance of inherited deformation fabrics in batholith emplacement and the localization of ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

A comparison of petrogenetic records from volcanic and plutonic segments of the linked River Mountains volcanic suite and Wilson Ridge pluton

Do volcanic and plutonic segments of an igneous system record the same petrogenetic history? The River Mountains volcanic suite has been identified as the eruptive equivalent to the Wilson Ridge pluton by lithology, structure, mineralogy, geochronology, major and trace elements, and isotopes (Sr, Nd, and Pb). The River Mountains volcanic suite (northern Colorado River extensional corridor) ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The study of hydrothermal alteration zones in Kahang exploration area (north eastern of Isfahan, central of Iran) using microscopy studies and TM and Aster satellite data

Kahang ore deposit located in 73 km to the northeast of Isfahan city and 10 km to the east of Zefreh town, covering an area about 18.6 km2. This ore deposit is a part of Uromieh-Dokhtar volcanopolotonic belt. The rocks of the area included Andesite, Porphyritic Andesite, Dacite, Porphyritic, Rhyodacite, Diorite, Quartz Monzonite and Porphyry Micro Granite. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geochemistry of the impact-generated melt sheet at Manicouagan: Evidence for fractional crystallization

Recent exploration drilling of the Manicouagan impact structure has revealed local developments of impact melt that are substantially thicker than the previously accepted average of �300 m and a more complex melt sheet�basement interface showing considerable �topography.� The thickest section (1045 m of clast-free to clast-poor impact melt overlying 425 m of clast-laden impact melt) is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Evolution cristallochimique des amphiboles dans la s�rie granitique de Fort-Trinquet (Mauritanie)

The precambrian postorogenic pluton of the Fort-Trinquet area (Northern Mauretania) is composed by a series of granitic rocks in which amphiboles are the characteristic mafic minerals. Twenty six amphiboles have been separated and chemically analysed; the optical properties and the unit-cell data are also given. The crystallographic and chemical differences between these minerals reflect the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

General Disclaimer One or more of the Following Statements may ...

asphalt, it is not necessarily typical for monzonite and intermediate rocks. The limestone and granite specimens, with reflectances on the ...

NASA Website

Source of lead in Central American and Caribbean mineralization

Laramide and younger mineral deposits in the Central America-Caribbean area exhibit a regional compositional zonation in which Pb-Zn deposits (low in Ag) are confined to northernmost Central America and Au and/or Cu deposits are found throughout the rest of the area. A zone of Ag-rich deposits separates these two regions and marks the boundary between the Paleozoic-Precambrian(?) cratonic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sierra Nevada Batholith: The batholith was generated within a synclinorium.

The Sierra Nevada batholith is localized in the axial region of a complex faulted synclinorium that coincides with a downfold in the Mohorovicic discontinuity and in P-wave velocity boundaries within the crust. Observed P-wave velocities are compatible with downward increase in the proportion of diorite, quartz diorite, and calcic granodiorite relative to ...


Preliminary study of uranium favorability of the Boulder batholith, Montana

The Boulder batholith of southwestern Montana is a composite Late Cretaceous intrusive mass, mostly composed of quartz monzonite and granodiorite. This study was not restricted to the plutonic rocks; it also includes younger rocks that overlie the batholith, and older rocks that it intrudes. The Boulder batholith area has good overall potential for ...

Energy Citations Database

Preliminary report on uranium and thorium content of intrusive rocks in northeastern Washington and northern Idaho

This study delineates favorable areas for uranium resources in northeastern Washington and northern Idaho by identifying granitic rocks with relatively large amounts of uranium and (or) thorium. Results are based on analysis of 344 rock samples. Uranium analyses obtained by gamma-ray spectrometric data correlate closely with fluorometric determinations. On the basis of cumulative frequency ...

Energy Citations Database

Mesozoic pre-thrusting high-angle faults and stratigraphic variations, Plomosa Mountains, W. Arizona

Three contrasting stratigraphic assemblages characterize fault-bounded terranes in the Southern Plomosa Mtns. (1) The Six Price sequence (SPS) consists of Proterozoic coarse-grained granitoid overlain by Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. (2) The Apache Wash sequence consists of a basal mega-breccia and conglomerate unit overlain by sandstone in a fining-upward sequence. Paleozoic blocks in the ...

