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Quarks for pedestrians

The discussion covers the hadron spectrum in the quark model, algebraic structure of the quark model, algebraic analysis of quark model predictions, and the algebraic structure of the quark parton model. (JFP)

Energy Citations Database

Quark-diquark approximation of the three-quark structure of a nucleon and the NN phase shifts.

The quark-diquark approximations of the three-quark structure of a nucleon are considered in the framework of the quark confinement model (QCM) based on definite concepts of the hadronization and quark confinement. The static nucleon characteristics (magn...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

World as quarks, leptons, and bosons

A qualitative discussion is given of the theoretical and experimental implications of the quark model. Courses for future research are considered.

Energy Citations Database

Quark-diquark approximation of the three-quark structure of baryons in the quark confinement model.

Octet (1(sup +)/2) and decuplet (3(sup +)/2) of baryons as relativistic three-quark states are investigated in the quark confinement model (QCM), the relativistic quark model, based on some assumptions about hadronization and quark confinement. The ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Quark confinement in a constituent quark model.

On the level of an effective quark theory, we define confinement by the absence of quark anti-quark thresholds in correlation function. We then propose a confining Nambu-Jona-Lasinio-type model. The confinement is implemented in analogy to Anderson locali...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Quark Cluster Model in the Three-Nucleon System.

The quark cluster model is used to investigate the structure of the three-nucleon systems. The nucleon-nucleon interaction is proposed considering the colour-nucleon clusters and incorporating the quark degrees of freedom. The quark-quark potential in the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Constituent Quark Models for Hadrons and Nuclei.

Theoretical approaches to deal with the problem of quarks in nuclei, ranging from direct application of QCD to phenomenological quark models are reviewed. The description of the nucleon-nucleon interaction on the basis of the quark-quark interaction, and ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Quark models of the nuclear force. [Review

Quark models of the two-nucleon interaction are reviewed with particular emphasis on calculations in the MIT bag model.

DOE Information Bridge

Composite Models of Quarks and Leptons, Dynamical Symmetry-Breaking, and Hypercolor.

Composite models of quarks, leptons and Higgs bosons are described and discussed. The fermion models considered are those in which the basic concepts are abstracted from the quark model of nucleon structure; the quark model paradigm thus serves as a ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Single Spin Asymmetry in Strongly Correlated Quark Model

The Single Transverse - Spin Asymmetry (SSA) is analysed in the framework of the Strongly Correlated Quark Model proposed by author, where the proton spin emerges from the orbital momenta of quark and qluon condensates circulating around the valence quarks. It is shown that dominating factors of appearance of SSA ...

Energy Citations Database

The Particle Adventure | What is fundamental? | Fundamental

scale of the atom What are we looking for? The standard model The standard model quiz Quarks and leptons Matter & antimatter What is antimatter? Quarks The naming of quarks... Websites

The Particle Adventure | Unsolved Mysteries | Beyond the standard...

scale of the atom What are we looking for? The standard model The standard model quiz Quarks and leptons Matter & antimatter What is antimatter? Quarks The naming of quarks... Websites

Confined quarks, Bjorken scaling and current algebra

A simple model of confined quarks is presented which resembles the massive quark model in the calculation of structure functions and which has the property that it is manifestly consistent with current algebra.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Subquark Model of Leptons and Quarks.

1) First, various subquark models so far proposed are briefly reviewed. Classifications of leptons and quarks in the models and their comparison are made. Our spinor-subquark model of leptons and quarks in which leptons and quarks are made of three subqua...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Phenomenology of quark-lepton symmetric models.

Quark-lepton symmetric models are a new class of gauge theories which unify the quarks and leptons. In these models the gauge group of the standard model is extended to include a color group for the leptons, and consequently the quarks and leptons can the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Generalization of the quark rearrangement model. [Quark-parton model

An extension and generalization of the quark rearrangement model of baryon annihilation is described which can be applied to all annihilation reactions and which incorporates some of the features of the highly successful quark parton model. Some p anti-p interactions are discussed. (JFP)

DOE Information Bridge

Elektromagnetische Eigenschaften von Baryonen im Constituent Quark Modell. (Electromagnetic properties of baryons in the constituent quark model).

The electromagnetic properties of baryons are investigated in the framework of a relativistic quark model. The model includes beyond the usual single quark transition ansatz relativistic effects due to the strong interaction and confinement forces between...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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