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Top quark mass and properties at the Tevatron

We present recent analyses of top quark properties performed at Run II of the Tevatron. Measurements of the top quark mass, branching ratios and W boson helicity inside top quark decays are covered.

DOE Information Bridge

Top Quark Mass Properties at the Tevatron.

We present recent analyses of top quark properties performed at Run II of the Tevatron. Measurements of the top quark mass, branching ratios andW boson helicity inside top quark decays are covered.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Heavy-Quark Masses from the Fermilab Method in Three-Flavor Lattice QCD

We report on heavy quark mass calculations using Fermilab heavy quarks. Lattice calculations of heavy-strange meson masses are combined with one-loop (automated) lattice perturbation theory to arrive at the quark mass. Mesons are constructed from Fermilab heavy ...

Energy Citations Database

Quarks in astrophysics

The principal parameters (number of quarks, pressure, density of matter, mass, and radius) of equilibrium quark configurations having core densities of from 10 to the 19th to 10 to the 32nd grams per cu cm are examined. It is shown that such objects must have a large gravitational mass defect. On the assumption ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quark Mass Ratios in Semi-Leptonic Quark Decays.

An ambiguity in the calculation of CKM matrix elements from semi- leptonic decay rates is resolved: to every choice of scales for the quark masses in the phase-space factor and in the QCD-correction factor, there corresponds a specific QCD-correction fact...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Higgs Sector with a Large Ratio of Vacuum Expectation Values and Quark Masses,

An attractive possibility is discussed of explaining the up-down quark mass splitting in terms of a large ratio of vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs scalars in softly broken supersymmetric models. In this context, the following topics are discuss...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Top quark physics results from CDF and D-Zero

I summarize recent top quark physics results from the Fermilab Tevatron experiments. Since the observation of the top quark by CDF and D{null} in 1995, the experimental focus has shifted to a detailed study of the top quark`s properties. This article describes recent measurements of the top quark production cross ...

Energy Citations Database

Phenomenological quark mass matrix model with two adjustable parameters

A phenomenological quark mass matrix model which includes only two adjustable parameters is proposed from the point of view of the unification of quark and lepton mass matrices. The model can provide reasonable values of quark mass ratios and ...

Energy Citations Database

Effective axial-vector isosinglet neutral current and top-quark mass

The axial vector isosinglet neutral current induced by the QCD correction through the triangle diagram of the quarks is studied. The large mass difference between the top quark and the bottom quark gives a considerable amount of the correction to the axial part of the Z couplings to the quarks. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Physics of the top quark at CDF

Measurements of Top quark properties with the CDF detector are reported. The production cross section and mass provide a consistent picture of the Top quark as described by the Standard Model. Initial studies of other properties such as estimates of branching ratios are also reported.

Energy Citations Database

Quark mass effects on the ratios ?(?c --> ??)/?(D+ --> ?+??) and ?(? --> e+e-)/?(J/? --> e+e-)

We calculate the ratios R1 = ?(?c --> ??)/?(D+ --> ?+??) and R2 = ?(? --> e+e-)/?(J/? --> e+e-) in a bound state quark model with QCD Bethe-Salpeter wave functions for these mesons. The result shows that R1 and R2 are very sensitive to the constituent quark mass ratios Md/Mc and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quark mass dependence of two-flavor QCD

I explore the rich phase diagram of two-flavor QCD as a function of the quark masses. The theory involves three parameters, including one that is CP violating. As the masses vary, regions of both first- and second-order transitions are expected. For nondegenerate quarks, nonperturbative effects cease to be ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Perturbative Corrections to the Ratio Gamma

QCD interactions involving a heavy quark with energy much smaller than its mass can be understood in the context of an effective field theory in which the heavy quark velocity is held fixed while its mass is taken to infinity. Nonleptonic decays of hadrons containing a heavy quark further ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Pattern of quark mass matrices and the mixing-angle hierarchy

By expressing the quark masses, as well as the quark-mixing angles, in powers of the Cabibbo angle (lambda) we show that the up- and down-quark mass matrices are proportional to each other up to terms of order lambda/sup 2/. This implies that the mass ...

Energy Citations Database

Chiral symmetry, quark mass, and scaling of the overlap fermions

The chiral symmetry relation and scaling of the overlap fermions are studied numerically on the quenched lattices at 3 couplings with about the same physical volume. We find that the generalized Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is satisfied to better than 1% down to the smallest quark mass at m(0)a = 0.006. We also obtain the quark ...


Constraints on the masses of fourth generation quarks

We study the one-loop contribution of the down-type quark of the standard model-like fourth generation (b{sup '}) on the top quark electric dipole moment. Using the known limits on the top quark electric dipole moments, we place limits on the b{sup '} mass. Then, from the estimated ...

Energy Citations Database

################ Revised Version

Lattice spacing a r=0 CP 0 quark mass (lattice units) r=2/3 r = m / m p h FIG. 2: Defining the continuum of this gap, changing the h mass and the ratio r. One might attempt to define m u = 0 as the point where of quarks and gluons. I use a simple effective Lagrangian technique to map out the ...

E-print Network

################## arXiv:astro�ph/0607553

with an effective mass, mn , that depends on the Landau level. This poses a problem if all electrons. In the absence of thermal motions, the quark is stationary, and due to the large mass ratio, the electron . Electrons in different Landau levels effectively have different rest masses, with the ...

E-print Network

Precise charm to strange mass ratio and light quark masses from full lattice QCD.

By using a single formalism to handle charm, strange, and light valence quarks in full lattice QCD for the first time, we are able to determine ratios of quark masses to 1%. For m(c)/m(s) we obtain 11.85(16), an order of magnitude more precise than the current PDG average. Combined with 1% determinations of the ...


Pion-nucleon sigma term in the quark model

The pion-nucleon sigma term is calculated in the framework of the quark model and current algebra using the parameter of violation of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule. The calculation makes use of the interval of values for the current-quark mass ratio m/sup T//sub S// m/sup T/ calculated in the framework of ...

Energy Citations Database

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Report of the subgroup on the top quark

The top group studied discovery issues at the Tevatron as well as measurements to be made at LHC and SSC. Mass measurements, branching ratios, distributions and other issues were studied. 12 refs., 18 figs.

Energy Citations Database

Exotic Innards of a Neutron Star Revealed in - NASA

With the fantastic light-collecting potential of XMM-Newton, we can measure the mass-to-radius ratios of other neutron stars, perhaps uncovering a quark ...

NASA Website

Heavy quark masses

In the large quark mass limit, an argument which identifies the mass of the heavy-light pseudoscalar

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Majorana neutrino masses and lepton mixing angles in the perturbative and semiempirical approach

Using the Wolfenstein parametrization of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and empirical quark and charged-lepton masses, both expressed in powers of lambda = sintheta/sub C/, the mass ratios of Majorana neutrinos and the lepton mixing angles are obtained with the aid of an SO(10)-motivated model for fermion ...

Energy Citations Database

################ Revised Version

the electron mass. Hence, the di#11;erence in 0:2 MeV has an easy explanation. Thus the mystery of muon mass and their precise masses Oleg A. Teplov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science of the Russian Academy An examination of charged two-quark meson masses hinted that the ...

E-print Network

Baryon Magnetic Moments and Spin Dependent Quark Forces

The J=3/2 ?, J=1/2 nucleon mass difference shows that quark energies can be spin dependent. It is natural to expect that quark wave functions also depend on spin. In the octet, such spin dependent forces lead to different wave functions for quarks with spin parallel or antiparallel to the nucleon spin. A two ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

On the existence of stable dimesons

The bound-state problem of two quarks and two antiquarks with coupled channels in color space is studied, using a potential as derived from the MIT bag model. For equal quark and antiquark masses no stable bound state is supported, while for large enough mass ratio a true ...

Energy Citations Database

Supersymmetric renormalisation group fixed points and third generation fermion mass predictions.

We present a supersymmetric renormalization group fixed point determination of the third generation fermion masses, in which the large mass ratio between the top and bottom quarks is attributed to a hierarchy in the vacuum expectation values of the two Hi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Regularities of fermion masses and mixing angles and their extension to the fourth generation

The success of the Fritzsch mass-matrix Ansatz in reproducing the observed pattern of the Kobayashi-Maskawa mixings can be explained by having the mass matrices of the charge (2/3) and -(1/3) quarks closely proportional to each other. Thus except for light quarks, the ratio of these two ...