Energy Citations Database

Isotopic, major and trace element constraints on the sources of granites in an 1800-Ma-old igneous complex near St. Cloud, Minnesota

A suite of basic to granitic rocks was emplaced near St. Cloud, MN about 1800 Ma ago. These are strongly LREE enriched and were derived from LREE enriched sources. Nd-Sm systematics suggest that LREE enrichment occurred during the Early Proterozoic. Initial Pb ratios for basic rocks through granites are similar to inferred 1800 Ma old mantle Pb, and suggest sources that became U/Pb enriched during ...

Energy Citations Database

Iron- and manganese-rich minor intrusions emplaced under late-orogenic conditions in the proterozoic of South Greenland

Three small intrusions in Ketilidian gneisses near Julianehaab comprise sheets and veins of olivine-magnetite-grunerite or magnetite-amphibole rocks partly surrounded by garnetiferous hornblende-biotite granitoid rock. The latter �skin� locally widens out into diffuse bodies of fayalite-orthopyroxene-quartz syenite or monzonite and biotite ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Investigation of the mineral potential of the Clipper Gap, Lone Mountain-Weepah, and Pipe Spring plutons, Nevada

The Clipper Gap pluton, composed mostly of quartz monzonite with minor granite, granodiorite, and crosscutting alaskite dikes, intrudes Paleozoic western facies strata. A narrow zone of contact metamorphism is present at the intrusive-sediment contact. No mineral production has been recorded from Clipper Gap, but quartz veins ...

Energy Citations Database

Calc-silicate alteration and sulfide mineralization, San Martin mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

The San Martin skarn deposit was formed by intrusion of the 46 Ma Cerro de la Gloria quartz monzonite stock into the Middle Cretaceous Cuesta del Cura limestone. Ensuing hydrothermal alteration produced a metamorphic aureole consisting of calc-silicate minerals and economic concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Ag. Ore bodies are centered around several large ...

Energy Citations Database

Batholithic rocks of southern California: a model for the petrochemical nature of their source materials

Major-element analyses of 497 composite samples of batholithic rocks (quartz diorites, granodiorites, and quartz monzonites) from the northern Peninsular Ranges and Transverse Ranges Provinces, southern California, form the basis for a mixing model that accounts for most of the compositional variation in the rocks. The compositional ...

Energy Citations Database

NASA - Quartz Block

A prototype of the Gravity Probe B quartz block against a black background. The quartz block aligns the four fused-quartz gyroscopes. ...

NASA Website



DTIC Science & Technology

The geology and tectonic significance of the Big Creek Gneiss, Sierra Madre, southeastern Wyoming

The Big Creek Gneiss, southern Sierra Madre, southeastern Wyoming, is a heterogeneous suite of upper-amphibolite-facies metamorphic rocks intruded by post-metamorphic pegmatitic granite. The metamorphic rocks consist of three individual protolith suites: (1) pre- to syn-1780-Ma supracrustal rocks including clastic metasedimentary rocks, calc-silicate paragneiss, and metavolcanic rocks; (2) a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Riviera Deposit: Endo-skarn and Vein-hosted W-MO-REE Mineralization in I-type Granites of the Cape Granite Suite, South Africa

The blind Riviera deposit is located in the western Cape Province and was discovered by stream sediment sampling in the mid 1970's. Resources total 46 million metric tons assaying 0,216 per cent tungsten and 200 parts per million molybdenum, a marginal grade that has prohibited development into an open cast mine. Mineralization is mainly hosted by granitoids of the Riviera Pluton which intruded ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Calc-alkaline Magmatic Activities and Related Mineralization in the Northwest of the Lut Block (Eastern Iran)

The Lut Block of Eastern Iran has significant mineral potential based on its tectonic setting, geologic evolution, Tertiary igneous rock cover and old mining records. In the Ahang prospecting area (~ 40Km2), located in northwest of the Lut block, magmatic activities started in Eocene with the eruption of mafic to intermediate extrusives, mainly andesites. These rocks are intruded by ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geochronology and geology of late Oligocene through Miocene volcanism and mineralization in the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado

Twenty-five new 40Ar/39Ar ages from volcanic rocks and veins in the western San Juan Mountains clarify relationships between volcanism and mineralization in this classic area. Five calc-alkaline ash-flow sheets erupted from caldera sources (Ute Ridge, Blue Mesa, Dillon Mesa, Sapinero Mesa, and Crystal Lake Tuffs) from 28.6 to 27.6 Ma. This is a much more restricted time interval than ...