Energy Citations Database

Quarks with Unit Charge: A Search for Anomalous Hydrogen

Quarks of charge +1 and other anomalous hydrogen have been sought by using the 88-inch cyclotron at Berkeley as a high-energy mass spectrometer, with natural hydrogen and deuterium as the sources of ions. No quarks were observed, and limits were placed on their ratio to protons on the earth that vary from < 2 ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Extracting the light quark mass ratio m(u)/m(d) from bottomonia transitions.

We propose a new method to extract the light quark mass ratio m(u)/m(d) using the ?(4S)?h(b)??(?) bottomonia transitions. The decay amplitudes are dominated by the light quark mass differences, and the corrections from other effects are rather small, allowing for a precise extraction. We also ...


Quark mass variation constraints from Big Bang nucleosynthesis

We study the impact on the primordial abundances of light elements created by a variation of the quark masses at the time of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). In order to navigate through the particle and nuclear physics required to connect quark masses to binding energies and reaction rates in a model-independent ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for excited quarks in ep collisions at HERA

A search for excited quarks is performed using the full ep data sample collected by the H1 experiment at HERA, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 475 pb. The electroweak decays of excited quarks q?q?, q?qZ and q?qW with subsequent hadronic or leptonic decays of the W and Z bosons are considered. No evidence for first generation excited ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Perturbative corrections to the ratio {Gamma}({bar B} {yields} D{rho}{sup {minus}})/{Gamma} ({bar B} {yields} D{pi}{sup {minus}})

QCD interactions involving a heavy quark with energy much smaller than its mass can be understood in the context of an effective field theory in which the heavy quark velocity is held fixed while its mass is taken to infinity. Nonleptonic decays of hadrons containing a heavy quark further ...

Energy Citations Database

Constraining the top quark mass

The bounds on the top quark mass from both theory and experiment are critically examined and the future prospects for the discovery of the top quark are discussed.

Energy Citations Database

Relativistic quark model in the infinite-momentum frame and static properties of nucleons

A model of mesons and baryons composed of relativistic quarks is formulated in the infinite-momentum frame. A variant of this model allowing classification with respect to the group SU(6) x O(3) is constructed and used for the analysis of the data on the magnetic moments, electromagnetic radii, and G/sub A//G/sub V/ ratio of the nucleons; a self-consistent ...

Energy Citations Database

Prediction of the B{c}{*} mass in full lattice QCD.

By using the highly improved staggered quark formalism to handle charm, strange, and light valence quarks in full lattice QCD, and NRQCD to handle bottom valence quarks, we are able to determine accurately ratios of the B meson vector-pseudoscalar mass splittings, in particular, ...


Theoretical update of the semileptonic branching ratio of B mesons.

We reconsider the prediction of the semileptonic branching ratio of B mesons, using a recent calculation of the radiative corrections with account for finite quark masses in nonleptonic decays and taking into account 1/m(sub b)(sup 2) corrections. For the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Measurements and searches with top quarks

In 1995 the last missing member of the known families of quarks, the top quark, was discovered by the CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron, a proton-antiproton collider at Fermilab near Chicago. Until today, the Tevatron is the only place where top quarks can be produced. The determination of top quark production ...

DOE Information Bridge

Search for Quark Compositeness with the Dijet Centrality Ratio in pp Collisions at s=7TeV

A search for quark compositeness in the form of quark contact interactions, based on hadronic jet pairs (dijets) produced in proton-proton collisions at s=7TeV, is described. The data sample of the study corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.9pb-1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The dijet centrality ratio, which ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The Onset of Quark-Hadron Duality in Pion Electroproduction

A large data set of charged-pion electroproduction from both hydrogen and deuterium targets has been obtained spanning the low-energy residual-mass region. These data conclusively show the onset of the quark-hadron duality phenomenon, as predicted for high-energy hadron electroproduction. We construct several ratios from these data to ...

Energy Citations Database

Quark mixing phenomenonology: The b lifetime, epsilon'/epsilon, m/sub t/, and CP violation in heavy quark decays

The present status of our knowledge on quark mixing and its phenomenologicl implications are reviewed. Especially, the implications of the recent measurements of the b lifetime and the ratio GAMMA/sub b/+u/GAMMA/sub b/+c on the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix, CP violation in the K system epsilon, epsilon'/epsilon, t-quark ...

Energy Citations Database

B-Meson Decay Constant from Unquenched Lattice QCD

We present determinations of the B-meson decay constant f{sub B} and of the ratio f{sub B{sub s}}/f{sub B} using the MILC Collaboration unquenched gauge configurations, which include three flavors of light sea quarks. The mass of one of the sea quarks is kept around the strange quark ...

Energy Citations Database

A comment on the t-quark mass

Phenomenological considerations lead the authors to conjecture a relation linking lepton and quark masses. Consequences for the t mass are discussed.

Energy Citations Database

Viscosity coefficients for hadron and quark-gluon phases

The shear (?) and bulk (?) viscosities are calculated in a quasiparticle relaxation time approximation. The hadron phase is described within the relativistic mean-field-based model with scaled hadron masses and couplings. The quark phase is treated in terms of the heavy quark bag model fitted to the lattice data. A two-phase model ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Photino and gluino production from quarkonium decay

The branching ratios of GAMMA(V..-->..g g g )/GAMMA(V..-->..3g) and GAMMA(V..-->..g g gamma-tilde )/GAMMA(V..--> ..gamma..) could be larger than 10% for the scalar-quark mass less than 1.3 times the mass of the quark in the quarkonium V. The signature of these events would be ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for pair production of supersymmetric top quarks in dilepton events at the tevatron

We search for pair production of the supersymmetric partner of the top quark, the stop quark &ttilde;1, decaying to a b-quark and a chargino c�+/- 1 with a subsequent c�+/- 1 decay into a neutralino c�01 , lepton ?, and neutrino nu. Using 2.7 fb-1 of s = 1.96 TeV p&pmacr; collision data collected by the CDF II ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quark mass ratios in semi-leptonic quark decays

An ambiguity in the calculation of CKM matrix elements from semi- leptonic decay rates is resolved: to every choice of scales for the quark masses in the phase-space factor and in the QCD-correction factor, there corresponds a specific QCD-correction factor. This factor is modified in such a way as to make the final result independent of the scales. ...

DOE Information Bridge

Direct bound on the total decay width of the top quark in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

We present the first direct experimental bound on the total decay width of the top quark, Gamma(t), using 955 pb(-1) of the Tevatron's pp collisions recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We identify 253 top-antitop pair candidate events. The distribution of reconstructed top quark mass from these events is fitted to templates ...


Direct Bound on the Total Decay Width of the Top Quark in pp Collisions at {radical}(s)=1.96 TeV

We present the first direct experimental bound on the total decay width of the top quark, {gamma}{sub t}, using 955 pb{sup -1} of the Tevatron's pp collisions recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We identify 253 top-antitop pair candidate events. The distribution of reconstructed top quark mass from these events is ...

Energy Citations Database

Flavor changing neutral current constraints from Kaluza-Klein gluons and quark mass matrices in the Randall-Sundrum I framework

We continue our previous study on what are the allowed forms of quark mass matrices in the Randall-Sundrum framework that can reproduce the experimentally observed quark mass spectrum and the pattern of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing. We study the constraints the {delta}F=2 processes in the neutral meson sector ...

Energy Citations Database

Quark mass matrix with family-independent quark mixing

Quark mass matrices with family-independent quark mixing and with small violation are studied. General relations between quark masses and Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing are discussed for the case of three families.

Energy Citations Database

The impact of the error of the top quark mass on the sparticle masses

We examine the effects of the uncertainty of the top quark mass on the standard running analysis such as Higgs physics and the scalar quark sector of the MSSM.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Differences between heavy and light quarks.

The quark Dyson-Schwinger equation shows that there are distinct differences between light and heavy quarks. The dynamical mass function of the light quarks is characterized by a sharp increase below 1 GeV, whereas the mass function of the heavy quarks is approximately ...

Energy Citations Database

Tensor charge and anomalous magnetic moment correlation

We propose a generalization of the upgraded Karl-Sehgal formula which relates baryon magnetic moments to the spin structure of constituent quarks, by adding anomalous magnetic moments of quarks. We first argue that the relativistic nature of quarks inside baryons requires the introduction of two kinds of magnetisms, one axial and the ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for the top quark in the hadronic decay channel

The possibility of discovering the top quark and measuring its mass at the Fermilab Tevatron collider is studied for the pure hadronic decay channel, that is, the six jet final state. The most important aspects of a generic detector relevant for this study are included. By requiring tagging of a [ital b]-quark jet and applying cuts on ...

Energy Citations Database

Quark-antiquark bound-state spectroscopy and QCD

The discussion covers quarks as we know them, the classification of ordinary mesons in terms of constituent quarks, hidden charm states and charmed mesons, bottom quarks, positronium as a model for quarti q, quantum chromodynamics and its foundation in experiment, the charmonium model, the mass of states, fine ...

Energy Citations Database

Report of the subgroup on the top quark.

The top group studied discovery issues at the Tevatron as well as measurements to be made at LHC and SSC. Mass measurements, branching ratios, distributions and other issues were studied. 12 refs., 18 figs. (ERA citation 16:001785)

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

QCD constraints on form factor shapes

This talk presents an introduction to the use of dispersion relations to constrain the shapes of hadronic form factors consistent with QCD. The applications described include methods for studying the strange quark mass,and the pion charge ratio.

Energy Citations Database

Mixing Angles in SU(2)/sub L/ X U(1) Gauge Model.

Exact expressions for the mixing parameters are obtained in terms of mass ratios in the standard Weinberg-Salam model with permutation symmetry S sub 3 for six quarks. The CP-violating phase is ignored, and there are no arbitrary parameters except for the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Excited D(sub s) (and Pentaquarks) in Chiral Perturbation Theory.

The author presents results of a heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory analysis of the decays and masses of the recently discovered excited charm mesons. The present data on the electromagnetic branching ratios are consistent with heavy quark symmetry p...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Quark Masses

Introduction This note discusses some of the theoretical issues involved in the determination of quark masses. Unlike the leptons, quarks are confined inside hadrons and are not observed as physical particles. Quark masses cannot be measured directly, but must be determined indirectly through ...

E-print Network

-- 1-- Quark Masses

Introduction This note discusses some of the theoretical issues involved in the determination of quark masses. Unlike the leptons, quarks are confined inside hadrons and are not observed as physical particles. Quark masses cannot be measured directly, but must be determined indirectly through ...

E-print Network

Holographic vector mesons from spectral functions at finite baryon or isospin density

We consider gauge/gravity duality with flavor for the finite-temperature field theory dual of the AdS-Schwarzschild black hole background with embedded D7-brane probes. In particular, we investigate spectral functions at finite baryon density in the black hole phase. We determine the resonance frequencies corresponding to meson-mass peaks as function of the ...

Energy Citations Database

Finite size effects on the QCD spectrum revisited

We have continued our study of finite size effects in the QCD spectrum on lattices ranging in size from 8[sup 3][times]24 to 16[sup 3][times]24. We have increased our statistics for quark mass am[sub q]=0.025 for the smallest lattice size. In addition, we have studied quark mass 0.01225 for lattice sizes 12[sup ...

Energy Citations Database

Finite size effects on the QCD spectrum revisited

We have continued our study of finite size effects in the QCD spectrum on lattices ranging in size from 8{sup 3}{times}24 to 16{sup 3}{times}24. We have increased our statistics for quark mass am{sub q}=0.025 for the smallest lattice size. In addition, we have studied quark mass 0.01225 for lattice sizes 12{sup ...

Energy Citations Database

Extracting the Light Quark Mass Ratio m{sub u}/m{sub d} from Bottomonia Transitions

We propose a new method to extract the light quark mass ratio m{sub u}/m{sub d} using the {Upsilon}(4S){yields}h{sub b{pi}}{sup 0}({eta}) bottomonia transitions. The decay amplitudes are dominated by the light quark mass differences, and the corrections from other effects are rather small, ...

Energy Citations Database

Can. theta. sub QCD =. pi

Recent work suggests that wormholes in spacetime may drive {theta}{sub QCD} to {pi}, and it has been argued that this is not in conflict with any observations. We have therefore determined current-mass ratios of the light quarks in second-order chiral perturbation theory, with attention to the relative sign of the ...

Energy Citations Database

Three-jet distributions from weak decay of heavy particles. [Final-state gluon

Several sources of 3-jet final states produced by the weak decay of mesons containing heavy quarks are examined. Some of the results are applicable to the decay of the W boson into 3 jets. It is found that vector meson 3-jet final states have the same x, spherocity, and thrust distributions as the q anti q g final state of e/sup +/e/sup -/. For pseudoscalar mesons it is found ...

DOE Information Bridge

Montecarlo studies of t quarks

In this report I describe some of the results of a Montecarlo study with the Program ISAJET done in collaboration with S. Aronson, F. Paige and D. Weygand at BNL. Top quarks can be produced by QCD processes such as q anti q ..-->.. t anti t or gg ..-->.. t anti t or from the decay W/sup +-/ ..-->.. t anti b (anti tb); the cross section depends on the t ...

Energy Citations Database

Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking in SO(5)xU(1) gauge-Higgs unification with top and bottom quarks

An SO(5)xU(1) gauge-Higgs unification model in the Randall-Sundrum warped space with top and bottom quarks is constructed. Additional fermions on the Planck brane make exotic particles heavy by effectively changing boundary conditions of bulk fermions from those determined by orbifold conditions. Gauge couplings of a top quark multiplet trigger electroweak ...

Energy Citations Database

Combination of t&tmacr; cross section measurements and constraints on the mass of the top quark and its decays into charged Higgs bosons

We combine measurements of the top quark pair production cross section in p&pmacr; collisions in the ?+jets, ??, and ?? final states (where ? is an electron or muon) at a center of mass energy of s=1.96TeV in 1fb-1 of data collected with the D0 detector. For a top quark mass of 170GeV/c2, we obtain ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Decays of heavy vector mesons in the quark confinement model

We analyze the radiative and hadronic decays of vector heavy mesons within the relativistic quark model with confined light quarks. The only adjustable parameters in this approach are the values of constituent masses of heavy quarks ( M c and M b). We adjust them using the available experimental data from CLEO and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Central exclusive quark-antiquark dijet and standard model Higgs boson production in proton-(anti)proton collisions

We consider the central exclusive production of q&qmacr; pairs and Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at LHC. The amplitude for the process is derived within the k?-factorization approach and considered in different kinematical asymptotics, in particular, in the important high quark transverse momenta and massless quark limits. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Heavy quark production and decay: t, b, and Onia

This paper summarizes a variety of recent results on heavy quark production and decay. Considerable progress has been made by CDF and D0 in measuring top quark production and decay properties. The top quark mass been measured with an uncertainty that is less than 3%, a relative precision that is better than has ...

DOE Information Bridge

{phi} and {omega} production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions in a dynamical quark coalescence model

Based on the phase-space information obtained from a multiphase transport model within the string-melting scenario for strange and antistrange quarks, we study the yields and transverse-momentum spectra of {phi} mesons and {omega} ({omega}{sup -}+{omega}{sup +}) baryons and their anisotropic flows in Au + Au collisions at RHIC using a dynamical quark ...

Energy Citations Database

Hadron production from quark coalescence and jet fragmentation

Transverse momentum spectra of pions, protons, and antiprotons in Au+Au collisions at intermediate RHIC energy root s(NN)=62 GeV are studied in a model that includes both quark coalescence from the dense partonic matter and fragmentation of the quenched perturbative minijet partons. The resulting baryon to meson ratio at intermediate transverse momenta is ...

E-print Network

Asymptotically free four-fermion interactions and electroweak symmetry breaking

We investigate the fermions of the standard model without a Higgs scalar. Instead, we consider a nonlocal four-quark interaction in the tensor channel which is characterized by a single dimensionless coupling f. Quantization leads to a consistent perturbative expansion for small f. The running of f is asymptotically free and therefore induces a nonperturbative scale ...