USGS Publications Warehouse

Parameters affecting radionuclide migration in geologic media

Adsorption of several nuclides (Sr, Tc, Cs, Ba, Ce, Eu) on tuff, monzonite, and argillite was studied experimentally. 3 tables. (DLC)

DOE Information Bridge

[Energy related studies utilizing microline thermochronology]. Progress report, 1990--1991

In our first year of the current funding cycle, we have investigated three interrelated aspects of K-feldspar thermochronology; (1) the Ar diffusion properties and microstructures of K-feldspars, (2) the thermal evolution of the Valles Caldera and (3) the continued development of microanalysis. Results of TEM and light microscopy on heated and unheated samples of MH-10 K-feldspar reveal three ...

DOE Information Bridge

Use of porphyroblast-matrix relationships to solve a complex polyphase geologic history in Middle Proterozoic rocks of central New Mexico

Porphyroblast-matrix textural relationships are often ambiguous and, used in isolation, can lead to conflicting interpretations of the geologic history of an area because deformation and metamorphism are generally heterogeneous in both space and time. This is true in Proterozoic rocks in southwestern North America where the debate about an orogenic versus an orogenic Middle Proterozoic geologic ...

Energy Citations Database

Transmission of seismic waves across single natural fractures

Fractures and other nonwelded contacts are important mechanical and hydrological features of rock masses. Their effects on seismic wave propagation can be modeled as a boundary condition in the seismic wave equation. Seismic stress is continuous across such a boundary, but seismic particle displacement and seismic particle velocity are not. The complete solutions for seismic wave reflection, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Titanite and zircon fission-track dating resolves successive igneous episodes in the formation of the composite Ka�kar batholith in the Turkish eastern Pontides

The Ka�kar batholith in the Turkish eastern Pontides comprises several intrusive units with distinctive textural, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics. Their titanite and zircon fission-track ages confirm that the different lithodem units result from consecutive igneous episodes, establish their emplacement sequence and, together with geochemical data, help to relate them to their ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Notch Peak contact metamorphic aureole, Utah: Paleomagnetism of the metasedimentary rocks and the quartz monzonite stock

The Notch Peak pluton, a Late Jurassic granitic stock, intrudes early Paleozoic miogeoclinal strata in the House Range, western Utah. As part of a detailed study to determine textural and chemical changes related to the intrusion, a paleomagnetic reconnaissance has been made of the pluton and its contact aureole. Steep, scattered magnetizations with both polarities present are found in the pluton ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Strength and permeability tests on ultra-large Stripa granite core

This report presents the results of laboratory tests on a 1 meter diameter by 2 meters high sample of granitic (quartz monzonite) rock from the Stripa mine in Sweden. The tests were designed to study the mechanical and hydraulic properties of the rock. Injection and withdrawal permeability tests were performed at several levels of axial stress using a ...

DOE Information Bridge

Scientific core hole Valles caldera No. 2b (VC-2b), New Mexico

Research core hole was continuously cored to 1.762 km on the western flank of the caldera's resurgent dome in 1988. Bottom hole temperature is about 295{degree}C within Precambrian (1.5 Ga) quartz monzonite, deep within the liquid-dominated portions of the Sulphur Springs hydrothermal system. VC-2b may be the deepest, hottest, continuously cored ...

Energy Citations Database

Provenance of radioactive placers, Big Meadow area, Valley and Boise Counties, Idaho

For many years, radioactive black-sand placers have been known to be present in the Bear Valley area of west-central Idaho. The largest of these is in Big Meadow, near the head of Bear Valley Creek. Presence of these placers suggests that low-grade uranium deposits might occur in rocks of the Idaho Batholith, adjacent to Bear Valley. This study was undertaken to locate the provenance of the ...

Energy Citations Database

Prospects for commercial abiogenic gas production: Implications from the Siljan Ring Area, Sweden

The Siljan Ring structure in central Sweden is a 360-Ma meteorite impact crater with an excavated diameter of 45 km. The Gravberg 1 well, just outside the excavated region on the northeast rim, was drilled as a commercial venture to explore for abiogenic gas of mantle origin. The well reached a true vertical depth of 6,779 m, penetrating only Precambrian granite porphyry, granite, ...