Energy Citations Database

Theoretical update of the semileptonic branching ratio of B mesons

We reconsider the prediction of the semileptonic branching ratio of B mesons, using the recent calculation [E. Bagan et al., Nucl. Phys. B 432 (1994) 3] of the radiative corrections with account for finite quark masses in nonleptonic decays and taking into account 1/(m2b) corrections. For the semileptonic branching ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Vacuum expectation values of Higgs scalars in a SU(2)/sub L/ X SU(2)/sub R/ X U(1) gauge model. [Six-quark model

The vacuum expectation values of the Higgs scalars are determined within the framework of a six quark SU(2)/sub L/ x SU(2)/sub R/ x U(1) gauge model after the imposition of discrete symmetrics that are necessary in order to express the Cabibbo angle in terms of quark mass ratios and phases of the vacuum expectation ...

Energy Citations Database

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Relativistic quark model description of baryon properties

Using a relativistic quark model approach that successfully described flavored meson systems, electromagnetic form factors and structure functions are calculated for the low mass baryons. The observed proton, neutron and lambda moments, rms radii and form factors are all reproduced and predictions are made for other baryon observables which will be ...

Energy Citations Database

Next-to-leading order radiative corrections to the decay b -> ccs

We calculate the complete O(?s) corrections to the quark decay b -> ccs taking full account of the quark masses, but neglecting penguin contributions. For a c to the b quark mass ratiomc/(mb) = 0.3 and a strange quark mass of 0.2 GeV, we find that ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

High precision tests of QCD at LEP

In this report, the latest measurements involving high precision tests of QCD at LEP are reviewed. The status of the strong coupling constant, {alpha}{sub s}, is discussed and summarized. The relative ratio of the normalized three-jet cross-section of b and light, l=u{sub 1}d,s, quarks has been determined by the DELPHI collaboration in agreement with the ...

Energy Citations Database


I explore the regions of quark masses where CP will be spontaneously broken in the strong interactions. The boundaries of these regions are controlled by the chiral anomaly, which manifests itself in ambiguities in the definition of non-degenerate quark masses. In particular, the concept of a single massless ...

DOE Information Bridge

Search for the neutral current top quark decay t{yields}Zc using the ratio of Z-boson+4 jets to W-boson+4 jets production

We have used the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF-II) to search for the flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) top-quark decay t{yields}Zc using a technique employing ratios of W and Z production, measured in pp data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.52 fb{sup -1}. The analysis uses a comparison of two decay chains, ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for the neutral current top quark decay t?Zc using the ratio of Z-boson+4jets to W-boson+4jets production

We have used the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF-II) to search for the flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) top-quark decay t?Zc using a technique employing ratios of W and Z production, measured in p pmacr data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.52fb-1. The analysis uses a comparison of two decay chains, p pmacr ?t tmacr ?WbWb???bjjb and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for the Neutral Current Top Quark Decay t-->Zc Using Ratio of Z-Boson + 4 Jets to W-Boson + 4 Jets Production

We have used the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF II) to search for the flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) top quark decay t {yields} Zc using a technique employing ratios of W and Z production, measured in p{bar p} data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.52 fb{sup -1}. The analysis uses a comparison of two decay chains, p{bar p} {yields} ...

DOE Information Bridge

Top Quark Mass in Events with two Charged Leptons at the D0 Experiment

The top quark is the most massive observed fundamental subatomic particle, and at the Tevatron accelerator is produced mostly in top-antitop (t{bar t}) quark pairs from the collisions of protons and anti-protons. Each top quark decays into a bottom quark and a W boson. The W boson can then decay into a pair of ...

Energy Citations Database

a Search for T-Quark Decay Into Charged Higgs at the CERN Proton-Antiproton Collider

Within the context of the Standard Model, the t-quark decay can only be mediated by the charged vector boson W. Consequently, the branching ratio of the t-quark semileptonic decay t to lnu _{l}b (l = e, mu, tau) is predicted to be 1/9 for each lepton species. However, if a charged Higgs exists and if the mass of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Nucleon structure in lattice QCD with dynamical domain-wall fermions quarks

We report RBC and RBC/UKQCD lattice QCD numerical calculations of nucleon electroweak matrix elements with dynamical domain-wall fermions (DWF) quarks. The first, RBC, set of dynamical DWF ensembles employs two degenerate flavors of DWF quarks and the DBW2 gauge action. Three sea quark mass values of 0.04, 0.03 and ...

DOE Information Bridge

Mass matrices and their renormalization

We obtain explicitly the renormalization group equations for the quark mass matrices in terms of a set of rephasing invariant parameters. For a range of assumed high energy values for the mass ratios and mixing parameters, they are found to evolve rapidly and develop hierarchies as the energy scale decreases. To ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

########### LMU�ASC 02 / 08

February 8, 2008 Abstract We discuss the neutrino mixing, using the texture 0 mass matrices, which work Masses and Neutrino Mixing #3; H. Fritzsch, Universitat Munchen, Department fur Physik, Munich, Germany very well for the quarks. The solar mixing angle is directly linked to the mass ratio ...

E-print Network

Ratios of heavy baryons to heavy mesons in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions

Heavy baryon/meson ratios {lambda}{sub c}/D{sup 0} and {lambda}{sub b}/B{sup 0} in relativistic heavy ion collisions are studied in the quark coalescence model. For heavy baryons, we include production from coalescence of heavy quarks with free light quarks as well as with bounded light diquarks that might exist in ...

Energy Citations Database

Heavy quark mass effects and improved tests of the flavor independence of strong interactions

A review is given of latest results on tests of the flavor independence of strong interactions. Heavy quark mass effects are evident in the data and are now taken into account at next-to-leading order in QCD perturbation theory. The strong-coupling ratios {alpha}{sub s}{sup b}/{alpha}{sub s}{sup uds} and {alpha}{sub s}{sup ...

DOE Information Bridge

Evolution of collectivity as a signal of quark gluon plasma formation in heavy ion collisions

A measurement for studying the mass dependence of dilepton interferometry in relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments as a tool to characterize the quark gluon phase is proposed. In calculations involving dileptons, we show that the mass dependence of radii extracted from the virtual photon (dilepton) interferometry provide access ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Electric and magnetic screening masses at finite temperature from generalized Polyakov-line correlations in two-flavor lattice QCD

Screenings of the quark-gluon plasma in electric and magnetic sectors are studied on the basis of generalized Polyakov-line correlation functions in lattice QCD simulations with two flavors of improved Wilson quarks. Using the Euclidean-time reflection (R) and the charge conjugation (C), electric and magnetic screening masses are ...

Energy Citations Database

Quark Masses

Introduction: This note discusses some of the theoretical issues relevant to the determination of quark masses, which are fundamental parameters of the Standard Model of particle physics. Unlike the leptons, quarks are confined inside hadrons and are not observed as physical particles. Quark ...

E-print Network

Prediction of the B{sub c}{sup *} Mass in Full Lattice QCD

By using the highly improved staggered quark formalism to handle charm, strange, and light valence quarks in full lattice QCD, and NRQCD to handle bottom valence quarks, we are able to determine accurately ratios of the B meson vector-pseudoscalar mass splittings, in particular, [m(B{sub ...

Energy Citations Database

Breaking of SU(3) in vector-meson radiative decays

The radiative decays of charged and neutral {ital K}{sup *} vector mesons are discussed in a general quark-model context. Their ratio is found to be particularly appropriate for the analysis of SU(3) breaking in terms of the ratio {ital {bar M}}/{ital M} of strange-to-nonstrange (constituent) quark ...

Energy Citations Database

Experimental constraints on fourth generation quark masses

The existing bounds from CDF on the masses of the fourth generation quarks, t{sup '} and b{sup '}, are reexamined. The bound of 256 GeV on the t{sup '} mass assumes that the primary decay of the t{sup '} is into q+W, which is not the case for a substantial region of parameter space. The bound of 268 ...

Energy Citations Database

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Quark-quark interactions and high energy processes

The speculation that quark-quark amplitudes are only scale free at high energy and fixed angle if the virtual quark masses are also large, is shown to have some interesting consequences for e+e- annihilation and for hadronic processes at large transverse momentum.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Critical parameters of Quark-Hadron phase transition with interacting and massive quarks.

Current techniques to simulate the dynamical behavior of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) reveal that the order of the phase transition as well as the values of the critical parameters depend on the number of quark flavors as well as on the quark-masses included ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content in 2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap fermions

We study the sigma term and the strange quark content of nucleon in 2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap fermions. We analyze the lattice data of nucleon mass taken at two different strange quark masses with five values of up and down quark masses each. Using the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Lattice study of semileptonic B decays: B�-->Dl?� decays

We present a study of semileptonic B�-->Dl?� decays in quenched lattice QCD through a calculation of the matrix element on a 243�48 lattice at ?=6.2, using an O(a)-improved fermion action. We perform the calculation for several values of the initial and final heavy-quark masses around the charm mass, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quark mass difference and the origin of charge symmetry breaking

Evidence for charge symmetry breaking in nuclear and particle physics in presented and it is shown that all of the observed effects can be explained by the mass and electric charge difference between d and u quarks. While hadron masses depend on the sum of the quark masses, charge symmetry ...

Energy Citations Database

Top quark mass and the decay B sub s yields. gamma. gamma

In spite of every-growing knowledge of the standard model, some fundamental questions remain. Particularly, the top quark t, whose existence is unquestioned by many particle theorists, continues to elude experimentalists. The current experimental limit is m{sub t}, {gt}89 GeV. Short of direct productions, one may have to resort to careful studies of its footprints through ...

Energy Citations Database

Consequences of weak heavy-quarkonium decay for masses greater than 40 GeV

We examine the consequences of the weak decay of the heavy quark in quarkonium for high-energy colliders. We find that for quarks more massive than the W, the dominant decay of the quarkonium resonance is via the weak decay h..-->..l+real W where h (l) is a heavy (light) quark. For quarks lighter than the W, ...

Energy Citations Database

Neutral B-meson mixing from unquenched lattice QCD with domain-wall light quarks and static b quarks

We demonstrate a method for calculating the neutral B-meson decay constants and mixing matrix elements in unquenched lattice QCD with domain-wall light quarks and static b-quarks. Our computation is performed on the �2+1� flavor gauge configurations generated by the RBC and UKQCD Collaborations with a lattice spacing of a?0.11fm (a-1=1.729GeV) and a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Scaling and Prescaling in Quarkonium.

Recent experiments in the upsilon region indicate the quark mass dependence of quark-antiquark bound state properties. Classes of quark-antiquark potentials exhibiting scaling of energy level spacing with quark mass are presented, and the importance of ma...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Scalar Quark and Top Quark Mass Limits in the Case of a Light Stop.

It is remarked that the scalar quark mass limit obtained by the UA1 experiment vanishes in the case of a single light scalar quark, most likely a scalar partner of the top. It may even be that this stop is lighter than the top itself, in which case the UA...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Possible explanation of the origin of the quark mass spectrum.

Contrary to the usual case when the quark mass spectrum is defined by that of the quark Yukawa couplings while the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field remains universal, we suggest to consider the opposite situation. Each generation of quarks and ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Nonstrange Baryonia

The relativistic six-quark equations including the u, d quarks and antiquarks are found. The nonstrange baryonia Bbar B are constructed without the mixing of the quarks and antiquarks. The relativistic six-quark amplitudes of the baryonia are calculated. The poles of these amplitudes determine the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Medium-mass quarks and the charge radius of the neutral kaon

We show that the nonrelativistic quark model with medium-mass quarks predicts the charge radius of the neutral kaon. This prediction is independent of the nature of the quark-antiquark forces.

Energy Citations Database

Consideration of the Vacuum of QCD in a Composite Quark Model. Strange Hadrons.

The method of inclusion of QCD vacuum condensates within the quark composite model is generalized to the case of hadrons containing strange quarks. The mass formula for such hadrons is obtained. The mass of strange quark is defined by analysing the energy...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Search for quark compositeness with the dijet centrality ratio in pp collisions at ?s=7 TeV.

A search for quark compositeness in the form of quark contact interactions, based on hadronic jet pairs (dijets) produced in proton-proton collisions at ?s=7 TeV, is described. The data sample of the study corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.9 pb(-1) collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The dijet centrality ratio, which ...


Top Quark Mass: Past, Present and Future.

The top quark is the most massive elementary particle discovered thus far. Its large mass may help explain the mechanism by which fundamental particles gain mass - the Standard Model's greatest standing mystery. Today the top quark mass, together with the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Current Algebra Quark Masses in QCD.

The current algebra quark mass estimate made by Leutwyler is found to be consistent with QCD Laplace transform sum rules provided that the quark masses in his relation are interpreted as running masses at a scale of 1.2 GeV.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

a Comment on the t-QUARK Mass

Phenomenological considerations lead us to conjecture a relation linking lepton and quark masses: ? {mc/m_t} +? {ms/m_b} =? {m? /m_? }. Consequences for the t mass are discussed.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for new color-octet vector particle decaying to tt� in pp� collisions at s=1.96 TeV

We present the result of a search for a massive color-octet vector particle, (e.g. a massive gluon) decaying to a pair of top quarks in proton-antiproton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. This search is based on 1.9 fb?1 of data collected using the CDF detector during Run II of the Tevatron at Fermilab. We study tt� events in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for New Color-Octet Vector Particle Decaying to ttbar in ppbar Collisions at $\\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV

We present the result of a search for a massive color-octet vector particle, (e.g. a massive gluon) decaying to a pair of top quarks in proton-antiproton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. This search is based on 1.9 fb{sup -1} of data collected using the CDF detector during Run II of the Tevatron at Fermilab. We study t{bar t} events in ...

Energy Citations Database

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We present results for meson masses and decay constants measured on 24{sup 3} x 64 lattices using the domain wall fermion formulation with an extension of the fifth dimension of L{sub s} = 16 for N{sub f} 2 + 1 dynamical quark flavors. The lightest dynamical meson mass in our set-up is around 331MeV. while partially quenched mesons ...

Energy Citations Database

Second generation leptoquark search in {ital pp}{ovr bar} collisions at {radical}{ital s}=1.8 TeV

We report on a search for second generation scalar leptoquarks with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron {ital pp}{ovr bar} collider at {radical}{ital s}=1.8TeV. This search is based on 12.7pb{sup {minus}1} of data. Second generation leptoquarks are assumed to be produced in pairs and to decay into a muon and quark with branching ratio {beta} or into a ...

Energy Citations Database

Universal mass matrix for quarks and leptons and CP violation

The measurements of the neutrino and quark mixing angles satisfy the empirical relations called quark-lepton complementarity. These empirical relations suggest the existence of a correlation between the mixing matrices of leptons and quarks. In this work, we examine the possibility that this correlation between the mixing angles of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for first and second generation leptoquarks at D0

A search for first and second generation pair produced scalar leptoquarks has been done with the DO detector at Fermilab`s p{bar p} machine with {radical}s = 1.8 TeV. Leptoquarks are assumed to be strictly generational; for example, a first generation leptoquark couples only to the electron, its neutrino, and the u and d quarks. 95% C.L. mass limits of 133 ...

DOE Information Bridge

The Mass Spectra of the Peculiar Hadrons

We calculated the mass spectrum for the hadron by the Diquark Cluster Model and the Two Center Quark Model.

Energy Citations Database

Quark mass dependence of two-flavor QCD Michael Creutz

argument [2] for a fundamental ambiguity in defining a vanishing quark mass. These effects are inherently in defining quark masses. Because quarks can- not travel long distances in isolation, their masses cannot can define the up-quark ...

E-print Network

Top pair production in the channel tt->W(e/?+?e,?)W(?had+??had)bb at ATLAS

The measurement of the tt cross section in the tt->l+?+X channel is an important test of the Standard Model. If the charged Higgs Boson exists as required by MSSM, and its mass is lower than that of top quark mass, then the top quark can have a significant branching ratio to t->H^�+b. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Model of soft CP violation using scalars with quark number two.

We propose a model of soft CP violation that evades the strong CP problem and can describe observed CP violation in the neutral kaon sector, both direct and indirect. Our model requires two "duark" mesons carrying quark number two that have complex (CP-violating) bare masses and are coupled to quark pairs. Aside from the existence of ...