Energy Citations Database

Pb, Sr, and S isotope study of laramide-Tertiary intrusions and mineralization in the Colorado Mineral Belt with emphasis on Climax-type porphyry Mo systems plus a summary of other newly acquired isotopic and rare earth element data

The Colorado Mineral Belt (COMB) is characterized by Late Cretaceous to late Tertiary felsic to intermediate intrusions with related base and precious metal mineralization. The COMB hosts three Climax-type molybdenum deposits, associated with young Oligocene-Miocene), composite granite porphyry stocks. Climax-type granites have low-radiogenic /sup 206/Pb//sup 204/Pb and near normal /sup ...

Energy Citations Database

Oligocene volcanism and multiple caldera formation in the Chinati Mountains, Presidio County, Texas

The Chinati Mountains caldera, which lies in Trans-Pecos Texas in the southern Basin and Range Province, was formed by eruption of the Mitchell Mesa Rhyolite. Volcanism in the Chinati Mountains area began several million years before formation of the Chinati Mountains caldera. Rocks of the Morita Ranch Formation, Infiernito caldera, and Shely Group ring the caldera on the south, east, and north. ...

Energy Citations Database

Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations Project. Quarterly report, October-December 1984

Preliminary results of an assessment of the economics of fuel-rod consolidation at the repository indicate that the break-even point occurs at a total cost of between $150,000 and $500,000. Therefore, economics may favor the disposal of intact fuel assemblies. Two finite-element meshes were digitized on the APPLICON graphics system for use in parametric modeling studies of the unsaturated and ...

Energy Citations Database

Mineralogy and fluid inclusion investigations in the Reagan Porphyry System, Iran, the path to an uneconomic porphyry copper deposit

The Reagan Porphyry System in southeastern Iran (Kerman Province) is associated with diorite/granodiorite to quartz-monzonitic rocks of Miocene age. Three stages of hydrothermal alteration and associated mineralization have produced new minerals, created new textural relationships and in many cases obliterated the primary character of the rocks. Potassic, phyllic and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mineral resources of the Redcloud Peak and Handies Peak Wilderness Study Areas, Hinsdale County, Colorado

The Redcloud Peak and Handies Peak Wilderness Study Areas are located 2-12 mi southwest of Lake City, CO. Much of the study areas has high mineral resource potential for precious and base metals in various ore deposit types. The rest of the study areas has moderate potential for these commodities. Two areas in the Redcloud Peak study area have moderate potential for molybdenum and copper in ...

Energy Citations Database

Magnetic fabrics and their relationship with the emplacement of the Piracaia pluton, SE Brazil

Magnetic fabric and rock-magnetism studies were performed on the four units of the 578 � 3-Ma-old Piracaia pluton (NW of S�o Paulo State, southern Brazil). This intrusion is roughly elliptical (~32 km2), composed of (i) coarse-grained monzodiorite (MZD-c), (ii) fine-grained monzodiorite (MZD-f), which is predominant in the pluton, (iii) monzonite heterogeneous (MZN-het), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Magnetic Fabrics and Their Relationship with the Emplacement of the Piracaia Pluton, se Brazil

Magnetic fabric and rock magnetism studies were performed on the four units of the 578 +/- 3 Ma-old Piracaia pluton (NW of S�o Paulo State, southern Brazil). This intrusion is roughly elliptical (~ 32 km2), composed of (i) coarse-grained monzodiorite (MZD-c), (ii) fine-grained monzodiorite (MZD-f) which is predominant in the pluton, (iii) monzonite heterogeneous (MZN-het), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Isotopic and chemical constraints on the petrogenesis of Blackburn Hills volcanic field, western Alaska

The Blackburn Hills volcanic field is one of several Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary (75-50 Ma) volcanic fields in western Alaska that comprise a vast magmatic province extending from the Arctic Circle to Bristol Bay. It consists of andesite flows, rhyolite domes, a central granodiorite to quartz monzonite pluton, and small intrusive rhyolite ...

Energy Citations Database

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Initial waste package interaction tests: status report

This report describes the results of some initial investigations of the effects of rock media on the release of simulated fission products from a sngle waste form, PNL reference glass 76-68. All tests assemblies contained a minicanister prepared by pouring molten, U-doped 76-68 glass into a 2-cm-dia stanless steel tube closed at one end. The tubes were cut to 2.5 to 7.5 cm in length to expose a ...

Energy Citations Database

Hydraulic Characterization of a Fractured Granitic Aquifer

Hydrogeologic testing has been conducted in a fractured granitic (quartz monzonite) bedrock aquifer to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the bedrock aquifer, determine the efficiency and performance characteristics of four extraction wells, and determine the pumping rates for the extraction wells pumping simultaneously that will provide ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geology, Geochemistry and Re-Os systematics of manganese deposits from the Santa Rosal�a Basin and adjacent areas in Baja California Sur, M�xico

The manganese ores in the Santa Rosal�a region, western Mexico, are mainly stratiform horizons or mantos, constrained to the initial stages of sedimentary cycles of the Miocene Bol�o Formation. The manganese mineralization is generally restricted to isolated paleo-basins and related to NW-SE faults formed during the early stages of the opening of the Gulf of California. Jasper, Fe, and Mn ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geology of the Rainier Mesa-Aqueduct Mesa tunnel areas: U12n tunnel

The U12n tunnel area is located beneath Rainier Mesa on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada. Stratigraphic units in the U12n area include Precambrian and Cambrian quartzite, Ordovician to Devonian dolomite and limestone, Cretaceous quartz monzonite, 25 Miocene and Pliocene volcanic rock units, and Quaternary colluvium and alluvium. Volcanic rocks in ...

Energy Citations Database

Geochemical interpretation of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, orientation area

An orientation study has been made of uranium occurrences in the area of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. This is one of the orientation studies of known uranium occurrences that are being conducted in several geologic provinces and under various climatic (weathering) conditions to provide the technical basis for design and interpretation of NURE geochemical reconnaissance programs. The Kings ...

Energy Citations Database

Fracture Permeability Evolution in Rock from the Desert Peak EGS Site

Fluid flow experiments are being conducted on core specimens of quartz monzonite retrieved from depths of about 1 km at the Desert Peak East EGS site in Churchill County, Nevada. Our immediate goal is to observe permeability evolution in fractures at pressure and temperature conditions appropriate to the Desert Peak geothermal site. Longer term, we aim to ...

Energy Citations Database

Experimental permeability studies at elevated temperature and pressure of granitic rocks

Permeability of quartz monzonite from the Los Alamos hot-dry-rock geothermal well GT-2 was experimentally measured as a function of pressure and temperature. Permeability of the GT-2 rocks from depths of 8580 ft and 9522 ft behaves like Westerly granite for changes in effective confining pressure. However, permeability of these rocks behaves much ...

DOE Information Bridge

Contact zones and hydrothermal systems as analogues to repository conditions

Radioactive waste isolation efforts in the US are currently focused on examining basalt, tuff, salt, and crystalline rock as candidate rock types to encompass waste repositories. As analogues to near-field conditions, the distributions of radio- and trace-elements have been examined across contacts between these rocks and dikes and stocks that have intruded them. The intensive study of the Stripa ...

DOE Information Bridge

Chelpo - Kalate Choubak, Kashmar, NE Iran: an epithermal Sb-As deposit

Chelpo - Kalate Choubak Sb-As deposit is located 65 km north of Kashmar (Khorasan Province), northeast Iran. The area is a part of Central Iran structural zone. Paleogene gray-red marls and interbeds of tuff, sandstone and conglomerate comprise the main part of lithological sequence in the area. Paleogene units are intruded by monzonitic and micro-granitic plutons. Mafic dykes ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

(Energy related studies utilizing microline thermochronology)

In our first year of the current funding cycle, we have investigated three interrelated aspects of K-feldspar thermochronology; (1) the Ar diffusion properties and microstructures of K-feldspars, (2) the thermal evolution of the Valles Caldera and (3) the continued development of microanalysis. Results of TEM and light microscopy on heated and unheated samples of MH-10 K-feldspar reveal three ...

DOE Information Bridge

Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Lander NTMS Quadrangle, Wyoming, including concentrations of forty-three additional elements

Totals of 355 water and 1376 sediment samples were collected from 1441 locations at an actual density of one sample location per 13 km/sup 2/ over an 18,260-km/sup 2/ area. Water samples were collected from streams, springs, and wells; sediment samples were collected from streams, springs, and dry ponds. Water samples were analyzed for uranium and twelve additional elements. The mean uranium ...