Family Replicated Fit of All Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings

We review our recent development of family replicated gauge group model, which generates the Large Mixing Angle MSW solution. The model is based on each family of quarks and leptons having its own set of gauge fields, each containing a replica of the Standard Model gauge fields plus a (B-L)-coupled gauge field. A fit of all the seventeen quark-lepton ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Massive high density effective theory

I derive an effective theory for dense, cold, and massive quark matter. To this end, I employ a general effective action formalism where antiquarks and quarks far from the Fermi surface, as well as hard gluons, are integrated out explicitly. I show that the resulting effective action depends crucially on the projectors used to separate ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for new physics in the dijet mass spectrum and dijet ratio in p p collisions at s**(1/2) = 7-TeV

A search for new Physics is performed with inclusive dijet final states in pp collisions, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 120 {+-} 13 nb{sup -1} collected by the CMS experiment at LHC. Generic upper limits at the 95% confidence level (CL) are presented on the product of the resonance cross section, branching fraction into dijets, and acceptance, separately for decays into ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for Pair Production of Supersymmetric Top Quarks in Dilepton Events at the Tevatron

We search for pair production of the supersymmetric partner of the top quark, the stop quark {tilde t}{sub 1}, decaying to a b-quark and a chargino {tilde {chi}}{sub 1}{sup {+-}} with a subsequent decay into a neutralino {tilde {chi}}{sub 1}{sup 0}, lepton {ell}, and neutrino {nu}. Using 2.7 fb{sup -1} of {radical}s = 1.96 TeV p{bar p} ...

DOE Information Bridge

Quark mass variation constraints from Big Bang nucleosynthesis

We study the impact on the primordial abundances of light elements created of a variation of the quark masses at the time of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). In order to navigate through the particle and nuclear physics required to connect quark masses to binding energies and reaction rates in a model-independent ...

Energy Citations Database

Top Quark Mass: Past, Present and Future

The top quark is the most massive elementary particle discovered thus far. Its large mass may help explain the mechanism by which fundamental particles gain mass - the Standard Model's greatest standing mystery. Today the top quark mass, together with the W boson mass, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Search for Heavy Top-like Quarks t-rime ---> Wq Using Lepton Plus Jets Events in 1.96-TeV p anti-p Collisions

We present the results of a search for a new heavy top-like quark, tprime, decaying to a W boson and another quark using the CDF II Detector in Run II of the Tevatron ppbar collider. New top-like quarks are predicted in a number of models of new physics. Using a data sample corresponding to 2.8 fb-1 of integrated luminosity we fit the ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for scalar quarks in e+e- collisions at /sqrt(s) up to /209 GeV

Searches for scalar top, scalar bottom and mass-degenerate scalar quarks are performed in the data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP, at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 675 pb-1. No evidence for the production of such particles is found in the decay channels /t~-->c/u?, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quark model calculation of the EMC effect

Using a potential model, we calculate quark distributions for a six-quark quasi-deuteron, including the effects of the Pauli Principle and quark tunneling between nuclei. Using a phenomenological sea distribution, the EMC ratio is calculated and found to be in qualitative agreement with experiment.

Energy Citations Database

Quark model calculation of the EMC effect

Using a potential model, the authors calculate quark distributions for six-quark quasi-deuteron, including the effects of the Pauli Principle and quark tunneling between nuclei. Using a phenomenological sea distribution, the EMC ratio is calculated and found to be in qualitative agreement with experiment.

Energy Citations Database

Search for charged Higgs bosons in decays of top quarks in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV.

We report on the first direct search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into cs in tt events produced by pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV. The search uses a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.2 fb(-1) collected by the CDF II detector at Fermilab and looks for a resonance in the invariant mass distribution of two jets in the lepton + jets sample ...


Up-down Quark Mass Differences in the MIT Bag Model.

The contribution of quark masses to the splittings of hadron isospin multiplets is calculated in a phenomenological way within the framework of the MIT bag model. A value for the up-down quark mass difference is extracted. (Atomindex citation 13:673737)

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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Top Quark Mass Measurements at CDF.

The mass of the top quarkMtop is interesting both as a fundamental parameter of the standard model and as an important input to precision electroweak tests. The Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) has a robust program of top quark mass analyses, including...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The electromagnetic penguin contribution to /epsilon//prime///epsilon/ for large top quark mass

We investigate the electromagnetic penguin contribution to /epsilon//prime///epsilon/ when the top quark mass is large. We find it depends sensitively on the top quark mass. 6 refs., 2 figs.

DOE Information Bridge

Production and decay of heavy top quarks.

Experimental evidence indicates that the top quark exists and has a mass between 50 and 200 GeV/c(sup 2). The decays of a top quark with a mass in this range are studied with emphasis placed on the mass region near the threshold for production of real W b...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Decay Channel at CDF II.

The top quark, the most recently discovered quark, is the most massive known fundamental fermion. Precision measurements of its mass, a free parameter in the Standard Model of particle physics, can be used to constrain the mass of the Higgs Boson. In addi...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Infrared fixed point solution for the top quark mass and unification of couplings in the MSSM.

We analyze the implications of the infrared quasi fixed point solution for the top quark mass in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. This solution could explain in a natural way the relatively large value of the top quark mass and, if confirmed exp...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Equations of motion of variable-mass particles and quark confinement

Relativistic and nonrelativistic equations of motion are written for particles whose mass depends on the coordinates. It is shown that quark confinement and the existence of quarkonium are possible in potential models only if the quark mass increases at large distances.

Energy Citations Database

Electromagnetic Penguin Contribution to epsilon (prime)/epsilon for Large Top Quark Mass.

We investigate the electromagnetic penguin contribution to epsilon (prime)/epsilon when the top quark mass is large. We find it depends sensitively on the top quark mass. 6 refs., 2 figs.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Strong isospin breaking contribution to the neutron-proton mass difference

We determine the strong-isospin violating component of the neutron-proton mass difference from fully-dynamical lattice QCD and partially-quenched QCD calculations of the nucleon mass, constrained by partially-quenched chiral perturbation theory at one-loop level. The lattice calculations were performed with domain-wall valence quarks ...

Energy Citations Database

Strong isospin breaking contribution to the neutron-proton mass difference

We determine the strong-isospin violating component of the neutron-proton mass difference from fully-dynamical lattice QCD and partially-quenched QCD calculations of the nucleon mass, constrained by partially-quenched chiral perturbation theory at one-loop level. The lattice calculations were performed with domain-wall valence quarks ...

DOE Information Bridge

Radiative Transitions in Heavy Mesons in a Relativistic Quark Model

The radiative decays of D*, B*, and other excited heavy mesons are analyzed in a relativistic quark model for the light degrees of freedom and in the limit of heavy quark spin-flavor symmetry. The analysis of strong decays carried out in the corresponding chiral quark model is used to calculate the strong decays and determine the ...

DOE Information Bridge

Zweig rule and the. pi. N sigma term

Simple applications of the Zweig rule can fix some chiral-symmetry-breaking parameters in the quark-gluon theory of strong interactions. Using a bare-quark-mass ratio of 2m/subs//(m/subu/ + m/subd/) = 25, we find sigma/sup pi//sup pi//subN//subN/ = 32 +- 8 MeV. This is in disagreement (by a factor of 2) with dispersion-relation ...

Energy Citations Database

Vacuum expectation values of Higgs scalars in a SU(2)/sub L/ x SU(2)/sub R/ x U(1) gauge model

We determine the vacuum expectation values of the Higgs scalars within the framework of a six-quark SU(2)/sub L/ x SU(2)/sub R/ x U(1) gauge model after the imposition of discrete symmetries that are necessary in order to express the Cabibbo angle in terms of quark mass ratios and phases of the vacuum ...

Energy Citations Database

Production and Muonic Decay of Heavy Quarks in E exp + E exp - Annihilation at 34.5 GeV.