Energy Citations Database

Trace element geochemistry of the Louis Lake batholith of early Precambrian age, Wyoming

The behavior of Rb, Sr, Eu, Zr and Ni in the Louis Lake batholith as a function of increasing fractionation from the granodiorite to the aplite stage is similar to the predicted and often observed behavior for these elements in calc-alkaline suites and can be explained in terms of the removal of feldspar (Rb, Sr, Eu), zircon (Hf, Zr), and magnetite (Ni) during fractional crystallization. Cs ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Manicouagan impact structure as a terrestrial analogue site for lunar and martian planetary science

The 90 km diameter, late Triassic Manicouagan impact structure of Qu�bec, Canada, is a well-preserved, undeformed complex crater possessing an anorthositic central uplift and a 55 km diameter melt sheet. As such, it provides a valuable terrestrial analogue for impact structures developed on other planetary bodies, especially the Moon and Mars, which are currently the focus of exploration ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sulfur isotopic zonation in the Cadia district, southeastern Australia: exploration significance and implications for the genesis of alkalic porphyry gold-copper deposits

The alkalic porphyry gold-copper deposits of the Cadia district occur in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales, Australia. The district comprises four porphyry deposits (Ridgeway, Cadia Quarry, Cadia Hill, and Cadia East) and two iron-copper-gold skarn deposits (Big Cadia and Little Cadia). Almost 1,000 tonnes of contained gold and more than four million tonnes of copper have been ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Relationship between the Layered Series and the overlying evolved rocks in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Intrusion, southern Norway

The Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion (BKSK) consists of a > 7000-m-thick Layered Series comprising anorthosites, leuconorites, troctolites, norites, gabbronorites and jotunites (hypersthene monzodiorites), overlain by an unknown thickness of massive, evolved rocks: mangerites (hypersthene monzonites; MG), quartz mangerites (QMG) and charnockites ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Pore-fluid chemistry and chemical reactions on the Wasatch normal fault, Utah

Mineral assemblages and fluid inclusions (F.I.) in hydrothermally altered and tectonically deformed Oligocene quartz monzonite in the footwall of the active Wasatch normal fault, Utah have been used to estimate fluid pressure, temperature, chemical composition, and chemical reactions associated with progressive displacement of the fault. Vein filling and ...

Energy Citations Database

Mid-Miocene Rhyolite Sequence, Highland Range, NV: Record of Magma Evolution and Eruption From the Searchlight Pluton Magma Chamber

The Highland Range in southern Nevada contains a ~3 km-thick sequence of pre- to synextensional volcanic rock that records both large-magnitude Miocene extension and the evolution of large magma system. The volcanic sequence and probable source pluton are both well-exposed in a steeply W-tilted fault block (Faulds et al. 2002). A km-thick sequence of rhyolite in the southeast part of the range ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Radiation Effects on Quartz Crystals and Oscillators, and ...

... and Oscillators, and Growth of Doped Quartz Crystals. ... RESONATORS, *DAMAGE, *QUARTZ, *CRYSTAL GROWTH, DOPING, HEAT OF ...

DTIC Science & Technology



DTIC Science & Technology

Influence of the Environmental Conditions on a Quartz ...

... Title : Influence of the Environmental Conditions on a Quartz Resonator (Influence Des Conditions D'environnement sur un Resonateur a Quartz),. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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Growth of a Large Composite Magma System: the EJB Pluton, Eastern California.

The composite EJB pluton crops out in the White-Inyo Mountains of eastern California, and comprises the Eureka Valley monzonite (EVM), the Joshua Flat quartz monzonite (JFQM), the Beer Creek granite (BCG), and an unnamed diorite. While sometimes equivocal, field relationships suggest that the EVM was emplaced first, followed by the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Geochemical Constraints on Collision-related Intrusive Rocks in Central, Northwestern and Western Anatolia (Turkey)

The intrusive rocks in Anatolia occupy a broad petrological range from I- to A- type granitoids. Thus, Turkey is a natural laboratory to study collision-related magmatism, its geochemical characteristic, source region and also tectono-magmatic evolution. The central, northwestern and western Anatolian magmatic provinces are defined by a large number of Late Mesozoic to Late Cenozoic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Evolution Of An Upper Crustal Plutonic-Volcanic Plumbing System:Insights From High Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology Of Intracaldera Tuff And Intrusions In Silver Creek Caldera, Arizona, USA

Study of both plutonic and volcanic regimes in one single magmatic system is a powerful approach towards obtaining a more complete view of the long-term evolution of magma systems. The recently discovered Silver Creek caldera is the source of the voluminous Peach Spring Tuff (PST) (Ferguson, 2008) and presents a unique opportunity to study a field laboratory of a linked plutonic-volcanic system. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NASA - Quartz Block

The Gravity Probe B fused-quartz block, which houses the four fused-quartz. Stanford engineer Ken Bower inspects the Gravity Probe B fused-quartz block, ...

NASA Website

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