The production of prompt muons in e exp + e exp - annihilation has been studied at centre of mass energies near 34.5 GeV. The measured semi-muonic branching ratios of b and c quarks are B(b->X mu nu ) = 0.117 +- 0.028 +- 0.01 and B(c->X mu nu ) = 0.082 +-...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Photon pair production in expanding hot hadronic matter

The emission of ?? pairs from expanding hot hadronic matter produced in the central region of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions is analyzed. We have argued that, looking only at the invariant-mass distribution, the production of the quark-gluon plasma could be more evident via observation of ?+?- than via ?? pair production. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Light pseudoscalar mesons in a nonlocal three flavor chiral quark model

We study the properties of light pseudoscalar mesons in a three flavor chiral quark model with nonlocal separable interactions. We consider the case of a Gaussian regulator, evaluating meson masses and decay constants. Our results are found to be in good agreement with empirical values, in particular, in the case of the ratio ...

Energy Citations Database

Cosmological constraints on the gravitino LSP scenario with a sneutrino NLSP

We study the scenario where a sneutrino is the next to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) which decays into a gravitino and standard model particles. The daughter particles such as neutrinos and quarks cause electromagnetic and hadronic showers and affect big-bang nucleosynthesis. It is found that, despite a small branching ratio, four-body processes ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chiral symmetry breaking and stability of strangelets

We discuss the stability of strangelets by considering dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement. We use a U(3){sub L}xU(3){sub R} symmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model for chiral symmetry breaking supplemented by a boundary condition for confinement. It is shown that strangelets (finite number of strange quarks) with baryon number A < or approx. 10{sup 3} ...

Energy Citations Database

Chiral symmetry and the intrinsic structure of the nucleon.

Understanding hadron structure within the framework of QCD is an extremely challenging problem. In order to solve it, it is vital that our thinking should be guided by the best available insight. Our purpose here is to explain the model-independent consequences of the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD for two famous results concerning the structure of the nucleon. We show that both the apparent ...


Testing realistic quark mass matrices in the custodial Randall-Sundrum model with flavor changing top decays

We study quark mass matrices in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with bulk symmetry SU(2){sub L}xSU(2){sub R}xU(1){sub B-L}. The Yukawa couplings are assumed to be within an order of magnitude of each other, and perturbative. We find that quark mass matrices of the symmetrical form proposed by Koide et al.[Y. Koide, ...

Energy Citations Database

Statistical understanding of quark and lepton masses in Gaussian landscapes

The fundamental theory of nature may allow a large landscape of vacua. Even if the theory contains a unified gauge symmetry, the 22 flavor parameters of the standard model, including neutrino masses, may be largely determined by the statistics of this landscape, and not by any symmetry. Then the measured values of the flavor parameters do not lead to any fundamental ...

Energy Citations Database

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The charm quark mass to two-loop order

The truncation of the perturbative series at one loop order for the mass renormalization constants remain a significant systematic uncertainty in the determination of heavy quark masses in lattice QCD. We present here a high beta Monte Carlo calculation of the two loop mass renormalization constant for ...

Energy Citations Database


We review recent work on how the superfluid state of three flavor quark matter is affected by non-zero quark masses and chemical potentials. The study of hadronic matter at high baryon density has recently attracted a lot of interest. At zero baryon density chiral symmetry is broken by a quark-anti-quark ...

Energy Citations Database

2+1 flavor lattice QCD toward the physical point

We present the first results of the PACS-CS project which aims to simulate 2+1 flavor lattice QCD on the physical point with the nonperturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson quark action and the Iwasaki gauge action. Numerical simulations are carried out at {beta}=1.9, corresponding to the lattice spacing of a=0.0907(13) fm, on a 32{sup 3}x64 lattice with the use of the ...

Energy Citations Database

Nucleon structure with two flavors of dynamical domain-wall fermions

We present a numerical lattice quantum chromodynamics calculation of isovector form factors and the first few moments of the isovector structure functions of the nucleon. The calculation employs two degenerate dynamical flavors of domain-wall fermions, resulting in good control of chiral symmetry breaking. Non-perturbative renormalization of the relevant quark currents is ...

DOE Information Bridge

Phase Space and Dynamical Fluctuations of Kaon-to-Pion Ratios

The dynamical fluctuations of kaon-to-pion ratios have been studied over a wide range of center-of-mass energies sqrt{s}. On the basis of changing phase space volume which apparently is the consequence of phase transition from hadrons to quark-gluon plasma at large sqrt{s}, the single-particle distribution function f is assumed to be ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Tests of quark mass textures

The classic hints on the structure of the quark mass matrices are shortly reviewed and the possibility of obtaining further information through precise texture analysis is discussed with the aid of a specific example.

DOE Information Bridge

The Elementary Particle Masses - Space Math @ NASA

Bottom Quark. 4.2 GeV. Found. Tauon. 1.8 GeV. Found. Charm Quark ... Problem 2 - A proton consists of two Up Quarks and one Down Quark held tightly together ...

NASA Website

Strangeness, charm, and beauty: Mesons with one heavy quark

I review the properties of mesons with one heavy quark. I start by examining the predicted masses and widths in the context of the quark model and heavy quark effective theory. Some recent experimental results are described and I conclude with comments on potentially interesting future experimental studies.

Energy Citations Database

Resonances of Quarks, Leptons, and Gauge Bosons.

Properties of resonances of quarks, leptons and gauge bosons are studied. An effective coupling of resonances to a quark or lepton is likely chiral as implied by the smallness of quark and lepton masses. A special emphasis is laid on angular distributions...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Flavor mixing and quark decay

A brief historical review of the development of the mixing among quarks is given, i.e. the quark states contributing to the weak currents are mixtures of the quark mass eigenstates of strong interactions. The mixing matrix is discussed. Non-leptonic decays of the D meson are covered. (GHT)

DOE Information Bridge

Flavor Mixing and Quark Decay.

A brief historical review of the development of the mixing among quarks is given, i.e. the quark states contributing to the weak currents are mixtures of the quark mass eigenstates of strong interactions. The mixing matrix is discussed. Non-leptonic decay...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Applications of gauge-fixed correlation functions of quarks and gluons.

Two uses of fixed gauge correlation functions involving quarks and gluons -- as probes of effective quark and gluon parameters and their gauge dependence and as constraints for matching coefficients -- are examined. Effective quark and gluon masses are fo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

################ Revised Version

study the phase diagram of dense, locally neutral three- avor quark matter as a function of the strange study the phase diagram of dense neutral three- avor quark matter as a function of the strange quark to see how the phase structure of neutral three- avor quark matter changes with the mass ...

E-print Network

Charged particle ratio fluctuation as a signal for quark-gluon plasma

In this Letter we argue that the event-by-event fluctuations of the ratio of the positively charged and the negatively charged pions provide a signal for a quark-gluon plasma. The fact that quarks carry fractional charges is ultimately responsible for this distinct signal. PMID:10970466


Scheme-Independent Predictions in QCD: Commensurate Scale Relations and Physical Renormalization Schemes

Commensurate scale relations are perturbative QCD predictions which relate observable to observable at fixed relative scale, such as the ''generalized Crewther relation'', which connects the Bjorken and Gross-Llewellyn Smith deep inelastic scattering sum rules to measurements of the e{sup +}e{sup {minus}} annihilation cross section. All non-conformal effects are ...

DOE Information Bridge

QCD correction factors for K sup 0 minus K sup 0 mixing for large top quark mass

The author modifies the calculation of the QCD correction factors in the {delta}S = 2 effective Lagrangian for K{sup 0} {minus} {bar K}{sup 0} mixing to allow top quark masses in the range 50 GeV to 200 GeV. The author gives constraints on the top mass and Kobayashi-Maskawa phase, determined from the measured K{sup 0} {minus} {bar ...

Energy Citations Database

New estimate of quark mass parameters

An estimate of quark mass parameters suitable for the study of chiral-symmetry-breaking effects is made using exact Goldberger-Treiman relations for the Goldstone bosons which appear in the Weinberg-Salam theory when the gauge coupling is set to zero. The numbers obtained are m/sub u/=13.7 +- 5.9 MeV, m/sub d/=24.7 +- 12.9 MeV, and m/sub s/=497 +- 299 MeV. ...

Energy Citations Database

K* vector and tensor couplings from Nf=2 twisted mass QCD

The mass mK* and vector coupling fK* of the K* meson, as well as the ratio of the tensor to vector couplings (fT)/(fV)|K*, are computed in lattice QCD. Our simulations are performed in a partially quenched setup, with two dynamical (sea) Wilson quark flavors, having a maximally twisted mass term. Valence ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Systematics of heavy quark production at RHIC

We discuss a program for systematic studies of heavy quark production in pp, pA and AA interactions. The Q{ovr Q} production cross sections themselves cannot be accurately predicted to better than 50% at RHIC. For studies of deviations in Q{ovr Q} production such as those by nuclear shadowing and heavy quark energy loss, the pp cross-section thus needs to ...

DOE Information Bridge

Search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs produced in association with b-quarks at s**(1/2)=1.96 TeV

We report results from a search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs produced in association with a b-quark in 1.6 fb{sup -1} of data taken from June 2006 to March 2008 with the D0 detector at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The final state includes a muon, hadronically decaying tau, and jet identified as coming from a b-quark. We set ...

Energy Citations Database

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Measurement of the top quark-antitop quark differential cross section, dsigma/dM(tt), in proton-antiproton collisions at center of mass energy = 1.96 TEV

I present a measurement of the t&tmacr; differential cross section, dsigma/dMt&tmacr;, in p&pmacr; collisions at s = 1.96 TeV using 2.7 fb-1 of CDF II data. I find that dsigma/dMt&tmacr; is consistent with the Standard Model expectation, as modeled by PYTHIA with CTEQ5L parton distribution functions. I set limits on the ratio kappa/M Pl in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Measurement of the average lifetime of hadrons containing bottom quarks

This thesis reports a measurement of the average lifetime of hadrons containing bottom quark. It is based on data taken with the DELCO detector at the PEP e/sup +/e/sup -/ storage ring at a center of mass energy of 29 GeV. The decays of hadrons containing bottom quarks are tagged in hadronic events by the presence of electrons with a ...

Energy Citations Database

Limits on Strange Quark Matter Production

The E814 collaboration searched for strange quark matter created in collisions between 14.6 GeV/c per nucleon ^{28}Si ions and a copper target. The experiment, performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Alternating Gradient Synchrotron facility, examined the heavy ion interaction products with a magnetic spectrometer that included drift chambers, a scintillator hodoscope ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Light tip quark and light charged Higgs revisited

In this paper a model with two Higgs doublets is presented where a discrete symmetry is imposed so that the flavor-changing neutral currents in the down-quark sector are naturally suppressed and obey a hierarchy determined by the hierarchy of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements. The fermion couplings to charged-Higgs bosons are different from those in models with natural ...

Energy Citations Database

Flavor tagging with muons at SLAC

Identification of muons in hadronic events from e/sup +/e/sup -/ annihilation observed in the MAC detector at PEP at ..sqrt..s = 29 GeV provides flavor tagging of heavy quark mesons. A sample enriched in events from bb-bar production is obtained and the b quark fragmentation function is determined. The b quark is found to fragment ...

Energy Citations Database

Classical strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma. VII. Energy loss

We use linear response analysis and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to derive the energy loss of a heavy quark in the SU(2) classical Coulomb plasma in terms of the l=1 monopole and nonstatic structure factor. The result is valid for all Coulomb couplings ?=V/K, the ratio of the mean potential to kinetic energy. We use the Liouville equation in the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

An approach to the study of heavy quarks in e + e ? collisions

The production of b- and t-quarks in e + e ? collisions may be appropriately investigated from the observation of like-sign dileptons. We estimate the branching ratios and the average lepton energies in semileptonic decays of heavy particles, taking into account both cascade decays and the mass-mixing of neutral mesons. They are found ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mass breaking in a relativistic quark model for mesons

We study symmetry breaking via quark mass differences in a relativistic quark model where mesons are built from heavy (m>3 GeV) spin 1/2 quarks and antiquarks. The meson (squared-)mass differences are linearly related to the number of strange, charmed, etc. quarks in the ...

Energy Citations Database

Quark-antiquark potential to order 1/m and heavy quark masses

An updated heavy quark-antiquark potential is constructed by matching the short-distance perturbative part to long-distance lattice QCD results at an intermediate r scale. The static potential and the order 1/m potential are both analyzed in this way. Effects of order 1/m in charmonium and bottomonium spectra are discussed in comparison. Charm and bottom ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Improved density-dependent quark mass model with quark-{sigma} meson and quark-{omega} meson couplings

We present an improved quark mass density-dependent model with the nonlinear scalar sigma field and the {omega}-meson field. By comparing with the quark-meson coupling model, we show that our model can successfully describe saturation properties, the equation of state, the compressibility and the effective nuclear ...

Energy Citations Database

Hadron spectrum in QCD at 6/ g sup 2 =5. 6

We have carried out a simulation of QCD using the hybrid-molecular-dynamics algorithm with two flavors of staggered quarks. The spectrum was calculated for 6/{ital g}{sup 2}=5.6 and dynamical quark masses {ital am}{sub {ital q}}=0.025 and 0.01. Lattice sizes of 12{sup 4}, 12{sup 3}{times}24, and 16{sup 4} were used to generate the ...

Energy Citations Database

Ambiguities in the Up-Quark Mass Michael Creutz

quark masses raises the question of how to define the quark mass. Because of confinement to occur at the origin removes any additive nonperturbative ambiguity in defining the renor- malized massAmbiguities in the Up-Quark Mass Michael Creutz Physics ...

E-print Network

Cfl-Quark Star in the Density-Dependent Quark Mass Model

The static spherically symmetric quark star structure is calculated by using an equation of state which takes into account the superconducting Color-Flavor Locked (CFL) phase of the strange quark matter. Some fundamental aspects of QCD (asymptotic freedom and confinement) are considered by using the phenomenological density-dependent ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Strange quark stars within the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

We investigate the properties of charge-neutral {beta}-equilibrium cold quark matter within the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The calculations are carried out for different ratios of coupling constants characterizing the vector and scalar 4-fermion interaction {xi}(equivalent to)G{sub V}/G{sub S}. It is shown that for {xi}<0.4 matter is self-bound and ...

Energy Citations Database

Production thresholds for quark and for diquark pairs in ee� annihilation as tests of charm, then color, excitation

We have pointed out earlier that the decrease at high energies in the ratio of charged-particle energy to total energy in ee� annihilation into hadrons and the rise in R in the 4-GeV region suggest first charm, then color, excitation. We present here an analysis of the pair-production thresholds for quarks (responsible for ?e events) and for diquarks ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Production thresholds for quark and for diquark pairs in ee-bar annihilation as tests of charm, then color, excitation

We have pointed out earlier that the decrease at high energies in the ratio of charged-particle energy to total energy in ee-bar annihilation into hadrons and the rise in R in the 4-GeV region suggest first charm, then color, excitation. We present here an analysis of the pair-production thresholds for quarks (responsible for events) and for ...

Energy Citations Database

Top quark mass measurements

The top quark, with its extraordinarily large mass (nearly that of a gold atom), plays a significant role in the phenomenology of EWSB in the Standard Model. In particular, the top quark mass when combined with the W mass constrains the mass of the as yet unobserved Higgs ...

Energy Citations Database


We report RBC and RBC/UKQCD lattice QCD numerical calculations of nucleon electroweak matrix elements with dynamical domain-wall fermions (DWF) quarks. The first, RBC, set of dynamical DWF ensembles employs two degenerate flavors of DWF quarks and the DBW2 gauge action. Three sea quark mass values of 0.04, 0.03 and ...

DOE Information Bridge

Geometrical basis for the Standard Model

The robust character of the Standard Model is confirmed. Examination of its geometrical basis in three equivalent internal symmetry spaces - the unitary plane C[sup 2], the quaternion space Q, and the real space R[sup 4] - as well as the real space R[sup 3] uncovers mathematical properties that predict the physical properties of leptons and quarks. The finite rotational ...

Energy Citations Database

Search for leptoquarks and 4th generation quarks at CDF

At Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron, the CDF experiment provides good sensitivity for either discovery or setting limits on 1st and 2nd generation scalar, or 3rd generation vector, leptoquark pair-production, where each leptoquark decays to a charged lepton and a quark with variable branching ratio {beta}, or decays to a neutrino and ...

Energy Citations Database

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